Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 744

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 744

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 744

Sang Yu pouted. She didn’t like how he was always treating her like a minor. “I am an adult now! What, do you see me as your daughter or something?”

Shen Peichuan explained, “No, I don’t.”

“You’d be a monster if you did.” Sang Yu wrapped her arms around his neck. “Are you going back to the station?”

“Yeah, I’ve still got some work to do. I only came back to get changed.”

“What time are you coming home tonight? I’ll have dinner ready for you.”

Shen Peichuan gave it some thought and said, “I should be able to get back around five.”

Sang Yu let go of him. “Hurry up and get changed, then. I’ll wash your clothes for you.”

Shen Peichuan stared at her in silence.

She sat down in front of the table. “Fine, I won’t look, okay? Stop acting so shy like a little girl, will you?”

Shen Peichuan felt a huge blow on his ego when he heard that.

Sang Yu had her legs crossed, eagerly waiting to get a glimpse of his body.

Shen Peichuan smacked himself on the forehead and sighed. This girl sure is quite a handful…

“You want me to close my eyes?” Sang Yu asked with her head tilted.

Screw it, I’ve got my underwear on anyway! I mustn’t let her humiliate me like this!

Shen Peichuan thought to himself and took his shirt off. Although he wasn’t ripped, his muscles were clearly visible and in just the right proportions.

Sang Yu had wanted to tease him at first, but felt her face burning up at the sight of his bare body instead.

She kept her head down to avoid looking at him directly.

Shen Peichuan noticed her response and asked, “Did I scare you?”

Sang Yu shook her head and tried to look as calm as possible. “You carry on with getting changed. I’m gonna finish up those dumplings.”

Shen Peichuan was done changing by the time she finished making the dumplings. She was about to pick his dirty clothes when the doorbell rang all of a sudden.

Sang Yu opened the door and saw two men in black uniforms standing outside.

They exchanged glances upon seeing her and asked, “Is this Deputy Chief Shen’s residence?”

Sang Yu nodded. “And you are?”

Their uniforms are different from Shen Peichuan’s, so that means they’re not his colleagues. They’re probably from some government office…

“We’re looking for Deputy Chief Shen.” They pushed the door open and barged straight in. Shen Peichuan was throwing his dirty clothes into the washing machine and raised an eyebrow at them.

I know these guys… They’re from the Prosecutors’ Office!

One of them produced a warrant and said, “We’ve received a report that you have a university student as your mistress. Judging from the look of things, I’d say that report is spot on. We need you to come with us for further investigation.”

“Who are you calling mistress?” Sang Yu stood in front of Shen Peichuan. “What evidence do you have?”

The prosecutor showed them a picture of Shen Peichuan sending Sang Yu to school. “This is the evidence provided by the whistleblower, and we also did a background check on you. You’re from Huaqing University, right?”

“I am, but so what?”

“If you’re not his mistress, then why are you living with him?” The prosecutor looked around the house as he spoke and saw the dumplings on the table. “Making dumplings together, eh? How sweet.”

He then turned towards Shen Peichuan, and his gaze fell upon the clothes in his hands. “You’re a civil servant, Deputy Chief Shen. Don’t you know what you should and shouldn’t do? Have you forgotten the oath you took when you signed up for this position?”

“No, I’d never forget that.” Shen Peichuan replied.

“That’s good to know. I hope this punishment will help you be more mindful of your actions next time, Deputy Chief Shen. Now, come with us.”

Sang Yu glared at them. “Why is he being punished? What did he do?”

“Don’t get in our way or you’ll be charged with obstruction of justice,” The prosecutor warned her.

Shen Peichuan grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him. “I’ll go with you, just give me a minute.”

He then dragged Sang Yu to the balcony and placed his dirty clothes on top of the washing machine. “Wait here for me.”

Sang Yu shook her head and began to tear up. “Why are they arresting you? You didn’t do anything wrong! Is it illegal for us to get married?”

Shen Peichuan hugged her and patted her gently on the back. “Don’t worry, it’s just an investigation. I’ll be fine once it’s over.”

Sang Yu tightened her hug on him. “No, I don’t want you to go!”

Shen Peichuan let go of her. “Trust me, okay?”

Despite Sang Yu’s protests, the prosecutors escorted Shen Peichuan into their car and drove off.

As she began to cry out of panic, she remembered something very important. Those guys said someone had accused Shen Peichuan of keeping a mistress, but we’ve already gotten our marriage certificates on Monday! We’re legally married!

With that in mind, Sang Yu ran straight back to her dorm where she had left the marriage certificate. novelbin

She treasured it so much that she had held onto it ever since she got it, and this was the perfect time to use it.


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