Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 726

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 726

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 726

Judging from Su Zhan’s reaction, Shen Peichuan guessed he really didn’t know that Qin Ya had returned to B City.

He suddenly recalled Qin Ya’s tone and expression when she talked to him earlier. She must’ve come to know of Grandma Su’s desperation for a great-grandchild.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have avoided Su Zhan when she’s here already.

She even forbids me from telling Su Zhan of her arrival.

Shen Peichuan was worried for his friend now. It took Su Zhan such a long time to win Qin Ya’s forgiveness and start over again. But now their relationship was once again tested by Grandma Su’s desperation for a great-grandchild.

Well, people of the older generation were old-fashioned in their thinking, so it was normal for them to long for grandchildren. But in fact, many young couples too couldn’t survive a childless marriage.

After all, children were an important knot to tie the family together.

Children were the ones who could connect a couple together and strengthen the relationship between a couple.

“Oh…” Shen Peichuan let out a long sigh.

Su Zhan turned to him curiously after hearing his sigh. “Why? Did you quarrel with Sang Yu? Or is it because of that Ms. Song?”

“What makes you think I’m lamenting over my problems?” Shen Peichuan eyed him pitifully.

“Then why are you sighing away?” Su Zhan had no idea that Shen Peichuan was sighing for his sake.

Shen Peichuan did not answer him and knocked on the door.

He will know why I’m sighing once he sees Qin Ya.

At that time, Sang Yu was helping Aunt Yu in the kitchen, while Zhuang Zijin was busy playing with the twins.

Qin Ya was the only one who had nothing to do, so she got up and answered the door.

“Mr. Shen…”

Qin Ya was about to greet Shen Peichuan when she saw Su Zhan beside him. She froze at his sudden arrival and turned to Shen Peichuan questioningly.

Didn’t I say not to tell him I’m here?

But Shen Peichuan ignored her gaze and shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly. “I didn’t expose you. He’s the one who insisted on coming over for dinner. I’ve no way to stop him from tagging along.”

Qin Ya knew his relationship with Su Zhan was even closer than that of siblings, so she didn’t believe a word of it. Her hands clamped around the door handle tightly as she retorted, “Do you think I’ll believe you?”

“Well, you can ask Su Zhan if you don’t believe me. See if he’s the one who has insisted on coming over for dinner.” Shen Peichuan nudged Su Zhan teasingly. “Hey, say something.”

But Su Zhan did not move and only stared at Qin Ya quietly.

Now he knew why Shen Peichuan asked him over to the villa.

He was now wondering why Qin Ya didn’t inform him of her arrival.

“You’ve been to the hospital?” Su Zhan tried to cover his panic.

Qin Ya remained mum at his question.

Trying to give them space, Shen Peichuan turned sideways and entered the villa.

Su Zhan grabbed Qin Ya’s wrist and dragged her all the way to a rattan chair in the garden. “Why didn’t you tell me you have returned?”

“I’m just here to visit the kids. Why, can’t I do that?” Qin Ya raised her head while looking at him.

“Do you think I’m that stupid? If you’re just here to see the kids, why do you need to hide from me?” Su Zhan tried to suppress the rage in him.

He was mad at her for hiding things from him.

Qin Ya still refused to admit it. “I didn’t hide from you. I just haven’t got the chance to tell you.”

Su Zhan let out a snort. “Hey, you remember when was the last time we talked on the phone? Judging from the time you called me, I bet you’re already in B City by then.”

Qin Ya paused before replying, “Can’t I give you a surprise?”

Suppressing his annoyance, Su Zhan closed his eyes and sat on the other rattan chair. A while later, he finally asked, “Did you… find out about something?”

He was so not believing her explanation. If it was really a surprise visit, she would’ve come to see him the moment she arrived instead of going through Shen Peichuan.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Qin Ya avoided his gaze.

Su Zhan took her hands in his. “You’ve heard my grandma’s words?”

It must be, otherwise, she wouldn’t behave like this now. When she called me just now, that was right after I’ve talked to grandma. Is that a coincidence?

I don’t think so.

