Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 85

Chapter 85: The Navy

TL: Etude


Okam held a wooden sword and stabbed fiercely at his opponent.

However, the opponent effortlessly parried his wooden sword. While Okam’s arm was still extended, the opponent quickly jabbed him in the waist with a wooden sword.

“Don’t just attack blindly; remember to keep your base stable at all times!”

Quik, a former pirate leader and now a second-class soldier in the Alda Navy, loudly pointed out Okam’s shortcomings.

Rubbing his sore waist from the jab, Okam reset his stance for another attack, searching for any defensive gaps in Quik’s posture.

After circling Quik a few times, Okam found what he thought was an angle from which Quik couldn’t counter and stabbed sharply. However, with a swift sidestep…

With a “splash,” Okam, charging too fiercely, fell into the water.

The sailors of the Alda Navy were practicing combat on the water. Six navy warships and a dozen or so temporarily conscripted fishing boats were filled with sailors engaged in intense mock battles.

In the midst of their vigorous training, they suddenly heard the call to assemble from the shore.

Everyone immediately ceased their activities and rowed towards the military harbor dock.

With newly built and requisitioned civilian ships, the Alda Navy now had six larger sail-and-oar ships, each manned by about fifty people. The Navy also established a base in Port Fran, carving out a space for the construction of a naval base and a dock specifically for military ships.

On the shore, Paul and his “Naval Commander,” Austin, were already waiting.

The sailors landed and quickly assembled on the training ground within the military harbor. They formed six square formations, led by their respective ship captains, totaling over 300 men.

Although the weather was cooling down in autumn, due to training, everyone wore only a blue-and-white striped shirt, a cotton shirt named “Sea Soul Shirt” by the lord, which was very popular among the navy officers and men.

Not only did it serve as a wind and sun shield for the sailors out at sea, but it also had a very practical feature. If someone accidentally fell overboard, they could be quickly spotted.

Paul, accompanied by Austin, inspected the sailor formations.

He saw “Quik the First” in the formation and smiled wryly at him.

Quik’s face turned red. Bound by military discipline, he dared not turn his head and had to slightly shift his eyes to avoid direct eye contact with Paul.

Paul did not reprimand him for this slightly disrespectful behavior. Quik had been humiliated during an interrogation in Lakeheart Town, and naturally felt very embarrassed now.

These ex-pirate recruits in the navy only received supplies for food and clothing. They didn’t think about a salary unless they accomplished some outstanding feat or behaved well for a period, which would then allow them to be treated like regular sailors.

Quik was among the second batch of prisoners selected for the navy. Fortunately, he had performed notably in repelling a pirate landing attack, immediately promoted to second-class soldier and allowed to receive half-pay. If he continued to perform well, he could earn full pay.

Looking at the budding naval force, Paul was filled with grand ambition. Although it was just a small sapling, it would eventually grow into a towering tree.

This army would one day sail the seas. He imagined numerous warships and giant ships, neatly aligned in columns, their broadsides firing in unison, barraging the enemy with countless cannonballs, stirring a wave of excitement in his heart.

He asked Austin, “Has the cannon training already begun?”

Austin replied, “We have already started. We built a simulated deck on land, where we placed the two naval cannons and four revolving cannons we’ve manufactured. This setup is used for practicing artillery operation.”

Paul was very pleased. These two naval cannons were still directly cast based on the army’s 6-pound cannons, but their mounts had been modified for shipboard use. Since warships could carry heavier cannons, he had already instructed Malron to start experimenting with 12-pound cannons. As for even heavier 24-pound cannons, they would wait until larger ships could be built.

The revolving cannons, small-caliber artillery, were primarily installed at the bows and sterns of the warships to cover areas the broadside cannons couldn’t reach. Additionally, they were used to fire grapeshot at the enemy’s face in close combat situations.

After the inspection, the sailors were ordered to continue their training, while the navy officers gathered in the base’s meeting room to hear the lord’s introduction to the next steps and arrangements.

Paul, seated at the head of the table, said, “Gentlemen, as you might already know, the shipbuilders from the south have arrived and will soon start building new types of ships.”

The officers nodded in understanding. When Paul had led the southern shipbuilders to the shipyard, their commander Austin and several other officers had joined as naval representatives.

They were also well aware of what the new ships would look like. Two models of the sloop ships were placed in the shipyard for the shipbuilders to reference for detailed design drawings, and two more were in the naval base for the navy officers and men to study.

Paul continued, “In the first phase of naval development, I plan to build six sloop ships. But after constructing two and conducting some training, the navy will begin clearing the various pirate groups in the Northwest Bay. So, you need to be ready for battle as soon as possible.”josei

Although pirates who raided on land had been eliminated, the Northwest Bay was still far from tranquil. The Alda Navy was still very weak, so they had adopted a passive defense strategy, engaging in battle only when pirates attacked. If the pirates didn’t come, they wouldn’t provoke them.

Even so, several pirate invasions had occurred since the public trial, but fortunately, they were all repelled by the Alda troops, with each invasion promptly reported to Lakeheart Town.

Once the navy was equipped with two sloop ships, they would be able to mount a total of 28 cannons on board. With such formidable firepower, the Alda Navy would no longer fear any pirates.

Paul also proposed another requirement:

“The Administration Council has decided that after clearing the pirates, merchant ships will be sent to the south, and the navy must play a role in scouting routes and escorting.”

“From now on, you must send people to travel south along the coastline, gathering information about each port along the way. This will facilitate emergency stops, resupply, and repairs for our ships.”

Many in attendance thought of Paul as far-sighted.

After the meeting at the naval base, Paul visited the nearby shipyard.

The shipyard had not yet started building sloop ships because, according to the senior shipbuilder Benjamin’s inspection, the equipment was somewhat outdated. He was directing the shipyard craftsmen to upgrade and repair the equipment along with supervisor Rubin.

Paul promised Rubin that the navy would be a financial priority in the upcoming budget. If they encountered any difficulties in upgrading equipment or purchasing shipbuilding materials, they should just speak to the Department of Finance.

As he left, he asked Rubin to cooperate well with the shipbuilders from the south, to which Rubin eagerly nodded in agreement.

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