Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 645

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 645

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 645

He added immediately, “Name something in nature.”

Zong Yanxi had no clue at all. This is so difficult.

“Uncle Shao, give me an easy one this time. I haven’t gotten even one right,” she whined with a pout on her face.

“This one’s already pretty easy,” Shao Yun patted her head. “You need to think.”

“All she thinks about is food. She’s such a pig,” Zong Yanchen said while fanning the flame.

Zong Yanxi’s anger rose immediately. “You’re the pig! Your family is full of pigs!”

The silence in the living room was deafening. Suddenly, waves of laughter rang out, with Shao Yun and Cheng Yuwen laughing the most heartily.

This was because they were the only ones in the living room who were not of the Zong family.

Zong Yanchen shook his head and sighed. My sister is really a fool.

Zong Yanxi had only said that because she was provoked by Zong Yanchen. She regretted it as soon as those words left her mouth. Looking around at everyone’s expressions, she felt embarrassed and tried to hide behind her father.

Zong Jinghao patted her back. “It’s okay.”

She still had her head buried in him, silent.

“Shall I help you with the riddles?” He asked in an attempt to comfort her.

Hearing this, she immediately lifted her head. “Really?”

Her mood sure changes quickly.

He smiled, exasperated. “Yes.”

“Then tell me, what’s the answer to ‘voiceless it cries, wingless flutters, toothless bites, mouthless mutters’?” Being a determined kid, Zong Yanxi wanted to get at least one riddle right.

Zong Jinghao tried to give her a hint. “I know it sounds like an animal, and while animals are part of nature, you have to think outside the box.”

“I know!” Zong Yanchen got the answer with just a single hint. “It’s wind!” He grinned.

Zong Yanxi glared at Zong Yanchen. “I hate you!”

He’s always stealing everything from me!

“Uncle Shao, give me another one.” Zong Yanxi whined while climbing onto her father’s shoulders. She whispered to him, “Daddy, you have to help me. I have to win this time.”

Zong Jinghao smiled, exasperated. He could not turn down the request from his precious daughter.

Guess I have no choice.

Shao Yun understood what Zong Yanxi was trying to do. To appease her stubbornness, he thought of another riddle. “I help engines spin and pants stay up, what am I?”

Zong Yanxi blinked in confusion.

What kind of stupid riddle is this? It’s so difficult.

“Hey, Daddy! Your belt’s digging into me!” She complained.

Zong Jinghao was in fact doing this on purpose. He was hugging his daughter tightly precisely so that his belt would dig into her.

Zong Yanchen saw the sly look on his father’s face and asked, “Is the answer a belt?”

It clicked in his head as soon as he said it. “Oh, it is! Haha, I got it right again!”

Zong Yanxi glared at him. “How could it be a belt?”

Shao Yun enlightened her. “It is. A belt goes around the various part of the machinery and allows everything to spin in sync. And you wear belts to keep your pants from falling.”

When Zong Yanxi heard that ‘belt’ was indeed the correct answer, she immediately added, “I was the one who said it first, so I should be the one who got it right.”

“It’s not like you knew it was the answer,” Zong Yanchen protested.

“I said it first so I’m the one who got it right!” Zong Yanxi repeated in a shout as if that would make her more convincing.

Cheng Yuwen laughed and whispered to Shao Yun, “Ruixi’s temper is really bad, huh?”

Shao Yun laughed too.

Lin Xinyan poked her head out of the kitchen to call everyone to dinner.

Zong Yanxi got down from her father’s shoulders and ran towards her. “Mommy, Yanchen’s always bullying me.”

Lin Xinyan patted her head. “What did he do this time?”

“Fine, you got it right, okay? Stop being such a tattletale. You’re almost old enough to go to elementary school, yet you’re still such a child.” With that, Zong Yanchen sat down at the dining table with a huff.

“You’re immature, too. Don’t just harp on Yanxi,” Lin Xinyan coaxed. He’s still young, yet he’s so eager to grow up.

“Hehe.” Zong Yanchen getting a talking to made Zong Yanxi secretly delighted, and all her anger from earlier dissipated as if nothing ever happened. Now that her anger was gone, she went and sat next to Zong Yanchen.

“Yanchen, it’s not like you’re that much older than me. It’s only by a few minutes.”

Zong Yanchen glanced at his sister. “So what? That still makes me older than you nonetheless. You still have to show me respect as my younger sister.”

“I’m willing to do that, but you have to give in to me sometimes. Do you know the story of Kongzi and the pears? I learned that in preschool in C City.”

Zong Yanchen had nothing to say to that. She is indeed quite smart.

Dinner was sumptuous. When Lin Xinyan walked into the kitchen, she saw Qin Ya doing the dishes.

She knew that Qin Ya was not in a good mood. Even though she insisted that she had already gotten used to her new life, Lin Xinyan knew that it was not possible for her to have recovered that quickly.

No matter how hard one tries to restore broken China, the cracks will never fade.

Lin Xinyan had originally asked Qin Ya to go rest in her room, but she insisted that she needed to do something to take her mind off her trouble.

Lin Xinyan agreed, so she let her to continue to help in the kitchen.

After bringing dinner to the table, Lin Xinyan went to get wine.

We must have some wine for such a special occasion.

While that was true, she took the red wine instead of the liquor. Liquor will get us drunk way too fast.

I just want something to lift the mood.

The wine glasses had already been washed. She opened the bottle and placed it on the table.

Zong Qifeng suddenly said, “Let’s hold the wedding at Century Tower.”

Century Tower was a famous landmark in B City, spanning more than five hundred meters tall with a hundred and eight floors. If one stood on the one-hundred-and-eighth floor, they could overlook the entire B City.

More importantly, it was a seven star hotel.

There were seven such hotels in the country, spread amongst the more developed cities.

B City was one of the cities.

“Wouldn’t that be too extravagant?” Lin Xinyan asked. That’s too wasteful. It will definitely be very expensive.

Even those jewels cost a fortune.

“You’re only going to get married once in your life, aren’t you?” Shao Yun asked.

“Yes, of course,” Lin Xinyan replied with no hesitation.

She had never thought about getting married a second time.

Zong Jinghao looked at her with a slight smile on his face.

Her words made him extremely happy.

She’ll be mine forever.

“Since it’s only going to happen once, why not make it grand?” Shao Yun felt that there was nothing wrong with this. After all, it was not as if they were not well off. He was even prepared to foot the bill if needed. After all, the money was left to Lin Xinyan by her father.

Xinyan is Guo An’s only child, so it goes without saying that her wedding should be extravagant.

Zong Qifeng felt regretful for not giving Cheng Yuxiu a wedding, so now that his son was getting married, he wanted to go all out on the wedding as a way to make up for his regrets.

“Just focus on your child and leave the wedding planning to us,” Cheng Yuwen said.

He had even gone to go look at potential wedding locations with Zong Qifeng. After all, Zong Jinghao was his precious nephew, so of course, he would want the wedding to be lively and, as Zong Jinghao had said, extravagant. novelbin

“There’s no need for us to worry about anything. We should be happy that our elders are planning it for us,” Zong Jinghao held Lin Xinyan’s hand.

Even though many people could not make it to the wedding, the fact that the elders of the family were there was already a blessing.

Lin Xinyan looked into Zong Jinghao’s eyes and nodded as she understood what he meant.

Preparations continued as the day of the wedding drew ever closer. Shao Yun was originally just there to attend the wedding, but he ended up being roped into the preparations.

Zong Jinghao and Lin Xinyan did not need to worry about anything and left everything to their elders.

Very soon, the day of the wedding arrived.


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