Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 823

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 823

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 823

Shen Peichuan lowered his eyes and paused.

Sang Yu let out a long sigh. “Never mind then.”

She was about to remove the pill when Shen Peichuan suddenly leaned forward and look her in the eye. Sang Yu swallowed. “I’m just joking…”

Shen Peichuan laid his lips over hers the moment she opened her mouth. The pill clung to her lips as Shen Peichuan pushed the pill into her mouth with the tip of his tongue.

The pill left a bitter taste in her mouth as it melted since it was hard for Sang Yu to swallow with the way she ate it. She scrunched her face up and pushed Shen Peichuan. “Get me a glass of water, please. This is so bitter.”

Shen Peichuan handed her a glass of water. Sang Yu gulped down two mouthfuls of water to wash away the bitter taste in her mouth.

Shen Peichuan found her cute with her face all scrunched up. He reached out to brush the tip of her nose. “So cheeky.”

Sang Yu pouted and glared at him. “Damn you.”

With that, she pulled the blanket over her head and went to sleep. Shen Peichuan tugged on her blanket and said, “This is suffocating.”

“It’s none of your business.” Her voice was muffled by the blanket she had covered herself with.

Shen Peichuan let her be as he got up to take a shower. Sang Yu was fast asleep when he got out of the shower as he could hear her shallow breathing. He crept up to her bedside and pulled the blanket off her face


Sang Yu flipped over to face Shen Peichuan when he pulled the blanket away from her face. She was sweating all over since she just ate some aspirin and had covered herself with the blanket.

Shen Peichuan brushed away the hair that was sticking to her face. He then placed a hand on her forehead to check her temperature. She was getting better.

He cleaned her face and neck that were covered with sweat with a piece of damp cloth. Her skin was flushed red from the sweat.

He caught a tantalizing glimpse of what lay underneath the blanket from her collarbone down.

Shen Peichuan swallowed as he quickly moved his gaze away. He went to put away the towel and washed his face with cold water to freshen up. He then lay down beside Sang Yu with a thin blanket of his own.

He would just be torturing himself if he shared a blanket with her since she was naked underneath the quilt.

He couldn’t do whatever he pleases with her since she was already fast asleep and still sick at the moment.

Shen Peichuan tossed and turned restlessly in an attempt to fall asleep. He gave up in the end and simply stared at her face as he thought of how she had come to him in the rain. The corner of his lips subconsciously curled into a smile and he leaned in to place a kiss on her forehead. “I’m very surprise and happy to see you there,” he said gently.

At least it proves that she likes me. She lost her wallet in the rain and fell sick just to see him.

Shen Peichuan’s heart melted upon that thought.

He pulled Sang Yu, wrapped in her blanket, into his arms. I must take good care of her. He thought to himself.

The next morning, Sang Yu woke up feeling thirsty. “Water…”

Shen Peichuan was already up and was getting ready to go get breakfast when he heard Sang Yu’s moans. He asked, “What did you say?”

Sang Yu lay groggily on the bed and felt unbearably thirsty. “Water.”

Shen Peichuan poured her a glass of water and helped her up. Sang Yu downed the glass of water and felt much better after that.

She opened her eyes and saw rays of sunlight seeped through the curtains. “It’s morning already?”

“It’s only 6 a.m. You can sleep in longer while I go get us breakfast.” Shen Peichuan said as he placed the glass down on the table.

Sang Yu placed a hand on her forehead. “The fever has gone down since last night,” Shen Peichuan said.

The first thing Shen Peichuan did when he woke up was to check up on her.

Sang Yu was in good spirits as she said, “What am I going to wear today? My clothes are still wet from yesterday and I didn’t bring any new set of clothes to change into.”

Shen Peichuan said, “I’ll buy some new clothes for you later.”

Sang Yu smiled. “Ok, get me some lingerie while you’re at it.”

Shen Peichuan immediately figured out what she meant as he turned slightly awkward. He felt embarrassed to shop for lingerie. novelbin

“You’re not willing?” Sang Yu asked.

Shen Peichuan quickly shook his head. “No.”

Sang Yu smiled. “Thank you, then. Go get me something to eat now, I’m hungry.”

Shen Peichuan tucked her in. “Ok, you should rest more.”

Sang Yu nodded in response. The weather was clear when Shen Peichuan headed out with his car keys. Though the road was still wet from the rain, the puddles had dried up.

Sang Yu got up since she couldn’t get back to sleep and dressed in one of Shen Peichuan’s shirts temporarily. She then proceeded to wash their clothes.

Sang Yu happened to be done with washing the clothes when Shen Peichuan returned. She hung the clothes to dry on a small balcony in the bedroom.

Shen Peichuan placed the things he was holding down and walked over. “I’ll do it.”

Sang Yu said, “I’m fine now…”

However, Shen Peichuan took the clothes away from her and led her into the room. He even covered her up with the thin blanket he was using yesterday. Sang Yu was stunned. “I’m fine. It feels hot when you wrap me up like that.”

She struggled to remove the blanket but Shen Peichuan wouldn’t allow her to.

Sang Yu looked up at him. “Why?”


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