Stealing Spree

Chapter 881 You’re beautiful, senpai

Chapter 881 You’re beautiful, senpai

Chapter 881 You're beautiful, senpai

Well, as it was something I didn’t plan to keep a secret, I told them about that chance encounter I had with Itou yesterday where she ended up asking me to help her educate the girl.

“Sounds like a plot for Hime’s sister to get to you,” Mina commented as she refilled my cup with her tea after I finished telling everything without missing a detail.

“I agree. But I’m on to another possibility, it’s for Misaki-chan’s chance to level up from being just a friend.” Edel offered another angle that Mina surprisingly agreed with.

Aya was still contemplating what she wanted to say.

Himeko, on the other hand, remained staring at me. Perhaps trying to interpret my expression.

And as for Haruko, she crossed her arms, her playful smile never disappeared.

And a moment later, she raised another question. Something that made them all perk their ears up in case they missed my answer. “What do you think, silly? Are you interested in them?”

“If it’s just interest then I sure am interested in them… Itou has this admirable side to her that allowed her to strive forward despite the difficulty that was suddenly presented to her. As for Misaki, her kind-heartedness and adorable innocence make me want to protect her from being corrupted. Yes, that’s something I shouldn’t say when I was your corruptor. But that’s why I could see that she’s better off not to be sullied or tainted.”

“Ruki…” Himeko softly whispered my name as she cupped my cheek. Based on her expression, the girl had a hint of realization from the way I described my interest in the two. “… you’re trying to draw a line, are you not?”

“What do you mean, Himeko-senpai?” It was Aya who raised that question. The silent girl appeared taken aback as though she found Himeko’s words surprising.

“So Hime could see that, huh? What about the two of you?” Haruko asserted as she looked at Mina and Edel.

“He certainly is…”

“Un. Ruki is being considerate or in other words, he’s intentionally putting a distance from them. He admires Maaya-chan but in consideration to Himeko and all of us, he’s not even trying to clear up his name. To not be hated by her. For Misaki-chan, he purposely put her in his friend zone. However, the way he treats her is more than just what one will treat a friend.”

With Edel explaining it like that, everyone nodded their heads in agreement, even Aya. Everyone except me…

“Oh, hubby. Do you find Edel’s observation inadequate?” Haruko asked again and this time, their eyes now focused back on me.

“Inadequate. No. Not really. In fact, that’s the correct interpretation of my relationship with the two. As much as possible, I wanted to remain friends with Misaki but since you pointed that out, I’m probably failing at that considering she asked me for a kiss and I… willingly gave her one, albeit only on her cheeks.” I scratched my head at this point and I genuinely felt a little embarrassed to say that. I don’t know. It’s like being caught doing something improper.

“As for Itou, I quite like the dynamics between us. She’s always annoyed whenever we would encounter each other but at the end of the day, we both care for Himeko. Although I heard some concerning details from the President of their club about her, I might probably be able to tackle it when the time for educating Misaki comes.”

Finishing at that, Haruko and the others seemed to accept my explanation but Himeko reacted to the last bits about Itou.

“E-eh? Concerning details? What’s wrong with Ya-chan?”

“This girl… I already told you about it. About how Itou became less enthusiastic in her club these past few days or weeks, depending on what actually happened.” I poked her forehead as I reminded her about it.

Upon realization, the girl giggled and covered her face in embarrassment. “T-that’s right. I… asked her about it but she said I don’t need to worry about it…”

“She didn’t want you to worry about her, for sure.”

If I had to guess, she didn’t want to tell Himeko about it because it concerned me… Or there’s another reason.

In any case, with our conversation already coming to an end, I finished Mina’s tea before excusing myself.

When I finally arrived at my club, Kana, Rae and Otsuka-senpai were about to leave again. This time, they’re not going to the library. Instead, they’re going to walk around the campus, to find inspiration to finish their work.

Although we got another alone time, Ishida-senpai strictly made me focus on our club activity, not using the situation for her benefit.

Understanding that, I could only smile and admire the girl’s dedication more as I listened to her coaching on what I had to do.

Well, we got as close as yesterday; her hand stretched out to my shoulder as she thoroughly instructed and nitpicked on our collaborative piece. In less than twenty minutes, we finished it. Looking at her satisfied expression as she reviewed everything, I also got the feeling of satisfaction as I continued to admire her.

“Mhm… This is a lot better than your lonely frame that I witnessed in that house.”

Unknowingly, I voiced out my inner thoughts. Almost immediately, my admirable senior gripped the paper in her tightly before raising it to cover her reddening face. She still hadn’t told me about what she wanted to do but from what happened yesterday and today, she’s clearly still hoping for me to court her.

On the same note, because of what happened yesterday, or specifically because of the appearance of Ichihara, the bitter thoughts about the possibility of her being wooed over by that guy somehow changed the way I look at our situation.

This isn’t like what happened with Kanzaki earlier or the talk about the line I had drawn for Itou and Misaki… In this case, I was more conscious of Ishida-senpai’s existence. I could honestly admit that I would hate it if she was taken by another guy, much more if it’s that Ichihara or even that Kenji.

“W-what did you say?” She asked. Her eyes darted around as though she didn’t want to meet my gaze again.

Clearly, she’s also aware of the change. Perhaps like me, yesterday’s event triggered something in her. Anyway, her reactions were too easy for me to interpret. And although I accidentally blurted those words out, they’re my honest thoughts…

“Oh. Did I not say it clearly? Let’s see… I said I like seeing the admirable Ishida-senpai here more than the lonely girl I ate lunch with in that house.” I grabbed her arm and lowered it to allow me a peek at her face. When our gazes met, Ishida-senpai promptly slapped my hand before raising the paper to cover her face again.

“Stop saying things that will make someone misunderstand, Onoda-kun.”

“What’s there to misunderstand? I said it in full honesty.” I shrugged.

“I thought you don’t want to court me…” Still covered by our collaborative piece, Ishida-senpai’s sulky voice traveled to my ears.

“Without your blessing, I guess? I told you the complications that you will surely be dragged in if ever I start courting you and you say yes to me...” Although that sounded like I was getting ahead of myself, it’s still the truth…

“Besides I only commented about how you look better this way. I wish I could see more of you like this… Even for when I visit your house again…”

“You… There’s no reason to invite you a—”

“I know. But just in case, right? It will be a blast to be welcomed by my cheerful senior at the front door.” I cut her off and elaborated on that scenario. Even somehow painting it well in both of our imaginations.

A few seconds later, Ishida-senpai lowered her arms and placed the piece down. With her gaze focusing on my face, Ishida-senpai’s complicated expression gradually transformed into a charming one… Her lips curved up as she began giggling.

“Stop your imagination, you shameless junior. If you ever show up at my house again, I won’t open the door for you.”

“Oh, really? What if I brought a cake with me?”

“I don’t have a sweet tooth. It’s pointless to bring a bribe.”

“I see. Then I’ll ring your doorbell multiple times to annoy you enough to open the door for me.”

“I’ll call the police on your ass!” Ishida-senpai exclaimed but after saying that, she burst into clear laughter.

Seeing her enjoying our rather playful conversation, I felt satisfied.

That’s right… There’s no need to rush with our relationship. We can cultivate it slowly until it blooms into something more special. josei

“You’re beautiful, senpai.”

As soon as that left my mouth, Ishida-senpai's clear laughter stopped as she stared dumbstruck at me.

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