Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 201

Chapter 201: Year End 4

TL: Etude

Malron Ganard, who had been silently observing the discussion, suggested, “Butuya already has a church school. Maybe we could collaborate with them to expand its size?”

“Oh, forget it, Malron!” Paul waved his hands dismissively. “I’ve heard that many clergy have a certain… fondness for young boys. I certainly don’t want to send more children there.”

The room erupted in laughter, except for the female advisor who blushed in embarrassment.

Paul clenched his fist in the air, resolute. “We must establish an education system entirely under the control of the Administration Council!”

His gaze suddenly shifted, lingering on the female advisor.

Eileen’s heart raced under his intense scrutiny, feeling it improper for Count Grayman to behave so in front of so many people.

Flushing slightly, the female advisor asked, “Is there something you wish to discuss, Count?”

“Miss Dias, I was wondering if you’d be interested in…”

“In what?”

“The position of head of the Department of Education is still vacant. Previously, there wasn’t much to do in this area since it lacked a formal system. But if we’re going to establish so many schools, there will be a lot of work ahead.”

“Yes, that’s true.”

“So, would you be interested in taking up the position?”

Eileen was momentarily stunned, unsure of how to respond to Paul’s offer.

Before she could speak, someone in the hall objected.

“Cough! Lord Grayman, this seems out of step with tradition. How can a woman hold a public office? Oh, I’m not doubting Miss Dias’ knowledge; after all, she is a true scholar. But a woman… it just doesn’t align with tradition.”

Baron Hansel Abbott clearly disapproved of Paul appointing a female official, especially one at his level.

“But in our administrative system, Miss Dias and Miss Ladi seem to be the most knowledgeable.”

“Being knowledgeable doesn’t necessarily mean they’re suitable for administrative tasks in politics, Lord Count. Some scholars are so engrossed in their studies, they lack even basic social skills. How can they handle the myriad tasks in the political system?”

“But I recall the Princess herself is a woman of great military and political prowess!”

Mentioning the Kingdom’s Princess, Catherine, Miss Dias, who was still in a daze, visibly shivered.

“Oh, Lord Count,” Hansel said with a hint of amusement, “You can’t use an exception to prove a rule. Besides, Princess Catherine grew up in the royal family, with far more resources and educational opportunities than most men in the country.”

“And…” Hansel’s lips curled slightly, “If the King had a son as capable as her, perhaps Princess Catherine wouldn’t be as prominent as she is now.”

Left with no other choice, Paul asked the room, “What are your opinions on appointing Miss Dias as the head of the Department of Education?”josei

Everyone exchanged glances, eventually falling silent. While they respected the female advisor’s knowledge, the idea of appointing a woman to such a position was too unconventional.

Paul had to ask again, “Can anyone step forward to volunteer for the position of head of the Department of Education? Or perhaps recommend a subordinate?”

In the prolonged silence, it became evident that despite their respect for her intellect, appointing a woman to such a role was still a bridge too far for them.

Still, no one spoke up. The rough men from Northwest Bay knew very well that education wasn’t their forte.

The few ‘high-level’ talents from the capital also didn’t volunteer. Bernard, the chief secretary, was preoccupied with accompanying Paul daily, handling various documents and scheduling. Guy Burns, recently appointed as the head of the mechanical factory, was a tech enthusiast who preferred to focus solely on his technical research and found managing a factory challenging enough.

Both were unwilling to take on additional responsibilities.

The only one interested was Hansel, who had a penchant for power. However, he was well aware of his limitations. As the head of the Department of Agriculture, he had his hands full with numerous agricultural tasks, recently criticized by the lords for slow progress in land consolidation. Additionally, he was also busy managing immigration and recruiting talents from outside regions.

He racked his brain for someone to recommend for the head of the Department of Education, preferably someone he had recruited, ideally from the capital. But Hansel couldn’t find anyone who met all three criteria: arriving early, being highly capable, and having a good rapport with the lord.

Someone who arrived early was essential, as no one would appoint a newcomer to such an important position. The capability was a necessity, as he himself valued competence highly. And having a good rapport with the lord was crucial. The old folks from the northwest were the lord’s base; Bernard had gained the Count’s approval by starting with simple tasks and working his way up; Guy Burns shared the Count’s passion for technology, forming a kind of alliance with him.

Frustrated by the lack of suitable candidates, Hansel couldn’t bear the thought of such an important position falling into the hands of a woman, especially since the lord clearly valued education.

Just as Hansel was sweating over this dilemma, Paul spoke up.

“Since no one can suggest a suitable candidate, I think Miss Dias should temporarily handle educational matters. However, considering that the only school under the jurisdiction of the Administration Council in our territory is Weiss Academy, and the workload isn’t as heavy as other departments, I’ve decided to downgrade the Department of Education to a Bureau, which is a level lower. Miss Dias will temporarily act as the head of the Education Bureau. How does that sound?”

There was still no response.

“No objections?” Paul asked differently.

“Uh… I think it’s a good idea,” someone finally spoke softly, and the others nodded slightly, tacitly accepting the Count’s decision.

“That’s settled then.”

Only Hansel was inwardly displeased: why couldn’t everyone see that the Count was strategically retreating? He was sure that within two years, the woman would be on equal footing with the heads of other departments, and the Education Bureau would be upgraded back to a department.

While Hansel recognized the female advisor’s capabilities, he was uncomfortable with a woman holding such an important position. If it weren’t for their policy differences on the refugee issue, he might have reluctantly accepted it. But given their disagreements, he certainly didn’t want her to gain more power.

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