Stealing Spree

Chapter 930 A help to the Basketball Club

Chapter 930 A help to the Basketball Club

Chapter 930 A help to the Basketball Club

Having been to this room filled with nothing but girls a few times already, my presence had already become something like a regular sight for them.

When Satsuki and I entered, the members all greeted me with a smile, albeit a little forced as though they were trying not to show the tension they were feeling on their faces.

I knew full well where their tension was coming from, even my Satsuki was feeling it. If joking and teasing could work with her, that’s not the same for the others, especially those who were going to play right at the start.

That’s why I only returned a smile before following Satsuki further into the room where Eguchi-sensei and the other regulars were currently sitting in a circle, their eyebrows tightly knitted.

Eguchi-sensei, while holding onto a small board, was conversing with the Captain, Kawakami-senpai. Their topic was about the excellent players of the opposing school.

“Coach, I can mark their number 5. Her accuracy beyond the arc is spectacular.”

Number 5. I guess that should be the opponent’s Vice-Captain. From what I heard the number they’re donning on their jerseys had some significance. The Captain would always get the number 4. And then there’s the number 7 that’s somehow reserved for their point guard or the one who always calls their plays. As for the other numbers, they’re given based on their order of joining the regular team.

Satsuki’s number is 14. And among the first years, she’s the only one who entered the regular team.

“Alright. We’ll count on you to prevent her from taking baskets from us.” Kanno-senpai said. She’s the center of their team and the one Satsuki would substitute during the second half. “As always I’ll protect the inside court. We’re aware how inferior we are to them but let’s not lose heart!”

She’s the loudest and tallest girl in their club. And Satsuki was looking at her like she was looking at her idol.

It was around five minutes later when Satsuki interrupted their strategic meeting, announcing my arrival.

As soon as they noticed me at Satsuki’s side, they looked a little embarrassed. Perhaps, they didn’t want a member of the opposite gender how heated they were for this game.

“I’ll be cheering you on, seniors,” I said to at least lighten the atmosphere.

“Heh, you say that. But you’re here to watch your girlfriend, aren’t you?” Kawakami-senpai asked while smiling mischievously, her gaze focusing on Satsuki.

She’s pretty cool-headed. I guess that’s an amazing trait for a leader. The tension from her face was already relieved and that infected the other girls around her.

“I believe that’s a given, Kawakami-senpai. Anyway, you all seemed so serious right there, I wonder what I can do to help you?”

“Oh, didn’t Satsuki tell you?”

“Wait… That’s serious? I’ll be the waterboy?”

“Onoda-kun, that’s not it.” Eguchi-sensei was the one who answered it. And noticeably, Satsuki averted her gaze, silently giggling.

The girl tricked me. Although I was skeptical when she said it, I also couldn’t just brush off the possibility. I mean, it’s Eguchi-sensei we’re talking about.

“That’s hilarious and great job, Satsuki-chan.” Kawakami-senpai, understanding what happened, laughed and praised Satsuki. And little by little, the others who were still a little serious giggled almost simultaneously.

Seeing them laughing at that little detail, I played along and scratched my head comically. “And here I thought I’ll be handing out water to all of you.” josei

“Honestly, that’s not a bad idea, Onoda-kun.”

And there were voices of agreement even among those who weren’t on the regular team. I guess they also needed that help, huh?

“Then I’ll gladly help your club, senpai.”

“You idiot! Don’t just say yes willingly.” Satsuki interjected.

“What? Aren’t I here to watch and cheer for you? Is there any better place other than the courtside?”

“… I don’t know.” Satsuki averted her gaze again, losing any will to rebut.

Well, thinking about it, by staying there, encountering Setsuna and Koizumi-san would be lowered. However, that’s a temporary fix. In fact, I would be more conspicuous from the audience’s stand. Everyone watching from above could see me. It’s a lot better if I blended in with the crowd of audience.

Anyway, with the talk of the waterboy dying down, Eguchi-sensei soon got to the point on why she called for me.

“I’ll need your advice over here, Onoda-kun.”

Ah. As I expected. She’s going to rely on me again, huh? But is this fine?

Looking around, Kawakami-senpai, Kanno-senpai, and the other members of the club all nodded at me. It’s like they all approved of my involvement in their strategy.

And at my side, Satsuki squeezed my arm, her gesture of encouragement for me to step forward.

This was weird, to be honest.

I only joined one of their meetings before. I had no idea about their reasoning for allowing an outsider like me to be involved.

Furthermore, I had no idea about the game they were going to play…

“Wait, it’s not that I’m doubting your decision, sensei. But I’m not a sports jock. I had no idea what made my opinion qualified.”

“Satsuki-chan, is your boyfriend dense or something? Or… is it because you failed to tell him about his contribution to one of our victories?”

Didn’t tell me? What was that about? What contribution?

“I didn’t tell him. Senpai, you’re the one who said not to…”

“I’m obviously joking back then. And I think my words are, ‘You don’t need to tell him right away. Plan a surprise or something, he’ll be delighted to know that he helped you win the game.’”

“… That. I can’t recall hearing about that second part.” Satsuki guiltily answered. And judging from how she’s biting her lips, she’s being honest with that answer.

“Hahaha! I remember. Chiho, it was too loud in the karaoke box back then. Satsuki-chan failed to hear the rest of what you said.” Kanno-senpai laughed and tapped Kawakami-senpai’s back

Oh… Thinking about it, they did bring Satsuki to a karaoke. No, not just karaoke. They went to a mall as a whole club, in celebration of their win in another practice game.

Upon hearing all that, Eguchi-sensei spoke again, “Hmm? That explains why he thought he was not qualified. Anyway, what’s done is done. You girls, prepare for the game. I’ll tell you later if something will change after hearing Onoda-kun’s advice.”

After saying that, she gestured for me to come close. She’s going to show me what they brainstormed just earlier and here my advice.

“Yes, Coach!”

“We’re counting on you again, Onoda-kun.”

“Thanks for the hard work, Satsuki-chan’s boyfriend.”

And following her words, starting from those close to the door, they began leaving the room one by one.

“I’m sorry if I put you in a tough spot, Ruki…”

“No. It’s fine. Go on. I’ll be with you soon.”

Satsuki apologized but honestly, she didn’t really need to. If I was to be asked, then it’s Eguchi-sensei who should be blamed… Why seek advice from a student, anyway? But if my simple words of advice could help them… then there’s also no reason for me to refuse.

However, that was weird… I remember only listening to their meeting back then. When did I input my advice? And to date, this should only be my third time visiting their club when they’re in this room.

… Then there’s only one or two plausible explanations for that. It happened during one of my conversations with Eguchi-sensei or she made that up completely… but what for?

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