“You came to visit Grandma and you overheard her words, right?” Su Zhan tightened his hold on her hand. “Ya, please believe in me. I’m fine without a child, as long as you-”

“Yes, you’re fine with that. But what about Grandma? Do you really want your family bloodline to end with you?” Qin Ya suddenly yelled. After that yell, though, her voice faltered like an inflated balloon. “Su Zhan…”

“You don’t have to say anything now.” Su Zhan slid down from his chair and squatted before Qin Ya. “You must have faith in me. I’m really fine without a child,” said Su Zhan while hugging her legs.

“I do have faith in you. But what about Grandma?” Qin Ya lowered her head as tears started to gather in her eyes. “I don’t want to drag you down with me…”

“What do you mean by dragging me down?” Su Zhan asked. “Is it your fault that you can’t bear children? It’s my fault! It has always been my fault that you end up like this!”

By now, Qin Ya was tired of all these and she didn’t want to continue the topic anymore.

“Su Zhan…”

“Don’t say you want to break up with me or anything similar! It has not been easy for us to start over again. How can you hurl such hurtful words at me after all we’ve gone through?”

“I will tell Grandma about our condition and convince her to let me marry you. Once everything’s settled, I’ll bring you to see her. Kill those nonsensical thoughts in your mind now, ok?” Su Zhan’s grip

tightened on her hands, as though he was afraid she would slip off any time. “I know you’re under immense stress now, so I will handle everything. Just give me some time.”

Hearing his words, Qin Ya took a deep breath and took out her hands from his grip to wipe her tears. “Ok, I know that. Well, everyone’s inside; so it’ll be rude of us to stay outside for too long.”

Su Zhan nodded and composed himself before going inside.

The dishes were served on the table. As the head of the family, Zong Qifeng instructed Aunt Yu to get two bottles of wine to celebrate Zhuang Zijin’s release. Since both Zong Jinghao and Lin Xinyan were not around, Zong Qifeng decided to welcome Zhuang Zijin’s return on their behalf.

She might not be Lin Xinyan’s biological mother, but she was the one who had raised her. Her sacrifice was great enough to consider her the true mother of Lin Xinyan and an in-law to the Zong family.

“I’ll set up a video call with Jinghao later on. Your release is worth celebrating, and I believe Yan will be happy to see you’re out,” Zong Qifeng suggested.

Zhuang Zijin was embarrassed by his words. After all, she was jailed for murder. She stroked Zong Yanxi’s hair appreciatively while expressing her gratitude. “Thank you for not looking down on me. I will turn over a new leaf and live my life to the fullest.”

“Oh, we’re a family. Families don’t look down on each other,” Zong Qifeng replied.

Cheng Yuwen too agreed to his words as he raised his wineglass beside Zong Yanchen. “Come, let’s have a toast for your newfound freedom.”

Zhuang Zijin was hardly a drinker, but she still raised her glass. “Thanks for your good wishes.”

Cheng Yuwen finally introduced himself. “I am Jinghao’s maternal uncle, so we are considered a family. No need to be so formal with me since we’re going to live under the same roof as a family.”

Zhuang Zijin smiled in response.

“Too bad Mommy and Daddy are not around today,” Zong Yanchen uttered in disappointment.

His grandfather had told him that his parents went overseas for a holiday trip. But Yanxi and I have just started schooling, and Mommy is pregnant. How is it possible for her to fly overseas for a tour now? Zong Yanchen refused to believe his grandfather’s words and he was more worried than ever.

Seeing his worried look, Zhuang Zijin stroked his head to comfort him.

Throughout the dinner, even the usually talkative Su Zhan was quiet as he ate. Shen Peichuan and Sang Yu were quiet as well.

Everyone knew who Zhuang Zijin was by now; she was introduced to the others the moment she returned.

Without Zong Jinghao, who was the closest with the elders, the youngsters hardly exchanged any words with the elders.

After the quiet but nevertheless pleasant dinner, Su Zhan bid his farewell with the elders first as he needed to return to the hospital to care for his grandmother.

The others bade their farewells too and asked him to send their greetings to his grandmother.

Qin Ya got up to clear the table. She showed no intention to talk to Su Zhan at all, as she thought both of them need some time to cool down. But then, Su Zhan called her instead, “Qin Ya, please send me there. I didn’t drive here.”

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