Stealing Spree

Chapter 1555 Ichihara-San's Troubles

Chapter 1555 Ichihara-San's Troubles

“I apologize, sensei. I have no idea that she enrolled in your course.”

Several minutes later, we’re now inside Ichihara-san’s car. While she hadn’t started driving yet, the engine was already turned on.

Earlier, when she and Marika met at the entrance of the boxing gym, the latter cautiously asked her. Most likely, the ringlet girl thought Ichihara-san was there for her. She’s wary, for sure. But considering Ichihara-san had no idea about her enrollment in my Basics of Boxing Course, she’s probably keeping it a secret. Or at least, only her escorts know about it.

“It’s fine. You don’t have to apologize, Ichihara-san. I don’t find her troublesome at all.”

“Really? Have you gotten closer to her? I remember. She’s with your...”

Right. She’s aware of my relationship with Sena. So, seeing Marika with the girl most likely filled her mind with ideas as to what has happened.

“Closer. Maybe, yes. But only to her and not to the guy engaged to her.”

“I see... That’s a relief then.”

“Hmm? Will there be a problem if I have also gotten closer to Ichihara Jun?”

“I hate to say this but I don’t find him pleasant at all. He’s too obnoxiously spoiled. As much as possible, I avoid getting in contact with him... Oh. Please keep this a secret, sensei.”

Hearing all those along with her sigh of relief, I couldn’t help but consider that as the woman unloading her stored grievance against Ichihara Jun.

“Ichihara-san, I know you’re not airheaded enough to blurt that out to me without proper thought. You’re aware of it. Or rather, you have a hunch that I also don’t like him.”

It’s not really a secret, anyway. In our last talk, before I accepted her offer, I told her about Ichihara Jun.

“... You got me there, sensei. I just... It’s hard for me to air out my grievances. Being the daughter-in-law of that family, I have to keep my complaints to myself.”

“I see... It must be hard.” josei

Or so I would’ve normally ended my response at that. However, I could somehow sense there was something more to it. And as someone who trusted his guts regularly, I leaned close to Ichihara-san, just enough to apply some sort of pressure to her before continuing,

“...However, Ichihara-san, may I know the real reason? I may be young in your eyes. Younger than that nephew of yours. But even if you trust me enough to hire me for Koharu-chan, I’m finding it hard to believe that it will be enough for you to see me trustworthy enough to keep quiet about the grievances you have about the family you already belong to.”


“Is this some sort of test or... there’s another reason entirely?”

Seeing that she immediately pursed her lips as though she was preventing herself from talking or replying to me, I pushed even closer while adding that. For sure, she wouldn’t be able to dismiss that as it’s a clear suspicion on my part.

With my eyes observing her closely, I noticed her grip on the steering wheel tightening. The same as last time when she explained how Marika found out about me being an instructor at the gym, her body started shaking a little.

Whether it was out of fear or nervousness, I had no idea. Unfortunately, to get to the bottom of this, I couldn’t back down yet.

Even if it would risk me getting kicked out by her and canceling the offer she made with me, I gently placed my hand over hers, partly to hint at her that I’m on her side and partly to show her how bold I can be.

Little by little, her shaking gradually stopped, and her head that was hanging low raised again to face me..

Ichihara-san’s clear eyes then locked with mine as she tried to recompose herself.

Following that, she opened her mouth with a newfound determination occupying her face.

Somehow, I could already sense what she was about to say... She’s going to affirm my trust, right?

“Onoda-sensei... You’re correct. I... I’m testing you. However, it’s not because I don’t see you as trustworthy enough.”

“Then why?”

“Will you believe me if I tell you that I’m afraid of that family?”

Afraid, huh? Are they monsters in disguise? What about her husband then?

“I don’t know. And I don’t know them well enough to judge. Besides, Ichihara-san, I’m an outsider. Don’t you think you’re putting so much on my shoulder just by revealing your thoughts on me?”

“... Y-yes. You’re right. I’m probably doing that. However, Onoda-sensei, I have this feeling that if it’s you, you won’t be easily intimidated.”

“Why do you think so? I’m still young, not even strong enough to stand on my two feet. I’m also still relying on my parents to get me through this phase in my life. I think you’re overestimating my abilities.”

“You stood up against Jun by yourself. That alone is... commendable.”

Ah. I see. So, she already had these thoughts ever since that day. Although her offer for me to become her daughter’s personal trainer came up from my stellar result as the Instructor of that course, this seemingly hopeful trust in me was born upon seeing me unfaltering even against the likes of Ichihara Jun and Marika.

Now this makes me wonder how her life is inside the Ichihara compound.

“Alright. I think we better stop at this, Ichihara-san.” Retracting my hand back and returning to my previous position, I said that in a way that shows my resignation to what she was hoping for me.

It doesn’t matter to me if this job is canceled. I can’t be stupid enough to become her beacon of light out of the meager accomplishment of standing up against Ichihara Jun.

Besides, Ichihara-san sounded a little too desperate to have someone by her side that’s not related to the Ichihara. Most likely, I would become the outlet to lighten the load of her mind.

That’s like becoming a tool for her. What’s in it for me, right? I’m busy enough to care for my girls. I can’t afford to be used by her like this.

“Eh? Onoda-sensei...” Sensing my intention to opt out of this, Ichihara-san hurriedly turned to me as panic started to set in her eyes.

“I mean it, Ichihara-san. I believe you’re asking too much of me. I’m simply a Boxing Instructor. I don’t think we should mix personal issues here. I’m willing to listen but that’s all.”

“... I... I apologize. I sounded foolish there. Now that you mention it, you’re right. I shouldn’t have tried to mix in my personal issues here. I must’ve looked desperate.” Ichihara-san drooped her shoulders as she released a rather depressing sigh.

Even if I am bound to clash against the Ichihara Family, I don’t think it’s wise for me to shoulder this woman’s trouble.

We could reach a compromise. Just that, I wouldn’t actively act for her benefit.

“It’s fine. I’m not that numb and coldhearted. I can somehow see where you’re coming from but it’s just not really something you should ask a stranger or rather, an acquaintance to help.”

Ichihara-san's response to that was a simple hum that was agreeing with my words. She seemed to have lost her will to talk or she was too ashamed to do so. Either way, I guess I should end this here.

“If you’re still up for it, I can still be Koharu-chan’s personal trainer. However, if it will be awkward for you then I’m also fine with not going through with it at all.”

Not long after I said that, Ichihara-san looked at me again, the light in her eyes turned into someone pleading.

“No. Onoda-sensei, please don’t cancel it. I won’t try and do the same thing anymore. Let me, at least, fulfill my promise to my daughter.”

Though she still looked as beautiful as before, the look of despair on her face wasn’t really something pleasant to see. Had I kept quiet and let her release all of her frustrations from that family, she’d probably be smiling pleasantly at this moment.

Alas, my mind wouldn’t change easily.

“Okay. Sure. I’ll also feel bad if Koharu-chan becomes sad. Please lead the way, Ichihara-san.”

“Thank you, Onoda-sensei. I’m indebted to you.”

“Don’t feel that way, Ichihara-san. You’re going to pay me for my services anyway.” I shrugged and put on a smile.

Seeing that, Ichihara-san did the same, albeit a little forced. In any case, that’s enough to sweep away the depressing air in her car.

A while later, she started driving towards the Ichihara’s compound.

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