Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 499

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 499

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 499

Bai Yinning took a short rest after returning to Baicheng and went to see Zong Qifeng. He needed to know urgently what happened while he was busy dealing with the affairs of the company. How did Zong Jinghao find out the truth about Cheng Yuxiu’s death and did Lin Xinyan leave because she had concealed the truth from being discovered by Zong Jinghao?

His assumptions were after all only speculations.

He didn’t let Gaoyuan come with him and let him rest instead. There were only the driver and Liu with him.

It was easy for him to get any information in his territory. All he needed were a few calls to know where Zong Qifeng was staying after coming to Baicheng.

There were only three of them staying in the huge old manor of the Cheng family, three old men including Cheng Yuwen and Mr. Feng who had come along to take care of Zong Qifeng.

It was a rather peculiar sight, but also desolate at the same time.

As soon as Bai Yinning stepped in, he saw Zong Qifeng lying in a rocking chair in the courtyard, wrapped in a blanket. It was only a few days’ time and he seemed to have turned into another person, not the same old spirited him anymore.

After descending from the stairs, he asked Liu to wait for him outside while he pushed his wheelchair forward.

It was already summer. The trees in the courtyard had grown into a profuse, sap-green roof, sheltering an expanse of the ground underneath the trees from the sunlight, where Zong Qifeng’s rocking chair lay.

Mr. Feng saw Bai Yinning come in without asking and was afraid he would disturb Zong Qifeng who was resting so he went forward and asked, “May I know who you’re looking for?”

Bai Yinning lifted his chin, pointing at Zong Qifeng.

“I’m sorry, Master is not seeing anyone at the moment, please go back.” Mr. Feng extended his arm politely into a cue for him to leave.

“I’m crippled. It’s inconvenient for me to have come all this way. I have only a few questions to ask and I’m not going to disturb him for long.”

Mr. Feng was going to turn him down again but Zong Qifeng who was lying in the rocking chair opened his eyes slowly while turning to Mr. Feng and said, “It’s okay. You go ahead with your work. I’ll talk to him.”

Mr. Feng reminded him, “Don’t talk for too long. You need to take care of your health.”

The death of Cheng Yuxiu was a huge blow to him and his mental health condition was getting worse by the day.

Zong Qifeng replied, “I’m not dying yet.”

Mr. Feng turned around and went into the house in a sigh. Bai Yinning apologized, “I’m sorry for bothering you.”

Zong Qifeng knew Bai Yinning’s identity and could guess his intention of coming over, so he spoke in a very direct manner, “Just ask about anything you want to know.”

Bai Yinning first expressed his grief over Cheng Yuxiu’s death, “I didn’t expect it would be our last encounter when I saw her in B city earlier. If I had known that, we wouldn’t have parted on bad terms.”

There was not much emotion on Zong Qifeng’s face, as though his sorrow and longing were all buried at the bottom of his heart.

Bai Yinning started to ask directly after expressing his grief. After all, Zong Qifeng had been straightforward so he should restrain himself from beating around the bush and disturbed him for too long.

What happened in B City among Zong Jinghao, Wen Qing and Lin Xinyan, and their entanglements were the things he wanted to figure out. As someone who had been through it, Zong Qifeng must know the details so he asked his questions all at once.

Zong Qifeng turned to look at him nonchalantly and told him everything that happened recently without concealing anything. Bai Yinning’s assumption was right. Zong Jinghao found out the identity of Cheng Yuxiu and he had something to do with what happened to Wen Qing.

A father would know his son very well. After discovering the truth, Zong Jinghao would definitely investigate the car accident thoroughly. Whether it was an accident or a conspiracy, time would always tell.

Bai Yinning nodded, thinking that it was almost just as what he had guessed. He asked again, “So did Lin Xinyan leave because Zong Jinghao resented her for keeping him away from the truth?”

“What?” Zong Qifeng looked at him in shock. Lin Xinyan left? After the funeral of Cheng Yuxiu, he had come to Baicheng because Cheng Yuwen said staying there would make him think about his sister and feel sad. Everything was all too familiar except she was no longer there. Hence, the emotional blow was just unbearable to him.

