Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 177

Chapter 177: The Ambush

TL: Etude

Antony tightly gripped the bishop’s hand.

“Now I’m even more certain that I have not mistaken you. Lord Elvis, once you ascend to the position of Grand Bishop of the Horn Bay, you could compete for that supreme position! And we, impotent to change the status quo in the Holy See, will await your lead!”

Elvis’s heart pounded wildly, a rosy scenario painted instantly in his mind!

He hadn’t doubted why Antony wasn’t striving for that direction himself. Given his special role within the church’s internal structure, he was essentially out of the running for that supreme seat.

Hence, scouting for like-minded individuals from the outside and aiding their ascent was a logical course of action.

“We are all servants of the Lord; there is no high or low.”

Elvis realized he had been too outwardly emotional and promptly returned to his bishop’s dignified demeanor.

Antony held back a smirk, “Pardon my bluntness. While I may discreetly support you, it ultimately depends on your performance. Others likely share this secret mission. Moreover, if you truly aim to become the Grand Bishop and aspire to that highest position, you’ll need to showcase better, more numerous achievements.”

“I understand. Thank you for your advice, Lord Antony.”

Though his face regained composure, Elvis’s inner resolve burned fiercer than before. How could he outdo others? Let those secular rulers grovel under the might of the Lord, thoroughly and willingly!

Antony grabbed a handful of grains and scattered them on the ground, attracting a crowd of birds to feast.

Among them, a green-crested parrot, unusual in color, had joined the flock.

“A green-crested parrot? Truly rare, aren’t they usually white or grey?”

Curiosity flickered in Antony, and he paid extra attention to the peculiar parrot.

He grabbed another handful of grains, scattering more near the parrot.

“Speaking of which!”

A thought suddenly occurred to him.

“The Duchess must know her sister is in this church, right?”

Elvis nodded, “I didn’t say explicitly, but I’m sure her first suspicion would be here.”

Antony’s face showed concern.

“What if she attempts to seize her sister from the church?”

“If she dares! This is not the Grand Duchy of Eton.”

Antony shook his head, “Better to be safe than sorry. Women can do insane things once they lose their reason, and we are holding her dear sister captive.”

“Um… You’re right.”

“I recommend we temporarily move her to a safer location until we have the Duchess’s clear response. Is there a good hiding spot nearby?”

“There’s a remote village in the northern outskirts with a church that is scarcely visited by outsiders. That place would be quite suitable for hiding her.”

“I think you should move her there!”

Elvis agreed, “I’ll arrange it now!”

“No!” Antony stopped him, “There are too many prying eyes on the roads now. Better to wait until dark. A little wait won’t make a difference.”

Elvis accepted the suggestion.

“Right, we’ll go through the north gate after dark. By that time, it’ll be the only city gate still open.”

The green parrot on the ground seemed to have had its fill, dwarfing the other birds in size and strength.

Flapping its wings, the parrot soared into the sky, circled the church a few times, and flew off into the distance…

Meanwhile, inside the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Eton, Duchess Helen sat restlessly in her room, pacing back and forth and occasionally staring out the window into the distance.

It was evident that she was weighed down by heavy thoughts. After another glance out the window, she approached the bed.

Lying in bed was someone with a handsome face and green hair—her junior, Ladi Sertia Gerard.

At this moment, Ladi’s eyes were shut, seemingly asleep or perhaps unconscious.

Helen checked for Ladi’s breathing, which was steady, and her concern was slightly alleviated.

A green parrot entered through the window and perched on the bedside table.


Helen called out in surprise and relief, her junior had returned safely.

The parrot nodded at her, then hopped onto the unconscious body on the bed.

It touched its beak gently to Ladi’s forehead.

About half a minute later, the person in the bed slowly opened her eyes.

“Ladi! Do you feel alright? Is there any discomfort?”


Ladi did not immediately answer Helen’s question but grabbed her hand.

“Fennie is probably in the cathedral, but they plan to move her tonight to a rural church in the northern suburbs, going directly through the north city gate.”

Then she addressed the previous question. “Don’t worry, my body is perfectly fine, in the best condition.”

Helen’s face broke into a grateful and joyful expression, hugging Ladi tightly.

“Thank you, my dear sister. Once again, you’ve been a great help.”

“Let’s not talk about that now, sister. Let’s plan how to rescue Fennie. Tonight seems like a golden opportunity.”

“Yes, you’re right!”

Duchess Helen pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the moisture from her eyes.

“However, we’re still unclear about how many people they will have. Just the two of us won’t be enough.”

Heeding Helen’s words, Ladi recalled the members of the Lichman Adventure Team—currently commissioned to find Fennie—as possible allies. Yet, the thought of confronting the Church head-on was swiftly banished to protect them from entanglement in such matters.josei

She then considered the sailors aboard the Southern, armed with dozens of guns, but this idea was also quickly dismissed. If the ordeal became too loud and public, it could severely impact Count Grayman’s trade plans, and they couldn’t be drawn in either. Besides, they were simply helping transport her family as a favor, and willingness to assist further was uncertain.

However, Helen appeared confident in her ability to handle the situation.

“In recent days, in search of Fennie, the Horn Bay Alliance agreed to allow us to bring over a group of people from Eton, and this includes many from my own family. I will rally them to ambush near the north gate and reclaim Fennie.”

“How many can you gather before dark?”

“Thirty to forty should be attainable.”

Ladi nodded and then suggested, “Sister, let me join them. Maybe I can be of help.”

Helen firmly grasped her hand, “I would be ever so grateful, but follow them discreetly. If there are few of them, my people will handle it. If my people are unable to cope, then you can intervene.”

“Don’t worry! I know how to hide my identity.”


“Is there anything else?”

“I’m coming too.”

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