Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Fallen Baron

TL: Etude

Hansel Abbott, a once respected baron in the Kingdom of Ordo, now found himself in a pitiable state, fleeing with a group of ragged refugees along a muddy country road.

“Damn traitors,” he grumbled repeatedly.

Just a week ago, the Duke Jars, notoriously known as the “Greedy Wolf,” had instigated a rebellion. The king, already bedridden due to a severe illness, was unconscious, and the only person who could have quelled the rebellion, the Princess, was leading her knights to the eastern highlands to repel barbarian invasions at the kingdom’s borders.

Though the Duke’s ambitions were well known, the royal strategy had been to placate him. No one expected the rebellion to erupt so suddenly. Worse yet, the capital city’s guard commander, Sir Hals, a man previously thought loyal to the royal house, revealed himself as the Duke’s spy, seizing control of the city while the royal army was away.

The Abbott family had always been perceived as staunch royalists. Fearing for his safety, Hansel had not dared to return home, instead fleeing towards the highlands with his personal servant, Tom.

Order in the Crystal Shine region collapsed overnight, with bandits seemingly appearing out of nowhere. The city guards began a reign of terror, raiding and looting, indistinguishable from bandits themselves.

As the Duke’s fearsome reputation grew, many civilians and smaller noble families loyal to the crown started fleeing.

Hansel gathered rumors from other refugees, learning that the rebels hadn’t found the king when they stormed the palace. In a last-minute move, the Royal Academy’s martial students were mobilized, and along with a few royal guards, managed to evacuate the comatose king and other key figures through the north gate.

Hansel had seen carriages bearing the royal crest on the road but, unlike other refugees, he didn’t follow them, sensing something amiss.

Now, leading his servant Tom on a different path, Hansel encountered many other refugees. Their carriage had gotten stuck in the mud earlier, and while they struggled, bandits robbed them of their remaining money and horse.

Cursing the rebels was all the baron could do.

Just as the master and servant decided to rest by the roadside, a noble’s carriage, its crest concealed, passed by. From its window appeared a face Hansel despised but now found somewhat comforting.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Abbott!”

A fleeting schadenfreude crossed the other’s face, extinguishing any feeling of kinship Hansel had felt.

Regardless, the group of fully armed knights following the carriage reassured him, and he decided to swallow his pride and seek help.

“Matthew, old friend, I’ve been robbed by shameless bandits. Can you help a brother out?”

Matthew smirked, “Of course! How can I let my good friend Baron Hansel Abbott be seen like this among refugees? It would be a huge blow to our noble image.”

His exaggerated tone and loud voice attracted the attention of nearby refugees as he opened the carriage door.

“Thank you. I knew you wouldn’t abandon an old friend.”

Climbing into the carriage, Hansel vowed to return the mockery if Matthew ever fell on hard times.

Matthew Stoman, Hansel’s schoolmate and biggest rival, was always his direct opponent in debates. Their heated arguments were legendary, and they often maligned each other behind their backs, each deeming the other a sneaky villain.

Now, Hansel Abbott, a baron of the esteemed Kingdom of Ordo, was forced to rely on his arch-enemy for escape.

“Such is the fickleness of life!” Hansel sighed, feeling a twinge of relief that his mother and sister, who had been away visiting relatives, were not in the capital.

“Hansel, stop moping. Tell me, what’s your plan?” asked Matthew.

Straightening his collar, Hansel regained some composure. “In these turbulent times, I naturally plan to serve under the Princess. My talents may be modest, but aiding the royal house in its hour of need is my family’s unshakable duty.”

“Hmph, always so righteous. Well, I have the same intention. The Stoman family’s loyalty to the crown is second to none.”

“Do you think the Princess will take us in? Where were you when the rebellion started, Matthew?”

“I was at my family’s estate outside the city, auditing accounts. I received a message from my father to head to the highlands and join the Princess.”

“I saw carriages with the royal crest on the road. Why didn’t you follow them?”josei

“And you didn’t either, did you? In such chaos, flaunting the royal crest so openly – do you take me for a fool? You always underestimated me.”

Their conversation was interrupted when the carriage suddenly stopped. Apprehensively, they wondered if they had encountered rebels or bandits.

A voice with a foreign accent called out from outside, “Is there someone from the Stoman family here? May we speak with you?”

Matthew and Hansel cautiously stepped out of the carriage to see an old man standing by a roadside carriage, bowing respectfully in noble fashion.

“I am Baron Wackley Ford, the chief steward of the Count of Grayman from the northwest coast. I bring greetings from my lord to both of you.”

“Good day. I’m Baron Matthew Stoman, and this is Baron Hansel Abbott. What can we do for you?”

“I was traveling to the capital to see His Majesty on official business, but I’ve encountered numerous families fleeing northwards. They speak of a rebellion in the capital. May I ask what exactly is happening?”

“Ah, you must be unaware, coming from afar. It’s all the doing of that Jars fellow – he betrayed the king.”

“Oh? The Duke known as ‘Greedy Wolf’?”

“Yes. The capital is now under his allies’ control. I’d advise against going there.”

“I haven’t been to the capital in a decade and to think I would arrive amidst such turmoil. Jars is truly detestable.”

“Indeed. We’re both fleeing to avoid falling into the hands of the rebels. We plan to join the Princess, who is currently leading troops in the highlands against barbarians. With her prowess, she’ll soon return to quell the rebellion.”

“What of His Majesty?”

“He was presumably rescued. If you wish, Baron Ford, you can accompany us to the Princess. The king recently fell ill and has entrusted the Princess with state affairs.”

“Is that so? Very well, then I’ll be in your care on this journey.”

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