Stealing Spree

Chapter 504

Chapter 504: Picking up Haruko

Chapter 504: Picking up Haruko

“I told you, you don’t have to pick me up, hubby. How was that thing you’re busy with?” Haruko muttered as we began walking out of the station.

Although she seemed upset with me that I still went to this train station to pick her up even though she told me not to when we’re on the phone earlier, Haruko’s actions were contrary to it. She’s tightly clasping my hands on hers with a wide smile on her lips.

I didn’t point that out and just let the girl do what she wanted.

“Even if you say that, do you think I will pass up on the chance to see my Haruko being bashful like this?” I pointed at her face which she immediately covered with her hand. Despite her tendency to be the icy girl who would be hard to approach, Haruko would always be like this whenever we’re going out or when I was with her. “Besides, I finished that before coming here.”

Well, the thing I was finishing was preparing the food I would cook for our lunch. I presented myself to do that. It’s been a while since I’ve been in the kitchen alone ever since Akane moved in.

For this special occasion wherein Yae and Haruko would be with us, I simply couldn’t pass up this chance to treat them with my own cooking.

Although the two already had the chance to try it when I brought them home back during our middle school days, I hadn’t cooked for them again ever since taking them back in.

I was also about to prepare a snack for the girls who would come in the afternoon after the clean-up drive but Akane and Yae reminded me of the time.

“That reason for picking me up. Do I need to be angry or happy?”

“Oh. I can choose? Then I prefer a happy Haruko to an angry one. You’re more beautiful that way after all.”

With my response complete with a somewhat sarcastic smile and a compliment, Haruko sucked up her lips and pouted. She ended up being tongue-tied and out of words to respond to it.

A minute later, I felt a pinch on my arm before Haruko warned me about something. “Hubby, I think you better watch out. Someone might suddenly pull out that tongue of yours.”

“Who will do that, I wonder?”

“Me. For example.” Haruko smirked as she used her hand to gently push my face to face her.

“I guess if it’s my Haruko, I don’t mind yielding it.” I returned a smile that made the girl’s smirk transformed into a lovable grin.

Following that when we passed by an alleyway that was somewhat deserted, she looked me in the eye and nodded.

Understanding her intention, I tightened my hold on her hand as I pulled her towards it.

This alleyway was closed off in the middle by whoever’s the owner of the building up front so it was now not used as a shortcut. It’s a perfect place to have private time.

As soon as Haruko deemed that there were no more eyes that could see us, she flung her arms to the back of my neck and pulled my head down all the while her glistening pinkish pair of lips had already parted to receive mine.

“Will you pull my tongue out?” I teasingly asked.

“Even better.”

Haruko replied with another smirk but this time, it instantly changed to a lovable smile before our lips pressed to each other.

Not wasting any time, my arms slipped from her sides and met at her back. With a slight pull, the distance between us turned to null as I felt her attractive body pressed onto mine.

“I always want to do this. Every time you would appear at the clubroom, I was restraining my urge to stand up and cling onto you.” In between our passionate kiss, Haruko confessed something that she’s keeping from me.

“You’re always considerate about them. There’s no need for you to be that considerate, you know? They’ll understand. And you already expressed it to them more than once that you’re my girl.”

For sure, this girl just wanted to keep up her image as the invincible Haruko that they got to know for the year or years that they were together. That’s how important those girls are to her.

Do I need to be jealous of them? Not really. They’re the ones who accompanied her when I was still a hopeless guy for my desire.

Besides, they’re all women. Introverted women who Haruko helped to change. I could understand why they’re all thankful and infatuated with her.

Fortunately, they’re not men. Because if that’s the case, things wouldn’t be as fluffy as today. It’s either Haruko would choose me or she would choose to stay with them. There were no ifs or buts.

Anyway, there’s no point thinking about an alternate possibility like that.

Haruko mulled over what I said. In the end, she still shook her head. “It’s not me being considerate, hubby. What I’m doing is to lessen the hate they are feeling towards you. If I showed them that I’m just like them towards you then… the confidence they built up through interacting with me will crumble. That’s how fragile they still are.”

Fragile. I guess that’s the right description. Even though they seemed to have already changed by being able to talk to other people, it was only among the five of them that they could act naturally without fear.

“Look at Hime and Mina. Ever since interacting with you, the changes that should happen when they’re still solely with me are now coming to fruition. Without you, they will just return to being an introvert once my connection with them is severed.” Haruko continued.

Listening to this now, Haruko was exactly right. Himeko got the courage to talk with her sister again and interact with Aya or the other girls in the group that she had joined because of her relationship with me. Or because of how I urged her. There’s also Mina who probably had a somewhat strained relationship with her mother. Moreover, she was also constantly being bugged by her past. Once I began interacting with her and despite her refusal at first, Mina had gradually opened up not just to me but also to her mother. And due to that, that competition became a result of their growing relationship again.

Although Haruko did a great job opening them up, she accepted the fact that she failed on going onto the next step of helping them. josei

“I understand now. Then I’ll continue to help you and those girls. At first, I was only doing that for you but… considering how I am now also in love with Himeko and Mina, I will now do it for all of you.”

Those two also wanted to help the other three. Back when Serizawa-san and Himeko were at the Book Club, Himeko actively approached me to show it to the former.

And when I was testing Mina’s tea, she arranged for the other two seniors to be there. To have the chance to interact with me.

“Un. That’s what I want to hear.”

With a satisfied smile blooming on her lips, Haruko pulled my head down once more to continue what we were doing.

As our lips pressed onto each other again, my tongue moved over to her mouth even before she asked for it. With our saliva mixing in, Haruko gently sucked on my tongue as our kiss continued to deepen. Savoring these few minutes in this deserted alleyway, we continued to do more than that when we felt the desire for each other.

Since Haruko was wearing a short skirt, it became easier for me to access what’s hidden beneath it.

While making sure that no one would be peeking on us, the two of us became passionately entwined in this deserted alleyway.

Our lips also never separated and even if they did, it was only for us to catch our breath. Moreover, both of our hips moved in a slower motion.

However, that actually ended up being more welcomed by Haruko given how tight she became whenever I would thrust into her. The pleasure I was receiving from it was also intensified that… given enough time, we would probably continue at it all day.

We could go home and do it there, true. But… we both got too horny for each other that reason already flew out of our minds. It’s not like that was the first time we did it outside and we did it as carefully as possible.



Around twenty minutes later, we’re now back on our way… not towards our home but towards a bus stop that was located somewhere far away from our house.

Well, that’s the reason why we were taking the train instead.

And for the reason why we’re going there instead of returning to our house. We’re going to pick up someone… and it’s not Himeko or Mina.

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