Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 187

Chapter 187: Iron Ambition 2

TL: Etude

At the age of twenty-six, Mr. Guy Burns was a peculiar mechanic from the royal capital.

A peculiar mechanic refers to a craftsman who creates various unusual and strange machines, such as music boxes that can play tunes, little figures that can walk after being wound up, and the like. All these inventions seemed incredibly imaginative and ingenious to others.

For instance, the clock of this world was invented by one of these peculiar mechanics. However, the master who created it probably never anticipated that it would quickly become popular across the continent, replacing sundials and hourglasses as the most important timekeeping tool.

The creations of peculiar mechanics were highly popular in high society, with some people even willing to pay a hefty sum to commission them for custom, strange devices.

Of course, children of wealthy families, especially boys, were the most enthusiastic about these mechanics, seemingly having an innate interest in machinery.

Children from poorer families also loved these inventions, but their financial situation essentially barred them from purchasing these creations or learning the craft, both of which required significant expenditure.

Peculiar mechanics generally lived quite comfortably, thanks to their skills, craftsmanship, and the profits they brought.

However, Guy Burns was an exception in this field.

Born into a lower nobility family with a fairly comfortable life, he was sent by his father to apprentice under a renowned peculiar mechanic master, as he, being the second son, could not inherit the family title. His father hoped this would help him stand out in life.

As a child, Guy was immediately fascinated by the odd devices in his teacher’s house, spending all his time there, often forgetting to return home even for dinner.

Honestly, in the eyes of his teacher, Guy’s talent in this field was rather mediocre. However, his intense interest in mechanics and his relentless determination greatly pleased his teacher.

Burns’ teacher taught him everything he knew, hoping Guy would continue his legacy.

After completing his apprenticeship, Guy, now a true peculiar mechanic, began to make a name for himself around Crystal Shine.

However, it wasn’t long before he did something that made his peers resent him—he started teaching the children from poor families how to make and understand the principles of various machines, charging very little or even nothing, simply because they said, “Wow, this is so interesting!”

This was unacceptable. Such profound and mysterious techniques were being spread so cheaply, and soon anyone could become a peculiar mechanic.

Wouldn’t the profession of peculiar mechanics then become as devalued as that of farmers or blacksmiths?

Even Burns’ teacher warned him that he was offending many in the field.

But Burns persisted in his ways.

Eventually, some peers couldn’t stand it anymore. They fabricated charges against him through their noble connections and had Burns thrown into prison to ‘reflect’ for a year. This was after his teacher pleaded on his behalf in front of industry magnates.

Upon his release, some thugs warned him. “Don’t let us see you in Crystal Shine again. Get lost.”

Burns knew those who didn’t want to see him weren’t the thugs, but the people behind them.

As he was undecided about where to go, he happened upon Hansel recruiting in Crystal Shine, including positions for peculiar mechanics.

The Northwest Bay? It was a bit remote. But he needed to leave the royal capital, and this opportunity seemed like divine guidance.josei

Thus, Guy Burns, with a mix of confusion and hope, signed up with Hansel.

There, he found several other peers who, for various reasons, couldn’t stay in the capital either. Every family, it seems, has its own set of problems.

And so, Burns bid farewell to his family and, with a group of people, embarked on the journey to the Northwest Bay.

Upon arriving here, Guy Burns found that the local armory’s development of flintlock rifles had hit a snag. The local craftsmen were struggling with how to manufacture high-quality springs.

Approaching the peculiar mechanics from the royal capital, including Guy Burns, for advice, they found that Burns had substantial knowledge in making high-quality springs. Not one to hoard his skills, he shared his spring-making techniques with the craftsmen.

This earned him a significant reward and considerable esteem among the craftsmen.

At that time, he was unaware of the intended use of the high-quality springs, as military departments did not immediately disclose such information to newcomers. It required a long period of testing and trust-building.

Burns was assigned to work at the Lakeheart Town Mechanical Factory, tasked with developing a new type of carriage equipped with spring shock absorbers.

There, he encountered a strange machine called the “harvester,” capable of replacing several farmers in harvesting large fields of crops, significantly saving time and labor.

It was as if Burns had opened the door to a new world. He had always vaguely believed that machinery should not merely be for display or play, but should play a more significant role in various fields. The harvester crystallized this belief for him.

Initially, upon arriving at Lakeheart Town, he felt a sense of superiority, assuming the place too remote and isolated for most to be familiar with peculiar mechanics or their wondrous inventions.

However, witnessing the harvester humbled him. On this land, others were already ahead of him. This bulky, unrefined machine might not be as intricate as a music box, but its utility far exceeded that of a mere entertainment device.

When Burns learned from the craftsmen that the initial design of the harvester came from Count Grayman, he eagerly anticipated the opportunity to meet this lord.

One day, as usual, Burns was busy around a prototype carriage in the mechanical factory’s workshop when someone specifically asked for him.

Interrupted in his work, Guy Burns was reluctantly pulled away, even though the visitor was a fellow countryman from Crystal Shine — Lord’s current chief secretary, Bernard Francis.

Bernard greeted him warmly, “Mr. Burns, long time no see. It seems you’re enjoying your current work.”

“I indeed find joy in it. What brings the Chief Secretary to me?”

In his mind, he added that it would have been better without the interruption.

“I’m here on behalf of Count Grayman. The lord wishes to invite you to his office at two in the afternoon.”

“Invite me? To his office?”

Burns was pleasantly surprised, as this was exactly what he had hoped for.

“Please tell Count Grayman that I will be there on time.”

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