Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 194

Chapter 194: Returning Voyage

TL: Etude

Several significant events have recently occurred in Fort Ness, the capital of the Horn Bay Alliance.

First, there was the kidnapping of Baroness Fennie, the sister-in-law of the Grand Duke of Eton, which almost jeopardized the agreements already negotiated between the Horn Bay Alliance and the Grand Duchy of Eton. Fortunately, the culprits were intercepted by the royal guards of Eton while trying to leave Fort Ness, rescuing Baroness Fennie, who had been held captive for several days. This allowed the negotiations between the two nations to continue. However, the specific identity of the culprits remains a mystery, as Eton has not disclosed it to the public.

Then there was the incident of the wolves howling. The wolves in the forest outside the city suddenly started howling collectively in the dead of night, reminding many locals of an ancient legend from a century ago. Parents began using this event to scare their children, warning them that if they didn’t behave, they would be carried away by wolves. Fortunately, the wolves only howled for a short period and didn’t attack human villages as described in the legends.

However, some were not so lucky. Several travelers and their horses, traveling at night, fell prey to the wolves, leaving behind only skeletal remains. The clothes and armor found on the remains suggested they were knights of the church. Evidence of significant wolf activity was also discovered in the area around them.

To calm the anxious populace and merchants, the city hall and the church both issued bounty missions, calling adventurers to hunt wolves outside the city. This led to an influx of adventurers in Fort Ness, signaling trouble for the local wolves.

Another major event was the Horn Bay Alliance extending invitations to rulers of many countries in the region to attend a multi-national conference in Fort Ness. The conference aimed to reach a series of political and economic cooperation agreements, and preparations were being made in full swing.

Queller sensed his father, Marquis Foster, smiling more often lately.

Marquis Foster was, of course, pleased. The Grand Duke of Eton’s sister-in-law was found, and initially, the council was worried the Duke might leave over this incident. However, it seemed their concerns were unnecessary. The Duke continued his stay in Fort Ness to negotiate with the council, planning to participate in the upcoming multi-national conference.

Especially significant was the Grand Duke of Eton’s growing disdain for the church. Initially hesitant about cooperating with other nations against the church, the Duke, during the latest round of talks, openly berated the church. He revealed two things: that the church was behind the kidnapping of his sister-in-law and that the plans to unite various nations against the church seemed to have leaked. Yet, before he could even decide to join the alliance, the church resorted to such despicable tactics against him.

The young and impetuous Grand Duke of Eton was infuriated and decisively sided with the alliance, preparing to persuade other national leaders to resist the church at the upcoming conference.

However, for various reasons, the Grand Duchy of Eton had not yet publicly disclosed the church’s involvement in the kidnapping.

The members of the Alliance Council were overjoyed. The church had indeed shot itself in the foot. Plans leaked? So be it, as the growing rift between the two sides was becoming an open secret.

With less pressure from official affairs, Marquis Foster began to focus more on his private matters. He even made time to meet with Quik and several merchant representatives, praising the goods from the northwest and expressing hope for further cooperation.

The merchant representatives were flattered and surprised. It was their first time meeting such a high-ranking noble. Although in Horn Bay, anyone with money could play at being a noble, they were now meeting a member of the Alliance Council, a person wielding real power in the state.

They eagerly sought to ingratiate themselves with the Marquis, awkwardly complimenting him in their newly learned Horn Bay language, embarrassing Captain Quik who was accompanying them.

During their stay, the merchant representatives experienced a cycle of joy and disappointment. They thoroughly inspected the commercial industry of Fort Ness, delighted by the immense business opportunities but dismayed at how far behind the commercial environment of the Northwest Bay was in comparison.

After five days in Fort Ness, Captain Quik decided to return home. Everyone hoped to be back in the Northwest Bay before the year-end festivities, as although Horn Bay was prosperous, it wasn’t home. Festivities were always more comfortable in one’s hometown.

“Ladi, are you really unwilling to stay by my side? Horn Bay is your hometown, after all. I’ve heard that the area around Northwest Bay…”

In the back garden of the Eton Embassy, Duchess Helen once again tried to persuade her junior, Ladi, to stay.

Ladi had come to bid farewell, as the next day she would be leaving Horn Bay with her mother aboard the Southern.

“I am now an advisor to Count Grayman, and leaving just a few months into the job would be too irresponsible. Besides, the atmosphere here…”


Helen sighed, knowing that Ladi was referring to the church’s oppression. Even with her own sister’s identity, they dared to act against them, leaving others even more vulnerable.

“I won’t force you to stay. Since you’ve found a life of your own, cherish it well.”

“Thank you, senior. You take care too.”

“Of course, I know my limits.”

“Ladi sister!”

A little girl with chubby cheeks ran over, calling out to Ladi in a baby voice.

“Here comes our little Fennie!”

Ladi picked up the girl, twirling her around and planting a kiss on her rosy cheek.

Fennie, in a whiny voice, said, “Sister said you’re leaving. Don’t go, please stay with me?”

Helen sternly said, “Fennie, don’t be naughty. Sister Ladi has her own things to attend to.”

Seeing the unwilling look on the little girl’s face, Ladi gently stroked her head, “I will come back to visit you. Be a good girl and listen to your sister, okay?”

With the opening of the shipping route between Northwestern Bay and Horn Bay, there would be more opportunities to travel between the two places, and traveling by boat was safer and faster than by land.

“Okay,” Fennie obediently nodded her head.

Her recent kidnapping had caused a lot of trouble for her sister and brother-in-law, resulting in the loss of several guards’ lives, leaving Fennie with a heavy psychological burden. Despite the unforeseeable nature of the incident, she blamed herself, as her curiosity had led her to experiment with her strange abilities in secret, inadvertently alerting those with ill intentions.josei

After playing with Fennie in the garden for a while, Ladi bid farewell to Helen.

“You have a group of adventurer friends to say goodbye to, right? The companions you used to adventure with?”

“Yes, we’ve arranged to have dinner together tonight.”

“Go ahead, I’ll be at the dock tomorrow morning to see you off.”

Helen sent Ladi off from the embassy with reluctance.

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