Story of a Big Player from Gangnam

Chapter 657 - End of Year Promotions (3) – Part 2

Chapter 657 - End of Year Promotions (3) – Part 2

Chapter 657: End of Year Promotions (3) – Part 2

It was lightly snowing that day.

“Oh my, it’s snowing!”

The secretary— Ms. Yeon-Soo Oh screamed in excitement.

While looking at the snow, Gun-Ho thought of GH Logistics. Because of its nature of business, snowing was one of their major concerns. Gun-Ho remembered Jae-Sik Moon mentioning it when he was running GH Logistics. He said that he worried a lot whenever it snowed. Gun-Ho was thinking about giving a call to his brother-in-law who was currently operating GH Logistics, and then he decided against it.

At that moment, Manager Hong who was handling GH Development’s accounting work entered Gun-Ho’s office. He brought a document to be signed to Gun-Ho.

“Umm, sir, GH Media is having a year-end party this Friday. They said that they would have the party in the office.”

“A party in the office?”

“Yes, sir, and they invited all of our GH Development’s employees to their party.”

“Really? That sounds fun.”

“President Shin said that she would love to have you at the party.”

“Well, I’m sorry. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to be there. I have a prior engagement.”

Manager Hong continued while picking up the document after Gun-Ho signed it, “We had a meeting last week among the workers in GH companies who were in charge of each company’s accounting work, in Seonghwan Town.”

“In Seonghwan Town?”

“Yes, we picked Seonghwa Town because it was convenient to get there for everyone. We just needed to take Subway Line no. 1 to get there. GH Mobile’s Director Min-Hwa Kim and Dyeon Korea’s Accounting Manager Myeon-Sook Jo brought their cars, and we all went to the Plum Farm Restaurant and had a good time.”

“Who else was there?”

“There were five of us— GH Mobile’s Director Min-Hwa Kim, Dyeon Korea’s Manager Myeon-Sook Jo, GH Media’s Ms. Hyeong-Sook Noh, GH Logistics’ Ms. Hyeong-Nam Eun, and myself representing GH Development.”

“Hmm, I see.”

“We also visited GH Mobile’s factory that day. It was huge and very nice. It was my first time being there. We couldn’t visit Dyeon Korea though because we just didn’t have time for it.” josei

“So, you all had fun?”

“Yes, sir. Ms. Director Min-Hwa Kim paid for our lunch. She is the oldest among us, and GH Media’s Ms. Hyeong-Sook Noh is the youngest. We exchanged information to each other, and we agreed to help each other to produce the monthly profit and loss statements as quickly as we could.”

“Hmm, is that so?”

“The main purpose of accounting in a company is to make and deliver an accounting report for its president, and we will do our best to fulfill that purpose efficiently and effectively.”

“Hmm, I guess the meeting was very productive.”

While having a conversation with Manager Hong, Gun-Ho received a call from Min-Hyeok Kim in China. After picking up the phone and realizing that it was from Min-Hyeok, Gun-Ho gestured to Manager Hong that he was dismissed.

“I received a call from Suk-Ho Lee. He said he placed an advertisement on a newspaper about his stores in Shenyang for sale, just like you suggested to him.”

“He made the right decision. That’s the best option for him.”

“He said that there has been no one who is showing any interest in buying his stores yet.”

“The timing is not good for him. It’s almost the end of December. He might not receive any inquiries about the stores until Spring.”

“I believe that people will come to see his stores after China’s Spring Festival.”

“I think so.”

“Guess what? My wife is pregnant.”

“Really? Congratulations. How far along is she?”

“She is three months pregnant. We didn’t know until we visited the hospital for other things.”

“Well, it now proves that you are not gay.”

“I know right? Many people around me have been teasing me a lot by asking me if I am gay since my wife and I don’t have a baby yet.”

“Anyhow, it’s very good news. Congratulations again. Be good to your wife, for your own good.”

