Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 642

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 642

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 642

Zong Jinghao smiled cheekily, “Even if I have nothing to talk to you about, can’t I spend some time alone with you for a while?”

Lin Xinyan stopped what she was doing.

She was both speechless and helpless. “This is the kitchen, what do you think you can do? Can you do the cooking or cut vegetables?”

“Are you underestimating my ability?” Jinghao unbuttoned his cuffs, pulled the sleeves up his arms, washed his hands in the sink next to him, and said, “Give me the knife. Let me do the cutting.”

Xinyan looked at him incredulously, “You? Cutting veggies?”

Taking the knife from her hand, he retorted, “And what’s the problem with that?”

Xinyan let him have the knife, stood aside, and untied her apron, then tied it to Jinghao’s waist. “Shall I leave the food prep for the night to you?”

Looking down at her hands wrapped around his waist attempting to tie the apron, he chuckled and quizzed, “Do you dare to eat if I do?”

“Why not? I don’t see the problem. No matter what it tastes like, whether it is cooked or still raw; I will just eat them.” She moved to the side as she said that.

Jinghao could not help but laughed, “If that’s the case then I’ll have to learn how to cook then. I can’t afford to starve my daughter.”

While speaking, he stole a glance at Xinyan’s tummy.

She was baffled. Why must you feel that I’m pregnant with a girl? Also, are you learning to cook only for your daughter?

“In that case, you’ll be the one cooking for tonight.” Saying that she turned to step out of the kitchen. Jinghao quickly grabbed her wrist and pleaded, “Stay with me.”

Xinyan shot him a nonchalant glance and said, “Let your daughter accompany you.”

Jinghao was at a loss for words.

He was stunned for that moment, thinking that her words did not make much sense. However, he quickly grasped her meaning behind those words and could not help but smirk, “Are you jealous?”

“Who’s the one jealous?” Xinyan was not envious, and even if she were, she would never admit it.

“Since that’s the case, then why are you walking away?”

“Simply just because I don’t want to stay in the kitchen.” Tilting her head, she replied, “Hurry up and let me go. I want to out.”

Jinghao smiled and pulled her into his arms, “You’re the person I’m closest to. The one who shares my bed with me…”

Xinyan quickly cusped his mouth. After all, they were in the kitchen, and there were still people out in the living room. How could he speak like this without taking the situation into consideration?

Wouldn’t it be bad to be overheard by others?

“Quick, take out the phone from my pocket.” He could feel it vibrating, indicating there was a call coming in. And his hands were dripping wet.

Xinyan reprimanded him, “Don’t spout your nonsense outside nor blabber anything inappropriate. It won’t be good if anyone were to hear them.”

Jinghao was puzzled.

What is she talking about?

Shouldn’t couples who are sharing the same bed be closer? After all, children will marry their loved ones in the future no matter how reluctant a father may be. In the end, only the husband and wife themselves would keep each other company till death do them part.

Xinyan asked, “Which pocket?”

“The right one,” answered Jinghao.

She reached out into his trouser pocket and felt the vibrating phone. Taking it out, she saw the name “Su Zhan” being displayed on its screen.

Remembering what had happened today, Xinyan’s smile disappeared. Her face turned serious as she looked at her husband and informed, “It’s Su Zhan.”

“You take the call,” Jinghao suggested.

Xinyan mumbled a response and slid the answer button across the screen, “Hello?”

She could feel a stiff silence at the end of the line as if the caller were pausing awkwardly to hear her answer the phone. “Xinyan, it’s me.”


“I’m now at the police station, can you please ask Jinghao to come to bail me out?” came the embarrassed tone.

Xinyan frowned with curiosity, “How did you end up in the police station?”

“I fought with someone,” came Su Zhan’s curt reply.


The caller at the other end of the line hung up with a beep.

“What’s the matter?” Jinghao queried upon seeing her face drained of color.

“Su Zhan got into a fight with someone and is now at the police station. He needs you to go bail him out.” Xinyan told him.

