Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 180

Chapter 180: Magic Duel 2

TL: Etude

Helen marveled at the enemy’s exposed arm, the muscles so swollen they seemed on the brink of bursting. Despite her modest achievements in potion research, she had never seen or heard of such a miraculous drug.

“Senior sister, now’s not the time to be curious!” Ladi internally harbored a small doubt, combining Austin’s description and the physical transformation of the enemy. The dosage they had taken should have made them lose their minds, yet their mental state appeared remarkably stable.

Could it be due to the mage’s stronger mental fortitude compared to ordinary people, or had the drug been improved?

Helen’s voice echoed in her ears, “Got it! Are you ready on your side?”


The two women simultaneously pointed towards the ground ahead of them, leading to an incredible occurrence.

The earth where they pointed began to undulate as if something was about to break through from beneath.

The five mages halted, staring in disbelief at this surreal spectacle.

“Is this a ‘Mud Swamp’ spell? Trying to hinder our advance? No, this doesn’t look like a Mud Swamp spell.”

The ground moved rapidly, cracking open, revealing something underground about to emerge.

Suddenly, two large hands burst from beneath, followed by two huge heads, then the other hands, and finally, the full bodies of two monsters emerged from the ground.

These were monsters the pursuers had never seen before, their bodies covered or perhaps constituted entirely of thick mud.

Over two meters tall, with fists as large as sandpots, their arms and legs, thicker and stronger than those enhanced by drugs, exuded an imposing aura.

The monsters, without uttering a sound, charged at the mages with swinging fists.

“Hold your ground! Hold your ground!” shouted the leader of the pursuers.

Normally, they would have been terrified, but under the influence of the drug, they were unusually bold.

The leader and a subordinate faced one mud monster while the other three took on the second.

One monster swung its fist rapidly, hitting the pursuer leader squarely in the face.

The leader screamed and staggered backward, his face caked with mud, his eyes and nostrils filled with dirt. Frantically wiping his face, he blew hard to clear his nostrils, only to spew out blood along with the mud.

To his horror, his teeth felt loose, as if they would fall out with the slightest touch.

“Ah! I’ll fight you with everything I’ve got!”

Losing his sanity, he charged back into the fray, bloodied and mud-spattered.

“Senior sister! Now’s our chance!”


Seeing their enemies entangled with the summoned clay golems, Ladi and Helen quickly returned to the carriage, whipping the horses hard. The horses, pained, strained to pull the carriage forward.

But the mire was too deep, and the strength of two horses seemed insufficient to pull free.

Left with no other choice, the two women each shouldered against one side of the carriage, pushing it forward with all their might.

“One, two, three! Ahh~~”

After numerous attempts, the carriage finally emerged from the mire, but they stumbled and fell into the mud.

Covered in mud and looking disheveled, the two women stood up. Duchess Helen, accustomed to luxury, found this ordeal particularly distressing.

“Why did we have to exert so much effort to push the carriage out, Ladi? Why didn’t we just unhook the horses, let Fennie sit in front of me, and each ride a horse to escape?” Helen lamented.

“It’s because that foolish author only just thought of this,” Ladi replied, frustrated. “Let’s not dwell on it, senior sister. Someone’s chasing us from behind, and we don’t have time to unhook the horses now.”

They quickly climbed onto the driver’s seat of the carriage and whipped the horses into motion.

“You won’t escape!” shouted the leader of the pursuers. He had abandoned his comrade fighting the mud monster and was now in pursuit.

His absence proved disastrous for his subordinate, who was being mercilessly beaten by the clay golem, unable to defend himself.

As the carriage began to speed away, the pursuer leader, perhaps driven by the drug or sheer urgency, forgot he had a horse tied up in the nearby woods. He sprinted with wind-like speed, catching up to the carriage.

He jumped onto the carriage’s step, gripping the handle tightly.

Ladi noticed the pursuer leader boarding the carriage, a fierce glint in her eyes. They had initially adopted a conservative strategy against the enemies, but it became clear that their opponents were merely mediocre mages.

The advisor Ladi extended her right hand, claw-like, and a tangible magical force began to gather in her palm. Suddenly, a burst of lightning flashed, much like the pursuers’ earlier lightning spell, but more pure and powerful.

The area around the carriage filled with an odd scent. If Paul had been there, he would have recognized it as ozone, a byproduct of air electrolysis.

The pursuer leader, clinging to the carriage, felt his heart pounding wildly, sensing an imminent danger.

Sighing, Ladi recalled the teachings of her magic tutor from her youth. She relaxed her hand, dispersing the gathered magical energy.

Turning around, she placed her right hand on the pursuer leader’s arm.

“Switch Position!”

In an instant, the pursuer leader was enveloped in a strange light, his vision blurred, and his head spun with dizziness.

Feeling a sensation of falling, he instinctively grasped at anything he could, and the sensation ceased.

“What happened?”

With this thought, he slowly opened his eyes, which he had closed due to the blurriness.

“What in the world happened? Ahhhhh!”

A hysterical scream echoed through the forest, startling numerous sleeping birds. The voice was filled with endless shame and rage.

The pursuer leader felt like he was going to explode. Just a second ago, he was clinging to the carriage, but now he found himself hugging a tree trunk.

But what truly drove him to despair was…

He was completely naked, hugging the tree trunk without a stitch of clothing.josei

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