“You don’t know about it?” It was Bai Yinning’s turn to be fuddled. Could it be that Lin Xinyan was not leaving because of this?

Sighing, he thought that maybe Lin Xinyan was leaving because she had found out about her own origin.

“There’s no such thing as a forever concealed secret.” No matter how long it would take, the truth would always be truth and no one could conceal it forever.

“She is the daughter of Wen Xian. Maybe she had left after knowing about her real identity. It was this I feared but this day has still come.”

He thought that the divorce between Zong Jinghao and Lin Xinyan earlier on was good for both of them. After all, if they were together and found out the truth later, they might have some grudge against each other. He had promised Wen Xian back then because he did not have the heart to reject her. Later on, he wanted He Ruilin from the He family to marry Zong Jinghao in order to break the relationship between Zong Jinghao and Lin Xinyan completely.

In fact, the arranged marriage was not that important. It was mainly because he wanted Zong Jinghao to get married as soon as possible.

No one would have expected that after all the twists and turns, Zong Jinghao and Lin Xinyan ended up finding their way back into each other’s arms. And later, the incident about Cheng Yuxiu happened.

He was not being honest because he was afraid that conflicts would arise between them when they found out about the truth. But he failed to stop them.

Zong Qifeng sighed again, “I’m getting old and things are getting out of my hand.”

Let them be.

Bai Yinning was astounded by his answer. Lin Xinyan is Wen Xian’s daughter. Wouldn’t that make Wen Qing her uncle?

But her uncle killed Zong Jinghao’s biological mother?

So she had no choice but to leave?

“How is this possible?” Bai Yinning couldn’t believe it. If that were the case, then wouldn’t it be awkward for them to be together?

He felt as though he had been struck by lightning. This is unthinkable.

He was shocked, but at the same time, he felt sorry played out by fate.”

So she left because of this. How distressed it must be for her. She has done nothing but was dragged into this mess because of the previous generation.

Just then, Cheng Yuwen came in from outside. Although he was in Baicheng, he had been paying attention to what was happening in B City. He hated Wen Qing. From Cheng Yuxiu being captivated previously to the kidnapping incident and car accident this time, all these were Wen Qing’s works.

Cheng Yuwen supported Zong Jinghao in everything he did. If he had remained indifferent after knowing the truth, he couldn’t be considered human.

After all, Cheng Yuxiu was his biological mother.

It could only be right to avenge the death of one’s mother.

“He thought he could evade punishment just by coming forward to admit his sin?” Cheng Yuwen asked coldly.

He received the latest news from B City about Wen Qing admitting that he was behind the kidnapping incident which caused the car accident.

Hearing this, Bai Yinning was not as happy as before. He felt conflicted because the person he wanted to revenge on turned out to be Lin Xinyan’s closest relative. What an irony.

If Wen Qing’s reputation is destroyed, will I really be happy?

The answer was no. He would find himself to be stuck in confusion.

He would be entangled, thinking whether Lin Xinyan would be upset or finding it hard to deal with.

He would rather not know this news and he regretted coming over to find Zong Qifeng. He regretted finding out about all these incidents.

Without knowing all these, he could readily accept the news of Wen Qing’s downfall and could calmly go to Bai Hongfei’s tomb to tell him that Wen Qing had paid for what he did.

But now…

Closing his eyes, Bai Yinning felt that he had been given a severe blow.

Meanwhile in B City, because Wen Qing had come forward to admit every one of his wrongdoing, the already hot topics and news were pushed to another level.

After all the days he spent with Zong Jinghao, Wen Qing knew his personality quite well. He was certain Zong Jinghao would make his moves or he wouldn’t be Zong Jinghao.

Consequently, not only did Wen Qing admit to kidnapping Cheng Yuxiu, but he had also turned Gu Bei in. This was regarded as his sincerity in conceding his mistakes to Zong Jinghao.

Knowing that he could not escape from everything he had done, his only wish then was to meet Lin Xinyan and ask for her forgiveness.

The most astounded person among them was Gu Bei. He was planning to give Wen Qing a hard time but to his surprise, Wen Qing came forward and even sold him out, causing him the chagrin of shooting himself in the foot.

After the press conference, Wen Qing went to Wanyue Group.


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