Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 116

Chapter 116: Feint to the East, Strike in the West

TL: Etude

“Based on our analysis, it’s now certain that Gaden is plotting an attack against us, and we believe his real intention is to launch a feint to draw our main force away, with his actual target being Port Fran.”

In the naval base’s conference room, officers were discussing the latest intelligence from Clement. One officer, specializing in intelligence analysis, spoke up.

Austin was somewhat incredulous. Port Fran was the main base of the navy.

“If that’s the case, then they’re quite bold.”

The intelligence officer speculated, “According to other captured pirates, Gaden has recently absorbed several pirate groups, boosting his strength significantly. His forces have grown to six or seven hundred men, which might have given him the confidence to confront us.”

Austin nodded, “It seems while we are targeting Gaden, he too is plotting against us.”

Captain Quik of the Hope inquired, “Commander, what should we do? Should we take the bait and keep our main force in Port Fran, waiting for Gaden’s attack?”

Austin shook his head, “We need to consider this further. We don’t have direct evidence that they’re trying to lure us away to attack Port Fran. We can’t just sit idly in the base and let them plunder other areas. What if their attacks elsewhere are not a feint?”

If only the navy had more manpower. After the fall of large pirate groups like Shark and Quik, which numbered in the hundreds, the remaining groups were small, barely exceeding a hundred members, allowing the navy to split forces without worry. But now, with Gaden’s Mudfish Pirate Group’s significant increase in strength, spreading forces thin seemed risky.

At this point, someone spoke up, “If we had sufficient manpower, we could ensure the safety of Port Fran while assisting other areas. Major Joyce’s Third Infantry Battalion is currently training nearby.”

The room’s attention shifted to this officer, a captain of a galley warship named Arman.josei

As everyone looked at him, Captain Arman shrank back slightly, hesitantly suggesting, “Uh… maybe we should utilize the army’s strength. If we receive a distress signal, the Third Infantry Battalion could help us defend Port Fran, allowing us to concentrate our forces at the point of attack.”

“This… how can this be? Eliminating pirates is a task Count Grayman entrusted to the navy. Asking the army to intervene would make us look incompetent,” someone immediately objected. It was Captain Quik of the Hope.

Quik, who had been defeated by the First and Second Battalions at Lakeheart Town when he was a pirate, harbored some resentment towards the army.

He had specifically inquired about the composition of the navy when Austin asked him to join. Learning that everyone in the navy, except Commander Austin, either were new recruits or former pirate captives, he decided to join the navy.

Although other officers didn’t voice their opinions, their expressions seemed to lean towards Quik’s view.

However, Navy Commander Austin agreed with Captain Arman’s suggestion, saying, “Gentlemen, we should prioritize completing our mission by any means necessary, even if it involves leveraging others’ strength.”

“The construction of the second batch of sail ships is progressing smoothly. Once completed, they’ll head south to open up trade routes. The pirate issue can’t be delayed any longer.”

“Our first target was to take down Mudfish Gaden. If he comes to us, it’s even better. By absorbing other groups, he’s saved us the trouble of dealing with them individually.”

He instructed the intelligence officer, “Make good use of Clement and try to ascertain Gaden’s real intentions.”

Seeing the Navy Commander’s stance, the other officers reluctantly agreed.

The meeting concluded with a decision to collaborate with the Third Infantry Battalion to eradicate the pirates, subject to approval from the General Staff. Austin immediately dispatched a messenger to Lakeheart Town.

During the following days, Gaden’s pirate group suddenly quieted down. Not only was Alda spared from their attacks, but there were also no reports of their activities in other territories.

It was clear that the enemy was accumulating strength, perhaps repairing their warships or assimilating the newly merged pirate groups, preparing for the imminent battle.

To counter the pirate attack, the navy once again intensified its training. Austin received authorization from the General Staff, and the Third Infantry Battalion stationed near Port Fran was temporarily placed under his command.

During this period, intelligence officer Duran arranged for brothel owner Clement to contact the Mudfish Pirate Group several times. The information obtained from these contacts confirmed that “Mudfish” Gaden indeed harbored the intention of feinting to the east and striking in the west, with his target indeed being Port Fran. However, the specific date of the pirate’s action remained unknown.

On October 10th, a distress signal flare was observed in the distance. The navy immediately dispatched warships to respond swiftly, leaving the defense of Port Fran to the Third Infantry Battalion. Simultaneously, under Duran’s instruction, Clement released a falcon carrying the message: “The navy’s main force has departed.”

When the rescue fleet arrived, the pirates had already retreated. According to the local militia, the pirates had only made a show of force outside the fortress before leaving, and the number of pirates was not large.

Austin deduced this was a “test” action by Gaden to determine if a feint could draw out the navy’s main force.

A week later, on the afternoon of October 17th, the Hope and several other ships returned to the base port after a drill. Recently, they had been practicing how to use the new flag signals for communication at sea.

The sailors lowered the sails and inspected the ship. After confirming everything was normal and leaving a duty crew behind, the rest went ashore towards the mess hall, discussing the lunch menu along the way.

Suddenly, the base bell rang, signaling an alarm.

Quik muttered, “I hope this is for real this time! Damn that Gaden.” He immediately rushed to the operations meeting room with other officers, while the sailors regrouped, ready to depart at any moment.

In the operations meeting, Austin decided to have the navy stay in Port Fran and send the Third Infantry Battalion for the rescue, as the signal’s location was most conveniently reached by land.

The falcon carrying the message “The navy has left” was once again sent flying into the distance.

Hours later, near the waters of Port Fran, ten pirate ships flying the skull and crossbones appeared. Gaden, having received the message, immediately directed his fleet towards Port Fran.

Standing on the deck, he loudly ordered, “Once we land, loot as much as you can. Make it grand and establish our pirate group’s reputation.”

Then he emphasized, “But remember, we only have five hours. After five hours, everyone must return to the ship. Regardless of whether everyone is back or not, I will order the fleet to retreat.”

“Long live Gaden!” “Long live!” The pirates responded enthusiastically to their leader, ready for action.

Gaden unsheathed his sword and pointed east, “Order the slaves to speed up! Assault on Port Fran!”

“But boss, something’s wrong!”

A shout from the lookout broke the atmosphere.

Gaden, trying to suppress his irritation, shouted, “What’s wrong!”

The lookout, with a face full of fear, pointed eastward, “The navy hasn’t left. They… they’re coming towards us!”

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