Stealing Spree

Chapter 562

Chapter 562: Advise?

Chapter 562: Advise?

When the bell indicating the end of the third period rang, I stood up and left the Guidance Counseling Room to go to our classroom.

On the way, I naturally ran into some of the teachers who had their free time during the fourth period.

Given that I was already a known face around the Administration Building, they began asking me if I was once again sent on an errand by Shio.

With their interest that high, I could only nod my head which resulted in them tapping my shoulders as if they were pitying my fate of being a teacher’s pet.

No matter how weird that appeared, I had no choice but to accept it lest our relationship would be revealed to everyone. At least they’re not asking me if we’re actually not in a teacher’s pet relationship. Otherwise, it would be a challenge to think of an answer without denying it...

A while later, I successfully escaped them and left the Administration Building.

Eguchi-sensei was still near the gate, watching it as if that would be her duty for the whole day.

When our eyes met, she gestured for me to hurry up and go to our classroom while maintaining a stoic expression. In response to that, I smiled and bowed slightly, expressing my gratitude that she probably didn’t hear earlier before continuing on my steps towards the School Building.

While waiting inside the Guidance Counseling Room, I already informed my girls that I already arrived. That’s why by the time I reached the entrance of the School Building, Aya specifically waited and welcomed me.

On our way to our classroom, she handed me the notes she took for me during the first three periods.

Although I didn’t ask for it, this girl diligently did it... and for her effort, I couldn’t help but want to cuddle and thank her.

Well, it was impossible so I just thought of doing that later at lunch.

“Wow, Onoda, that’s more than just being late. Three periods?”

As soon as I entered the classroom with Aya, the girl was seemingly ignored as they all focused their attention on me.

And the guy who just blurted that out was none other than Sakuma. Looking at his idiotic good-looking face, he seemed to be more blooming than before that despite blurting that out, there’s a huge grin on his face.

Before answering him, my eyes naturally scanned the room. With my girls already aware of where I was, we didn’t necessarily prolong our eye contact. Seeing them where they were was enough.

As for those who had a silent grudge with me like Fukuda, Taku, Tadano and Ogawa, they’re all interestingly looking at me.

But given the personality that I showed for the past month, I didn’t see any reason to explain myself.

I moved to my seat first greeting Satsuki and those nearby good morning carefreely.

“Hmm? What’s wrong with being late? I got the first experience of getting questioned by the guidance counselor. Isn’t that great?”

Upon hearing my response to Sakuma’s question, it instantly elicited laughs from most of them. Some even straight-up congratulated me on a new entry to my list of achievements.

I humored them by responding more in the same tone with their questions.

Their fun only stopped when the teacher for the 4th period arrived, silencing everyone and putting them back to their seats.

Nonetheless, it successfully diverted their attention about the fact that I was three periods late. Sakuma who got speechless at the turn around stretched his hand to my side and gave me a thumbs up.

As for Satsuki who had her chin supported by her palm, she’s clicking her tongue in slight annoyance. Whether it was directed at me or Sakuma, it didn’t matter. She’s not amused.

Anyway, the 4th period teacher was unaware of the cause of the commotion he chanced upon. And even if he found out about it, that’s not really his place to comment about it. The most important thing was that I attended his class.

By the time lunch break arrived, I noticed how Fukuda or Ogawa was trying to approach me.

That’s why I left the room after telling the girls that I would follow them to that room after dealing with them.

Although I doubt that they would confront me for their now-impossible love towards my girls, I still confidently faced them.

At first, Fukuda, who caught up to me, first interrogated me about whether I was with Chii yesterday.

By answering yes, the guy instantly went speechless as if he lost the race already.

However, a few seconds later, he stood up straight and declared that he hadn’t lost yet. That fire in his eyes showed his unyielding spirit to court Chii.

Unfortunately, I actually saw him being outright rejected by her when he asked her to take lunch with him.

And to add salt to his wound, I called Chii and asked the same thing.

Nonetheless, given that the girl treated that guy as a friend and she’s even thankful for him, she also declined my invitation.

But that was an act. Her destination was the same clubroom where we were eating our lunch. For today, she’s joining us there.

Despite still hanging up on her answer, Chii was already mingling with my girls. Perhaps, she’s just waiting for the right time so that’s fine. Either way, she’s already recognized by them. Just like with Shizu, it’s already tipping to that point.

“What? What are you here for again? Didn’t I already tell you everything?”

Before Ogawa could even start raging in front of me, I pulled the first trigger and barraged him with my questions while keeping up a rather condescending attitude.

As soon as he heard that, he halted in his steps and gnashed his teeth.

Looking at his expression, bags could now be seen below his eyes as if he hadn’t been getting enough sleep.

I hadn’t noticed that yesterday or earlier. Why would I observe him closely anyway?

But thinking about it, he probably turned to this after what happened at the rooftop at the Club Building.

“Oh. Cat got your tongue again? I told you. You should drop it already, man... You’re turning more pathetic by the minute. At this point, Tadano is even better than you.” I continued further infuriating the guy.

We’re in a secluded area or rather, the spot where I was always going, the one with the broken vending machine. In here, no one could hear us, unless someone passed by.

With his blood vessels seemingly about to burst because of his anger, Ogawa started to bark. “Shut up! What did you do to them? Did you make them drink something? Is that why they’re following your words?” josei

“Man, I don’t know what kind of fantasy you created this time but... do you think I will always be lenient with you?” I stepped forward and put my hand on his shoulder. Although I hadn’t tightened my grip yet, the coward immediately tensed up, his eyes and knees furiously shaking. “If there’s still any bit of a man inside you. Learn to accept your loss. I deceived you, true. Your anger at me is justified but that will not return the fact that... Nami is already mine.”

After saying all that, I just tapped his shoulders and walked past him. That’s enough words for him. He wouldn’t do anything anyway.

Or so I thought...

A few steps later, I heard his totally pained voice uttering something... “... I shouldn’t have trusted you.”

“That’s true. To tell you the truth, the day Nami approached me and pulled me to the cafeteria to introduce me to all of you, I’m already set on making her fall for me. You’re too slow, Ogawa. Not just slow... you’re probably even more heartless than me. Your fake kindness is drawing girls to like you but all you ever did is give them false hope. If I were you, I would’ve long since fixed my attitude.”

As soon as I finished all that, I didn’t tarry anymore and pushed my feet to move towards where they were waiting.

Well, that last sentence was kind of false. I can’t even fix my desire, it’s laughable for me to tell him to fix his attitude... I guess we are similar in that part.

We’re just starting our high school. Dooming himself this early... he’ll truly become a lost cause if he fails to pick himself back up.

Take it as I was advising him this time. It’s partly for Nami, Hina and Saki who probably didn’t want their ‘friend’ to be thoroughly broken and it’s partly for Ogawa himself. I need a stable and quiet Ogawa rather than a rabid dog that would keep on trying to bite me.

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