Stop It She's Remarrying by Stellar Strands

Chatper 1037

Chatper 1037

Chatper 1037

Chapter 1037

Peter also didn’t expect the man that Esme worked for right now to be so vicious. That he would plan something like this against a powerless woman.

It was a fate worse than death!

Outside of the ICU, Esme was wearing a pale orange coat, black pants, and long boots. Her figure was very attractive as she let her wavy hair flow freely on her back.

Peter looked at her from some distance away. “Happy now?”

When Esme heard his voice, she turned around and smiled.

It was the smile that Britney once had.

“You’re here to see Esme’s mom too?”

Peter looked at her with a sneer. “What happened was beyond cruel.”

“What are you talking about, Peter? I don’t understand a word you say,” Esme said with a soft smile. “You’re feeling upset because you remembered Esme?”

Peter looked at Esme before saying, “If you continue like this, you’ll eventually get everything you deserved. I pray that you’ll be able to survive a little longer.”

With that, he turned around and left without any sort of regret.

When he saw the news about Fia, he suddenly realized that their fates were quite similar.

He felt like he could see a once kind woman becoming a monster if she could climb back up from the bowels of hell.

For some reason, he pitied her.


In a dark room, Fia laughed like a possessed woman as she watched the screen that filled. up

the entire wall.

She looked at the photo of Conrad and Esme together in the car, looked at how he posted the video on Facebook, looked at how the reporters questioned him on why he wanted to expose her, and all he did… was glare at them in anger, as if he hated her to the bones!

When she left the hospital around one in the morning, she lost consciousness. When she woke up, she was already locked in this place.

The screens never stopped bombarding her with the love Conrad was showing Esme…

In the beginning, she was filled with shock and disbelief. Now, she had already accepted it. She had understood.

That she was nothing but a joke!

The deeper her love was, the deeper the wound was!

There was nothing more cruele than this!

There was no more suspicion, no more doubts, for she had seen the “truth”!

The man that she had loved for so many years had hidden his intent for so long just so he could avenge his first love!

“Kill me!” she cried and cackled at the screen. “Give me a quick one! Let me die!”

If it wasn’t because she was tied up, she would have killed herself already!

She didn’t want to live anymore!

It was too painful!

From the moment she was born, her life had always been filled with misery!

She had no father, and everyone laughed at her for being a b*stard!

Everyone looked at her differently!

From school to society, from her family to strangers, all of them wanted her to die!

But she held on, wanting to prove them wrong!

She wanted his love, to become his only wife! To give him children! But everything was a damn joke right from the beginning!

Suddenly, the screens all turned black.

In the darkness, a modulated voice rang. “It’s so easy to die. All those people that had hurt you will raise their glass in celebration. No one will avenge you.”

Fia was instantly stunned as she looked at the black screens, her innocence giving way to desolation.

The man’s voice slowly corrupted her mind….

“Do you want to have revenge?

“Do you want them to suffer like how you have suffered?”


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