Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 277

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 277

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 277

Zong Jinghao did not respond. Su Zhan got panicked for he wanted to save the old lady and didn’t want to put Lin Xinyan in danger. This He Ruize was haunting them like a ghost that would not go away just for the purpose of getting Lin Xinyan. If she went, could she even make it back?

Moreover He Ruize’s body was strapped with explosives.

If the one held hostage was some random stranger, Lin Xinyan would, perhaps, hesitate. However, this was Su Zhan’s grandma, the only relative of her husband’s buddy. She could not bear to let this old lady get into any harm because of her.

He Ruize laughed, a gurgling sound came from his chest. He gloated and insulted her, “Yan, I have told you that I am the only one who loves you. Only I will go all out for you. Open your eyes and look around. Does Zong Jinghao even care about your safety?”

“I am coming over. Please let the old lady go.” Lin Xinyan showed no emotions and she did not seem to hear anything He Ruize said.

Looking at Lin Xinyan’s calm countenance, He Ruize totally lost it. He screamed, “Are you still not seeing it? Does he care that we die together and become a ghost couple?”

“Lunatic!” Su Zhan was so furious that he gritted his teeth. “It is possible that he will really do that. He is strapped with explosives. Obviously he had thought of committing suicide.”

Still, Zong Jinghao did not respond. He was very silent like a very patient cheetah, waiting for the opportunity to kill the prey with one strike.

Lin Xinyan continued to negotiate with him, “I am the one you want and this is just between us. We should resolve this. If you hold an old woman as a hostage, you will only make me hate you even more!”

He Ruize turned bloodshot eyes on her, “What did you say?!”

He could not believe his ears nor could he suppress the loss he felt within his soul. “You hate me? Hahaha… You actually hate me?” His smile disappeared suddenly, revealing a contorted face. “I was so stupid and always trying to please you. You are nice to Zong Jinghao only because he slept with you, isn’t that right? Do you really think you love him? Unfortunately, you don’t. You just do it for the sake of the two children. I am the one you love. If I had ignored your refusal and slept with you then, we would have been together by now. It was all because I have spoiled you with my love.”

The word ‘lunatic’ was insufficient to describe He Ruize at this point. He was deranged and horrifying. Even his logic and way of thinking was unlike normal humans.

Lin Xinyan’s hands which were hanging by her sides were clenched tight into fists. “I am already here. Let the old lady go.”

He Ruize looked down at the old lady. She was rather old and was shivering all over, unable to speak after going through the fright of her life.

Su Zhan was walking in circles anxiously. “Damn, he’s a psychiatrist. When a psychiatrist goes crazy, it’s more terrifying than a layman.”

“He Ruize, what on earth do you want!” Lin Xinyan was getting worried. She felt that the old lady was on the verge of collapsing.

She was really too old to go through this trauma.

“Give me a car.” Nobody wants to die. Neither did he. The explosives on his body were to prevent the others from attacking him. He would only detonate them only when there was no way out for him.

Now, he had hostages that were important to them and so he had the opportunity to escape.

“Give it to him,” Su Zhan said. And then he looked at Zong Jinghao who kept quiet as a sign of approval.

Soon a bodyguard drove a car over. He was about to pass him the key and attempt to save the old lady but He Ruize was not stupid. He Ruize warned him sternly, “Don’t come any closer.”

The bodyguard said, “How do I send the key if I don’t go closer?”

“Give it to Yan,” he said, grabbing the old lady’s throat, he shot a warning look at the bodyguard.

The bodyguard hesitated. It was Lin Xinyan who went and got the key.

“You, get in and drive the car. Don’t try to escape or I’ll kill this old creature,” He Ruize threatened.

Lin Xinyan glanced at him. Then, she turned around,] and got into the car then started it. He Ruize dragged the old lady into the car and sat in the back seat. He looked at Lin Xinyan and told her, “Head south.”

The old lady was in his hands so Lin Xinyan had to do as instructed.

He Ruize felt that Lin Xinyan was driving slowly on purpose. Hence, he slapped the old lady hard that she fainted without yelling or making any sound.

Nevertheless, Lin Xinyan heard the sound of slapping. She turned around and saw He Ruize’s evil expression as well as the bruise on the old lady’s face.

Lin Xinyan was absolutely furious. She did not expect He Ruize to reach such a state of madness to even abuse an elderly lady.

He Ruize looked at Lin Xinyan menacingly, “I have warned you not to try to escape or I’ll kill this old thing. Drive faster now.”

Lin Xinyan bite her lip and pressed hard on the accelerator.

The moment Lin Xinyan stepped on the accelerator, the car shot off like an arrow from a bow, leaving a trail of exhaust fume in the air.

“Turn right,” He Ruize instructed.

Lin Xinyan sensed his intentions to get onto the highway. If they got onto the highway, it would be difficult to control him and the highway was prone to car accidents too.

She spoke calmly to He Ruize, “You just want me. Let the old lady get off the car. She is just a burden to you, hindering your escape. Take me as a hostage. It’s the same anyway.”

He Ruize would not listen and he said coldly, “Just drive.”

“Am I not your target? I’ve already agreed to go with you. Why do you still want to hold the old lady hostage? You can see that she’s unconscious. Aren’t you worried you will face a lawsuit if she dies?”

“Even if I am not responsible for her death, will Zong Jinghao let me off?”

That was true. They would not let him off easily once they capture him.

“Why don’t you say something?” He Ruize sneered.

“You are not letting her off?” Lin Xinyan’s voice became cold too. Since he would not negotiate, she could only fight back. “There is a steep slope in front. Let’s all die together.”

“Are you crazy?” He Ruize’s eyes widened.

“Yes, I am. You drove me crazy.” Lin Xinyan was strangely calm. As she was approaching the slope, she grabbed the steering wheel tight, “Today, let us bring to a conclusion all the grievances between


With that, she turned the steering wheel –


Lin Xinyan was waiting for his response.

Screech …

The friction of tires rubbing against the side of the road was making a screeching sound painful for the ears. Long brake marks were left on the ground showing a vehicle had halted suddenly.

He Ruize broke out in a cold sweat, “I’ll just drop her off now.”

Even without the old lady, he still had Lin Xinyan as a bargaining chip.

He pushed the car door open. In order to prevent Lin Xinyan from escaping, he untied his belt and buckled her hands with it, and held the other end in his hands. Then, he pushed the old lady out of the car with his leg. Lin Xinyan was irked by his evil actions. She opened the car door and got down. Then she kicked the door close with her leg. The belt was caught in the door. He Ruize was furious and he roared, “Get in quickly.!

Lin Xinyan did not respond. Thus, He Ruize opened the car door and jumped down. Grabbing Lin Xinyan by her throat and asked her, “Do you wish to die?”

In the dim light, Lin Xinyan saw someone approaching.

She curled her lips and smiled. Speaking through her gritted teeth, she replied, “If I die, you will not live.”

The strong wind blew her words away.

Still, He Ruize heard what she said.

“Hahaha…,” He burst into a burst of maniacal laughter, “I won’t let you die. I want you to be by my side always. Even if you die, you will have to be a ghost who belongs to me.”



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