Stealing Spree

Chapter 476

Chapter 476: Shrine Visit

Chapter 476: Shrine Visit

When Itou returned from the bathroom, the girl looked like she removed a heavy burden on her shoulders. Even if she noticed that Himeko was now sitting next to me with her whole body leaning onto mine, she didn’t comment on it.

After telling her our next plan, Itou also had a bit of a reaction when I told her about us taking the bus.

Ah. Not just a bit. The girl broke out in sweat on her seat. She then forced out a smile, making herself look courageous enough to mask the fact that she’s had her qualms about riding a bus. She’s forcing herself to not worry her beloved sister and to continue tagging along with our date.

Itou inhaled deeply to gather courage. She made it look like she’s not troubled but it was already too obvious from her immediate reaction.

Nonetheless, I didn’t point that out and just went along with her act. It’s understandable for both of them to have apprehension in taking a public transport



After paying for our meal the three of us left the hot pot restaurant with Himeko sticking close to me unlike earlier wherein we’re all walking side by side or rather, I was slightly ahead to guide them.

Himeko would sometimes glance at her sister and upon seeing Itou was not that against our closeness anymore, she would break out into an elated smile.

Itou, on the other hand, would look at her sister when HImeko was not looking. She would also try her best not to look at me. However, that was something she always failed to accomplish.

I would always catch her staring at me which she would immediately take back as soon as our gazes met.

If that was still her hate for me, I didn’t have any solution to it anymore.

Perhaps in her mind, she still wanted to stop me from being this close to her sister. But she already expressed her gratitude to me earlier and she didn’t want to worry her beloved sister again. And that resulted in this situation where I would sometimes feel her gaze trained on me.

Should I just ignore it or…?

Well, there’s no harm done so I guess it’s better to just ignore it.

As we were about to go back down the flight of stairs which we ascended to arrive here, Itou stopped in her tracks and suggested something. “Uhm… Nee-sama, since we’re already here, why don’t we visit the shrine?”

After saying that, she looked back in the direction of the shrine, or specifically the Torii Gate not far from the hot pot restaurant.

Himeko followed her gaze. “It’s not a day for visiting, Ya-chan.”

“But there’s no rule that it’s forbidden to come. We hadn’t come together during the New Years. You stayed at home. Can we…”

“I’ll go!” Even before Itou finished her sentence, Himeko had already answered. She then turned to me with an apologetic expression. “Uhm… can we visit the shrine, Ruki?”

“Upon hearing that reason, there’s no way I will insist on going to the theater. Let’s go.” josei

I also thought of including the visit to the shrine on our date but decided against it when I found out that it wouldn’t be a visiting day today.

Ah. Wait.

Looks like I missed something. Because it’s not a visiting day, there won’t be too many people that we will run into…

That’s the perfect place for Himeko.

I made a blunder, huh? If not for Itou suggesting it, we’re about to miss this chance.

The movie could wait. And perhaps, our date would end after that. Insufficient time was limiting what else we could do.



After deciding on the shrine visit, we changed our directions and began walking towards it.

Himeko and Itou were now walking a few steps ahead of me as the two sisters had their arms linked together.

Now it felt like I was the third wheel as I watched the two interact with each other.

After passing the Torii gate, we ascended the stairs to the shrine and stopped for a while to purify ourselves at the Chozuya. The basin was still filled with clear spring water and the ladles were properly placed at the side

Even though I’m not that religious and I only come to the shrine every New Years, it’s only proper to observe etiquette while visiting it.

After that purification, we continued on our way to the top of the hill where the shrine is located.

As expected, apart from the priests tending the shrine, there were only a few other people visiting the shrine today. And most of them were here to wish good fortune from the shrine.

When the priests saw us, they smiled and bowed to us which we returned as a proper greeting before lining up to the shrine building.

This time I was already standing next to Himeko.

While waiting for our turn, the girl moved her head to get our attention. “Ya-chan, Ruki. Let’s all pray at the same time.”

Itou looked like she was about to reject her suggestion but gulped it down before voicing her agreement.

And naturally, I didn’t see anything wrong with that suggestion.

When we reached the front of the short line, the three of us lined up.

Since we needed coins to offer to the god enshrined in this temple, I picked one from the change I got when I paid for our meal.

However, when I was about to throw it into the offering box, I noticed the two girls looking at me with troubled faces.

Looking at their empty hands, I instantly understood why even Itou was looking at me with that kind of expression.

Rich girls don’t bring coins, huh?

Well, they didn’t need to commute and they’re probably buying things that only involved paper bills.

Now I wonder if they never bring coins for cases like this.

I smiled and handed the coin in my hand to Himeko before smirking towards Itou. “Do you also need one?”

Although I was acting petty again, I just couldn’t help but take this chance to tease the girl.

But contrary to my expectation, Itou gently nodded her head while hiding the fact that she’s currently embarrassed.

That’s right. She’s the one who suggested visiting the shrine but it probably flew above her head that we needed a coin to offer for our prayer.

Himeko, who noticed my attempt to tease her sister, silently protested by grabbing my arm and narrowing her gaze.

Due to that, I wryly smiled and pulled my coin purse out to give Itou a coin.

When I handed it to her, the girl’s eyes brightened and slightly bowed her head to me in gratitude.

Well, if she will always be like this then it’s great. But I expect her to go back to the same Itou later.

After throwing the coins to the offering box, we took our turns shaking the bell before uttering our prayers silently while doing the necessary motions for proper prayer. Bowing twice, clapping twice, saying our prayers and bowing once afterward.

I didn’t think twice about what to ask for my prayer, it’s to continue being with all of my girls and to boost my determination on accomplishing what I planned.

When I’m done, the two sisters were still uttering their prayers. Itou was doing it in silence but Himeko whispered hers but in a volume loud enough for me to hear.

“I only have one prayer at the moment. For the man I love to get along well with my beloved sister…”

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