Starting with A Divorce

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 536

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 536

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 536

Starting with A Divorce Chapter 536

Chapter 536 Replace

When Georgia heard this, she only smiled gently. She looked at Ainsley sincerely and replied, ’You are the daughter of a rich family. Since you were a child, you have lived a luxurious life. You have never been hungry, have you? If I become you, I can feed myself. I will have the strength to help my family. Why shouldn’t I do it? Some people try their best to get what you have. You are not me. You never know that when I return home, my brothers and sisters will look at you pleadingly. My old parents will open their hands and wait for my help. I’m fine now. I just lost my appearance and voice, but this can let me see a world I have never seen before. It is enough for me to have everything.”

She paused and continued, ’Speaking of which, I am really grateful to you. It is my luck to be able to look like you. Ms. Easton, thank you.’

Ainsley was stunned. She thought that Georgia said these words just to provoke her as Irene ordered, but she felt that things were not as simple as she thought.

Georgia was sincere. It seemed that she really liked her face.

“So, why did you bring her here? Do you want to get close to Manuel?” Ainsley looked at Irene solemnly.

Irene shook her head. “I took the risk of bringing her here. Do you think I just want to take her to see you? Of course, I want to replace you.”

Ainsley looked at Irene vigilantly. “You are definitely not so kind to save me. Tell me. What do you want?”

“Ainsley, now that things have come to this, you’d better be sensible and leave with me. Otherwise, I will take you away even if I have to knock you out. Besides, I thought you hated Manuel very much. Now that there is a chance to leave, you have no reason to refuse,” Irene sneered.

“What if I say no?” Ainsley shook her head.

Irene looked at Ainsley, shocked. “No? What right do you have to say no to me? Ainsley, you were kidnapped by Daniel here. Are you really willing to be locked up here all the time? Don’t you want to go out?”

Ainsley sneered, “Do you really think I have no way out if I want to? I know what you are thinking. Take me out and leave her here to replace me. What do you want?’

Irene didn’t answer it. “I think you are smart. I don’t need to say it clearly. Ainsley, you definitely know what I want to do. However, it does not matter if you know it or not. Are you worried that I will harm Daniel?”

“What does his life have to do with me? But leaving with you is no different from walking into another trap.”

“You don’t dare to try?’ Irene provoked Ainsley and wanted her to leave the villa immediately.

“If you really want her to replace me, you can take me away directly. Why do you have to say so much nonsense?” Ainsley smiled.

Irene shook her head. She did not need to ask Ainsley about this at all. The reason why she said this was to know what Ainsley was thinking.

Georgia glanced at Irene. Irene immediately understood and looked down at her watch. It was almost time.

Irene had no time left. She nodded heavily at Georgia.

Another man appeared behind her. The man slowly approached Ainsley. This aroused Ainsley’s vigilance. “You decided to make a move, huh?” novelbin

“Ainsley, didn’t you see everything? My plan has already been set. There is no reason to end it halfway,” Irene said coldly.

The man walked behind Ainsley and hit her head hard. Ainsley fainted.

The man carried Ainsley and followed Irene out of the room. Before leaving, she glanced at Georgia.

The car drove past quickly and stopped outside the old apartment building. When Ainsley woke up, she found herself there.

When Irene stood in front of her and was about to hit her, the phone rang. It was Daniel.

After answering the phone, Irene gave the man a look. The man immediately understood and made Ainsley faint again.

After two or three times, after Daniel completely left Seattle and she made sure that Aaden would not find out about it, Irene appeared again.

And it was also the first time they talked so much.

“How does it feel to be dizzy?’ Irene asked with a smile.

Ainsley shook her head.

“You’ve made me faint over and over again these past two days. I don’t feel good.”

“You’ve finally walked into my trap. Are you afraid?” Irene pinched her chin and exerted some force.

Ainsley was forced to look up at Irene. She looked at the madness in Irene’s eyes, lost in thought for a moment, and then said lightly, “Why should I be afraid of you? You have killed so many people, and you are not afraid. Why should I? The one who should be afraid is you. If Daniel knew that you planned all this, do you think he would let you go?”

Irene slapped her hard. “You don’t need to worry about me! You should pray for yourself. Aren’t you afraid that I will really kill you?”

“There is nothing to be afraid of. You have done this more than once. Killing me has become your obsession. Anyway, I don’t want to live.”

Ainsley’s hands, which were tied to the back of the chair, slowly approached. Her left hand covered her right wrist, and she touched the watch that Manuel gave her. She pressed it down fiercely.

The conversation continued. Her words just now made Irene laugh proudly. “Well, you should have died three years ago. If you die, I will truly be at peace.”

Ainsley looked at Irene tentatively and asked as if she had plucked up the courage, “Was my father’s accident also caused by you?”

Irene did not expect that she would ask this. However, since things were exposed, she didn’t hide them. “It doesn’t matter if I tell you. Anyway, you are going to see your dad in hell soon. I will send you to reunite. You should thank me. You guessed right. It was me. Do you know how much effort I made to bribe the truck driver? But I never expected that Manuel would actually save you. Otherwise, you would be like your father three years ago.”

When she said this, her expression did not change too much, as if she was talking about a very common thing. Her cold-blooded ruthlessness had long surpassed human nature.

“What about Lainey? Did you harm her in order to retaliate against me?”

In order to buy time, she could only think of all kinds of questions that could make Irene answer.

Irene replied, “No, I have disliked her for a long time. I was the one who came up with the idea. If you want to blame someone, blame her for being unable to control her heart and falling in love with someone she should not love.”

Ainsley was puzzled. “Who?”

Irene patted her face and said proudly, “Don’t you know? That person should have died a long time ago. He was supposed to die, but he actually fell in love with a woman. He was the one who pulled Lainey into hell, and he was forced.”

You mean Roman?” Ainsley asked doubtfully.


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