Stealing Spree

Chapter 483

Chapter 483: After the Movie

Chapter 483: After the Movie

It took around 15 minutes before Itou woke up from her sleep. And within that time, Himeko and I continued talking.

Naturally, she noticed how I had that kind of reaction when she told me that she might be promised to someone if her standing in her father’s eyes didn’t change.

The Itou Family might not be a noble family whose influence runs deep. However, they’re still a family that owns numerous hotel establishments and restaurants. Comparing me to that huge family… I’m a nobody.

Among the girls that I have now, there are four of them whose family’s standing is actually so high that it is supposedly impossible for me to get close to them. Otoha’s Kaneko Family, Mizuki’s Hasegawa Family, Himeko’s Itou Family and lastly Rae’s Fujii Family.

Since both were noble families and one was like a hotel magnate, I still had no idea the extent of Rae’s family. If I based it on what I saw when I sent her home… the Fujii family wasn’t that simple.

Truthfully, I already searched the internet about the Fujii family.

And… the information that I ended up digging was that the Fujii Family is filled with politicians.

Although the current mayor of this city didn’t have Fujii in his name, he’s a son-in-law of the Fujii Family.

They have many family members who had a history of being members of the National Diet. Some were elected at the House of Representatives and some were at the House of Councilors.

Their reach was around three prefectures where members of the Fujii Family could be seen as mayors or even governors.

Naturally, the information about the younger generation of that family wasn’t available on the internet so I could only guess for now that it was the same Fujii Family that she belonged to.

I have to wait for her to tell me about it. And according to her, they’re already aware of our relationship… I just wonder how much they knew…

Well, this wasn’t the time to talk about that.

When we left the theater hall, the owner was all smiles upon seeing Himeko and Itou's somewhat puffy eyes. He probably thought that the two girls liked the movie too much that they both cried. However, Itou’s puffy eyes were just a result of her not having enough sleep.

She was surprised and embarrassed when she noticed that she used my shoulder as her pillow but since Himeko and I weren’t saying anything about that, she just made an excuse about the movie boring her.

That could be true as well since she couldn’t stop her complaining about the logic used in the movie. I just didn’t know if she’s like that at every movie she watched. That could be hell if someone was watching a movie together with her.

But considering her reactions, she probably seldom watched one as she’s too focused on being the heir of their company.

“Thank you for the treat, Homu-jiisan. I enjoyed it.” Himeko bowed in gratitude towards the old man, to which he responded with a wave of his hand while laughing heartily.

As for Itou, I thought she would complain again but she just followed her sister’s example.

I guess the incident earlier where she complained about the interior of this theater house was still fresh in her mind, she didn’t want to make trouble again.

“Ojou-chan is too polite. Your suggestions are all kept in my mind. The next time you visit this humble theater house of mine, I will make sure that you will be more than satisfied.”

“Err… No, that was me overstepping my bounds. I’m just a customer.” Itou was flustered once more. This time, she hid behind me since her sister was closer to the old man.

It appears that she’s slowly getting used to my presence ever since I held her hand on that bus.

Or I was just overthinking this.

In any case, it would be heartless of me if I stepped away. Instead of that I pulled her from behind me and had her stand next to me.

It’s an honest mistake wherein her habit showed up. Moreover, the old man didn’t even take it the wrong way and he even waived the price for the ticket. The only things we paid for was the drinks and snacks

“But there’s a saying that ‘Customers are always right.’. In this case, I will be following that. Perhaps, this old theater house of mine will be a bit livelier.” The old man continued his hearty laugh before going back to the counter, he picked something from his drawer before returning to us. “Now you three, take this. It’s a token of my appreciation for young ones like you who are here to enjoy classic movies that have already aged for the new generation’s taste.”

In his hand was actually a small pin badge that was still somewhat popular today. The design was just a miniature theater house but with a brighter color unlike the current state of this theater house.

“Thank you!” Himeko and I expressed our gratitude as soon as he handed it to us.

As for Itou, although she’s still flustered, she expressed her gratitude by bowing once more while cupping the badge in her hand.

After a few more idle talks, we said goodbye to the old man and went on our way.

As we were on our way back to the bus station to return to the nearest bus stop to their hotel, Itou’s phone that was silent all this time rang.

Upon seeing the name registered on the screen, she hurriedly answered it.

“Otou-sama. Y-you called.” With a slightly terrified voice, Itou stuttered.

Noticing how she began shaking, Himeko immediately moved to her side. And upon seeing her sister supporting her, the girl stopped shaking and straightened her back as the confidence in her voice returned.

Although I somehow got the urge to also stop that trembling of hers, Himeko was the best for that job. Besides, that girl might be flustered again if I drew near her.

Following that, the conversation with their father continued.

“Yes, I am at the hotel. Why?” Itou lied straight-up without batting an eye. She’s confident that her employees wouldn’t tattle on her.

“Eh? Someone important will come?”

“And I need to prepare the best room?”

“B-but… it is currently occupied by a couple on their honeymoon. I thought there wouldn’t be any important guests this weekend.”

With a troubled face, she began explaining how hard it would be to transfer the couple out of that best room of their hotel.

However, no matter the reason she said, the somewhat authoritative voice that I could vaguely hear from her phone didn’t bend. He still wanted Itou to prepare that room for the important guest.

In the end, Itou gave up and just nodded continuously, “Yes… Yes… I will settle it. Believe in me, Otou-sama.” josei

With that, the call ended and Itou’s shoulders immediately drooped down. A few seconds later, she lifted her phone again and dialed someone. “I need a car here. Send one. I will be sending my location after this call.”

Once she’s done with that call, she turned to her sister and… to me. “Nee-sama, I need to go back to the hotel… Do you want to go back with me in the car?... Also, Onoda-kun, can I take my sister home? It will be faster using a car.”

Troubled by her question, Himeko also looked at me, waiting for my answer.

I guess if I say yes here, she will join her sister in the car.

This date can already be considered over but I still want to at least send her back.

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