Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 113

Chapter 113: "Coloring the Blue-Striped Dogs"

TL: Etude

“Boss! Boss!”

The calls of his subordinates roused Gaden from his reverie.

“Hmm? What’s up?”

“The ship’s almost loaded. It’s time to go.”

“Alright, let’s board.”

Gaden led the remaining pirates briskly towards the shore.

Under the bright moonlight, four larger pirate ships loomed in the distance, their masts faintly adorned with skull flags.

Soon, they boarded a small boat, rowing vigorously towards the larger vessels. Due to the heavy load, the pirate ships couldn’t approach the shore too closely to avoid grounding.

Reaching the big ship, they climbed the rope ladder to the deck.

A leader approached and reported, “Boss, everything’s ready.”

Gaden commanded with gusto, “Set sail!”

The four galley ships started moving. Newly captured slaves, now serving as rowers, began their miserable fate amidst whips and curses.

In the cabin at the stern, Gaden and his leaders discussed their next move.

One reported, “Our contacts in Port Fran say the Blue-Striped Dogs have equipped a new type of vessel, capable of swift sailing using only wind power.”

Gaden was surprised, “Really?”

“It was seen with his own eyes. And the Blue-Striped Dogs are continuing to recruit heavily, seemingly intent on wiping us out.”

Gaden stroked his chin, pondering deeply.

After Barnett gave him the first batch of pills, Gaden eagerly tested them. However, being cautious, the first test was on a small pirate group of just a few dozen men.

Gaden invited this small group to join in raiding a village. Believing him, they arrived at the agreed spot, only to be met by ten monstrous figures enhanced by the secret medicine.

The small pirate group fought valiantly, but just over five minutes after drawing weapons, the battle ended. Nearly half of them were torn apart alive by Gaden’s men. The survivors sat on the ground, trembling, too weak to even stand.

The memory of the gruesome scene still nauseated Gaden.

Elated, Gaden quickly targeted his next prey, a pirate group of nearly 200. He sent 30 of his enhanced men.

The process was as easy as slicing vegetables. The remaining 100 or so of the enemy, realizing their weakness, knelt and surrendered.josei

Soon, the third and fourth pirate groups were assimilated by the “Mudfish” gang. To date, their numbers had grown to over 600.

Gaden then changed his strategy. Although most pirates accepted the rule of the strongest, many were not truly convinced by forceful mergers. He planned to establish his prestige, making other pirates genuinely respect him.

The best way to gain such prestige was to confront the Alda Navy, which had consistently thwarted pirates.

However, Gaden still felt unprepared for a direct confrontation with the Alda Navy.

However, executing small operations that would embarrass the Blue-Striped Dogs was still quite feasible.

Utilizing his undercover agents on land, Gaden planned several minor attacks. Fortunately, more than half were successful, and the failures resulted in minimal losses. His reputation began to spread across the Northwestern Bay.

The pirates dubbed him the “Nemesis of the Blue-Striped Dogs,” a nickname that threatened to replace his old one, “Mudfish.” This new title became one of the few consolations for pirates facing the formidable Alda Navy.

Having completed his contemplation, Gaden snorted, “It seems our long patience has given them the illusion of invincibility. It’s time to teach them a lesson.”

Excitement filled the cabin as the pirate leaders sensed a major operation brewing.

Indeed, Gaden instructed the leader who had reported the information, “We’ll stage a decoy operation to divert the navy’s main force. Meanwhile, we’ll try to seize their new ship at Port Fran when their guard is down.”

The leader grinned widely, “Yes, boss. Your wisdom and courage are unmatched.”

Ignoring the flattery, Gaden continued, “Have our Port Fran contacts intensify intelligence gathering. Drawing away the navy’s main force is crucial to our plan.”

The leaders buzzed with excitement. Previously limited to minor skirmishes, they were now planning to seize a ship from the Alda Navy. How could they not be thrilled?

With the mysterious new medicine boosting their confidence, Gaden’s men were filled with a strong sense of self-assurance, their admiration for their leader growing.

“This time, we’ll really show those Blue-Striped Dogs!”

“After we deal with them, other pirate groups will be begging to join us!”

“I always said, following Boss Gaden leads to great prospects.”

The pirates chattered among themselves, seemingly assured of their victory.

Suddenly, Gaden slammed his fist on the table, startling everyone into silence.

Frowning, he looked sternly at his crew, “Getting a bit ahead of ourselves, aren’t we? We’ve only just started to rise, and already you’ve forgotten your places.”

“Remember, we are still the underdogs. Although we number six to seven hundred, surpassing the Alda Navy, don’t forget that Grayman commands a land army of over a thousand.”

“Have you already forgotten how quickly the Quake and Shark gangs were wiped out? That was just a few months ago!”

Gaden berated them for half an hour, showing his frustration.

Exhausted from scolding, he guzzled water from a jug, then sat silently with a stern face.

A leader cautiously tried to appease him, “Heh, Boss Gaden, you’re right. We’ve been a bit arrogant lately. But that’s only because of your outstanding leadership. We’ll definitely correct our ways and follow you properly.”

The others chimed in agreement:

“Yes, we’ve been a bit dazed by our recent growth.”

“We’re not used to having so many men under our command.”

After everyone had expressed their commitment, Gaden nodded, his voice softening, “I’m not really angry with you all. Our fleet’s growth is due to everyone’s hard work. I’m constantly on edge, fearing a single misstep could ruin everything we’ve built.”

Moved by his words, the pirates reaffirmed their loyalty.

Gaden declared, “Alright, let’s continue discussing how to draw out the Alda Navy’s main force.”

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