Stealing Spree

Chapter 299

Chapter 299: Do you want my help, senpai?

Chapter 299: Do you want my help, senpai?

With her period coming soon, Nami told us that she would be irrational at times and it would last until her period ended.

At least it's not as bad as Akane's. Haruko's period will be a week from now and I already know how to deal with her during that time of the month.

After sitting and calming Nami down, I repeated my promise to her of picking her up later. We'll also have to talk about that quirk of hers later. If it flared up at an inopportune time, we'll have trouble.

Ogawa, no matter whether how thick or dense his skull is, surely picked up something earlier when Nami seemingly forgot about him and focused on showing off to Haruko.

Well, I'm sure he already picked up more than just what he saw earlier. He just couldn't live to the reality of that. That's why he kept on clinging to the fantasy that nothing's going on between Nami and me.

With Haruko assuring me that she'll take care of Nami, I excused myself from the two and made my way down to where my Mentor is.

Before that though, Nami asked for another kiss and with Haruko watching, I also gave her one which made the latter secretly overjoyed.

Haruko seldom asks me for anything nowadays. That's why whenever I'm with her, I'm making sure she'll be more than satisfied with our time.



As I descended the flight of stairs to reach the first floor, I instantly saw Ogawa waiting next to the stairs. His arms were crossed and he seemed to be staring upwards since earlier.

When I entered his vision, he stopped leaning on the wall and stood just a few steps from the stairs, like a goon waiting for his victim.

If he thought he looked threatening this way, he got it completely wrong. Perhaps to some, he is in a way. However, to me, he's like a cat standing up in its two legs and meowing angrily. It's annoying but not threatening at all.

"Did Izumi-senpai tell you to wait for me?"


This guy… At least mask your cold tone. It already feels like you're shouting 'I'm angry!'.

I narrowed my eyes and slowly nodded. Of course, I need to act the part again. It will end soon anyway.

"I see. Then let's go, we've already kept Izumi-senpai and Arisa-senpai waiting for long."

I stepped forward and walked past him but his cold voice once again rang.

"Let's have a talk, Onoda."

"What kind of talk? Is it because of that?" I acted ignorantly, hinting at him to what happened earlier.

"That and about your act with her."

He's still conveniently using that point, huh? Act. Although some of the words coming out of our mouths when faced with the others were part of the act we cooked to hide their relationship, a great part of it was us not acting but what we think of each other.

When this guy finally learned everything, I'm anticipating what kind of scene he will make? Will he beg Nami to say that we're lying? Will he cry and kneel on the ground for me to tell him that I did not do anything to Nami?

Considering his attitude now, he might just flip out and attack me.

"Alright. Let's keep it short, okay? I feel bad for the seniors waiting for us. Ah by the way, how are you and Izumi-senpai?"

"There's nothing going on between us." Ogawa denied it quickly as if it's something insignificant. josei

Poor Izumi-senpai. After all her efforts, it's like this guy's wearing thick armor that even if Izumi-senpai shoots it with an RPG, there won't be a scratch.

Ogawa being truly devoted to Nami could be said as admirable. Unfortunately, I cast my sight on her. And through that, I worked my way to steal her and in the end, we fell in love with each other.

From an outsiders' perspective, it's unfaithful of Nami. However, I'll take the blame for her. All of her efforts to make this guy confess to her were all used by me to set me up the pedestal and ultimately take her for myself.

That's also what happened to Satsuki and Kana after all. All the girls who I refused to use some really despicable means to force them to become mine, they would all be seen as unfaithful to their exes if the details about how they became mine were revealed for everyone to see.

"Tell me, Onoda. Is the reason really like that? She presented you to her mentor as her boyfriend." Ogawa continued when he saw me not pursuing the question about Izumi-senpai.

"Are you suspecting us again?"

"I am."

"I see. Feel free to suspect us then. That means I really don't need to explain anything. You already generated the entire scenario inside your mind. You're coming to me because you can't take it upon yourself to ask Nami, right?"

"… That's not—"

"Don't deny it. Just from the tone of your voice, it says it all." I cut him off, shrugged and left him behind, frozen still from where he was standing.