“Thanks. I’m concerned about her work. She has no problem working right now, but I’m not sure how we should handle when her due gets closer.”

“Let’s worry about it when we have to. For now, she might want to find someone within the company, who could handle her work during her absence.

“We are thinking about hiring a Korean man.”

“For Dyeon China?”

“Yeah. Many Korean companies here go broke, and that makes a lot of highly competent Korean workers available in the job market. I think it’s a good opportunity for us to find a good employee.”

“Sounds good.”

“Once Dyeon Korea’s monthly sales hit 120 tons, we will start actively finding one for us.”


It was Thursday.

When Gun-Ho arrived at work in GH Mobile, Jiksan Town, President Song brought the newly drafted organizational chart along with the promotion approval form for the position of the product quality department’s director.

“These reflect things that I discussed with you the other day, sir.”

Gun-Ho signed the promotion form right away.

“And this is about the promotion for the mid-level managers. It reflects the decision made by the personnel committee that is composed of the executive officers. We are giving promotions to twenty employees in total this year.”

Gun-Ho tossed his glance to the document. The first person on the list was the one who Director Jong-Suk Park recommended to Gun-Ho the other day. He would be promoted to a manager position.

“For the promotion for the mid-level managers, your signature will suffice, Mr. President Song.”

Gun-Ho said as he handed the promotion form back to President Song without signing it.

“We will make an announcement on the promotions and send it to each department as of today.”


“Since GH Mobile has too many employees to have a year-end party together, we decided not to throw a party this year. Instead, we will have a simple Closing Ceremony to celebrate the closing of this year and an Opening Ceremony to celebrate opening a new year next year at the auditorium.”

“Hmm, that’s a good idea.”

During this year’s closing ceremony, we will prepare special food at the company restaurant. I was hoping that you could join us at the closing and opening ceremony, sir.”

“Me? That won’t be necessary. You can preside over the ceremonies without me, Mr. President Song.”

“We will also have an award ceremony where we will give a prize to two exemplary employees and two employees who had submitted excellent suggestions this year. Each department will select two candidates within their departments, who are considered as exemplary workers, and the executive officers will choose two among the candidates.”

“Sounds good. Make sure we give them generous prizes.”

“Understood, sir. Thank you.”

Gun-Ho went to Dyeon Korea in the afternoon.

Director Yoon entered Gun-Ho’s office as soon as Gun-Ho arrived at his office. He was holding the promotion approval form.

“What is it?”

“This is the promotion list for those who we want to give promotion to for this year. It also corresponds with the decision made by the executive officers during our last meeting. Mr. Director Kim told me that he already made a report to you, sir, about this verbally.”

Gun-Ho looked at the promotion form. As Director Kim mentioned the other day, the promotion form indicated that the maintenance team’s manager would be promoted to a mid-level manager position, and the Interpreter— Myeon-Joon Chae— would be promoted to an assistant manager position. Gun-Ho firmly signed the promotion form.

“I will make an announcement on the promotions and send it to each department today, sir.”

“Sounds good.”

“As to the year-end party, I was told that GH Mobile won’t have a party, but they will replace it with a simple closing ceremony for this year and the opening ceremony for next year. I think we should do the same since we now have a substantial number of employees to have a party with.”

“Sounds good. Don’t forget to provide a special meal to the employees on the closing ceremony day.”

“Yes, sir. I will make the arrangement.”

“You don’t need me during the closing ceremony and the opening ceremony, do you?”

“We do need you at the ceremony, sir. GH Mobile has a co-president— President Song— so they could have those ceremonies with President Song only, but Dyeon Korea has one president, and you need to be at the ceremonies, sir.”

“That’s onerous.”

“We still need you there, sir. We will have your greeting speech drafted and ready for the closing and opening ceremony.”

“Well, I will then attend the opening ceremony only. I have another compelling appointment on the day of the closing ceremony.”

“Yes, sir.”

Director Yoon walked out of Gun-Ho’s office carrying the document signed by Gun-Ho.

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