After placing his mobile phone back into his pocket and taking off his apron, she offered, “I’ll go with you as well.”

Jinghao stopped her, “Don’t go. The police station is not a good place anyway.”

“I want to go and check it out myself. Otherwise, I won’t be at ease. Why did he suddenly start a fight? I’m eighty percent sure it’s related to Qin Ya. She was mentally prepared for the breakup and even though it may be unbearable at first, time will heal everything. However, it is different and difficult for Su Zhan. The shock must have been too sudden for him to handle.”

Jinghao nodded in agreement.

The two walked out of the kitchen. Xinyan asked Aunt Wang to do the cooking instead. Since Aunt Yu had finished her chores outside, she hurried into the kitchen to help in the preparation for dinner as well.

“We’ll be back real soon. I’ll leave you all with your work,” Xinyan informed.

Aunt Yu assured, “Don’t worry. Aunt Wang and I will look after things. Everything will be fine, don’t you worry.”

Xinyan smiled with gratitude.

Taking the car key, Jinghao went out with her, and drove straight to the police station after getting into the car.

Feeling hesitant, Xinyan asked, “Isn’t it bad to hide the real reason from Su Zhan?”

“If the person involved doesn’t want to say it, then we shan’t intervene.” After all, no matter how close one’s relationship with the other is, one should never meddle in matters concerning the other’s relationship. For better or for worse, one should not take other’s emotional affairs as our own.

He did not want Xinyan to intervene too much in this matter.

Xinyan understood his intention and sighed slightly.

Jinghao reminded her, “You worry and sigh every day caring for other’s affairs. When the child is born, there will be more worries for you. Don’t concern yourself too much with other’s matters. Everyone has to live their own life, one way or the other.”

Feeling amused, Xinyan teased, “Since when you become such a philosopher?”

“Just listen to me.” Jinghao expressed with dominance.

Knowing his good intention towards herself and their child, she gave in, “Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

The journey soon ended as their car stopped at the entrance of the police station. Zong Jinghao got off the car with Xinyan in tow. Just like him, she was curious and wanted to find out what happened too.

Holding her hand, they both entered the building.

Originally, the matter would not have escalated to the point of involving the police. After all, it was not uncommon for fights to break out in such a place. However, a customer who saw how Su Zhan was beaten so badly called the police.

Right now, the manager, along with his two bouncers as well as Su Zhan were all being questioned and having their statements taken.

When they walked into the office, they saw Su Zhan sitting there with dried blood on his body. The injury on his head had been treated simply, bandaged with gauze. Xinyan grimaced at the sight. The injury must have been serious since he has bled.

She turned her head up at Jinghao.

He held her hand and walked over.

Su Zhan looked up and saw them coming. He quickly turned his head away, not wanting them to see his injuries.

Little did he knew that the moment he looked up, the wounds on his face had long been seen clearly. Jinghao went to deal with the matter while Xinyan didn’t ask him why he fought and ended up at the police station.

She merely asked if he was seriously injured.

Su Zhan brushed it aside, “It’s not serious at all. Just some minor injuries.”

Your bruised eye won’t heal for a long while, and yet you still say you’re okay?

“Just be patient. After this, we’ll take you to the hospital for a checkup,” Xinyan offered.

“No matter. It’s all taken care of.” Su Zhan brusquely replied.

“Even if you feel fine, you still need to get your injuries checked,” Xinyan seriously said with a somber tone.

Su Zhan lowered his head and said nothing, perhaps feeling embarrassed.

Since both parties were responsible for this fight, both parties decided not to hold each other accountable after mediation. Both sides considered the affair settled amicably. As long as the guarantors signed the letters, those involved would be allowed to leave.

Right as they exited the police station, Xinyan bravely asked, “Is it because of Qin Ya?”

“Don’t mention her name to me. From now on, we have nothing to do with one another.” Su Zhan hurried off alone and did not get into Jinghao’s car.

“Where are you planning to go alone?” Xinyan called after him, feeling worried.

In the end, the whole fracas happened due to emotional problems.

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