There's no point for me to confuse him any more. Giving him a hit in the head using a few sentences was enough.

He had a lot of chances to ask Nami but according to her, Ogawa was acting normally whenever he's in front of her. That's after I confused him during Satsuki's Practice Game.

It's like he took my words seriously about him not looking at Nami's reaction. So instead of making her uncomfortable, he's now venting his frustration and all her suspicion on me. In his head, he's probably hoping that I'm tricking Nami, that way she will hate me soon.

But the reality was a lot different than his fantasy and I don't have any intention to entertain that script he's writing for his convenience.

When I opened the door to the abandoned clubroom, Izumi-senpai was sitting on the same chair she sat on last week with Arisa-senpai seemingly consoling her.

When they heard the door opening, Izumi-senpai's eyes lit up as if she's expecting Ogawa to appear. Unfortunately, much to her dismay, there's only me.

I don't know if that guy will follow after what I told him. But given his personality of Mr. Nice Guy slash Harem Protagonist, he will show up in a while.

"Disappointed, senpai? I'm sorry I'm not Ogawa." I teased as my feet led me to my corner.

Upon hearing that, instead of Izumi-senpai, Arisa-senpai took on an angry expression like a mother trying to defend her child. "Onoda-kun, if you don't have anything good to say, shut up, okay?"

I raised both of my hands to my side, surrendering to that.

Well, I last saw Arisa-senpai last Thursday where she ran away after I teased her. Seeing her again, I admit, I missed her.

"Where is he? Didn't he run after you and Nanami?"

"He did. He's just outside, near the stairs. I don't know what he's doing there."

Upon hearing my answer, Arisa-senpai went out of the door, "Accompany Izumi, I'll go and bring Kazuo here."

Seeing her running back, that girl is truly a great friend.

Then here's the delinquent who appeared to be losing all hope at wooing Ogawa to her.

"Senpai, why are you downcast? Did he reject you again?"

"…Shut up, Onoda-kun. If you have time to ask me, help me Arisa look for Kazuo."

"You heard her, she just asked me to look after you. Who do I need to obey?"

"Then shut up there and wait."

Well, this conversation is counter-productive.

Instead of asking her, I used my eyes to observe Izumi-senpai. Unlike before, her uniform was surprisingly well-kept. The buttons all buttoned up and her skirt was now lower than before. Her hair was done as well. Although it's still dyed blue, it looks like she trimmed it. The amount of make-up on her face somewhat lessened but that lips of hers were as red as a cherry from her lipstick.

Huh? Why is she wearing lipstick now?

Is she resorting to thoroughly seducing him now? Is she thinking that if she changes her image, Ogawa will finally look in her direction?

"Senpai, you look beautiful today but I guess Ogawa hadn't noticed that."

"You! I told you to shut up! Face that wall. Don't look at me!"

As expected. She flared up and I probably hit the bullseye. That guy… Perhaps in the process of seducing him, he suddenly ran out after seeing us.

"Alright, alright. But senpai, is it worth it doing all this effort? You know he's only looking at one person. Even if Nami is already mine, he's still chasing after her."

"I know that, you don't need to rub salt in my wound, do you? Besides, how many times will I tell you to shut up?"

"Maybe three more times."

I expected that she would be more consumed with her annoyance at me but what came next was a long sigh before silence once again ensued in the room.

"I thought you're tenacious, why are you giving up already?"

"You're not Kazuo, idiot."

"Ah. Right, that's the point. Do you want me to help you, senpai?" I smirked and stood up from where I was standing.

Narrowing the distance between us, I noticed Izumi-senpai's ears perked up with what I said.

"You? Help me? How?"

This sudden interest… I guess she's really out of options now.

"Hmm…I don't know, I don't have any idea what's going on between you two after all. But if it can alleviate that mood of yours, then I'll be glad to help."

Let's see. What kind of help will I provide her? Pushing her to be with Ogawa will just put a bad taste in my mouth.

I don't know. I feel like I don't want to see that guy being happy anymore.

He interrupted my time with Nami. This might sound petty of me but I hate being interrupted like that.

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