Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 108,Part2

Chapter 108,Part2: 2 - Fun Vacation ③

Chapter108,Part2: 2 - Fun Vacation ③

Chapter 108 Fun Vacation ③

Part 2

“! Hey look at that Cry-chan! That Syt, she had prepared such a naughty underwear in her hideout! Nee, why did you prepare something like this in a Safe House? Is this thing something you need? What do you intend to use it for? Were you planning a honey trap?”

“! Stoppp! It doesn’t concern Onee-chan at all!”

Regardless of her warning, Liz shouted in joy as she fished out and grabbed a piece of black cloth in a closet. And then Sytry screamed a high pitch voice overlapping Liz’s voice. As always, I pretend to not notice anything at all.

Tino darted her eyes left and right while not knowing what to do but they were doing those kinds of teasing since a long time ago. Liz was delighted by her response but not reacting to them? was a samurai’s compassion. ………… Naughty underwear, huh.

“……………… Does Tino have anyplace you want to go?”

I asked my Kouhai who stands nearby so that she doesn’t focus her attention on them. Tino’s shoulders jumped for a second and said without being able to hide her agitation.

“Eh………… Ano…… Etto………… The, the easiest place would be the best……”

“? Easiest, what? We won’t go to any difficult places though?”

There should be various places, right? Like wanting to go eat an ice cream. Why does asking her where she wanted to go, be responded by the easiest place?

When I fully tilt my head, Tino murmured in a small voice so that I wouldn’t be able to hear it unless I focused my hearing on it.

“……………… A, a place that is not too dangerous is good.”

“………… I said it many times but I won’t go to any dangerous place.”

What do Liz, Sytry and Tino think I am?

Even though I clearly denied her, for some reason Tino’s expression crumbled. Her exposed white throat moved up and down a little and she closed her lips together as if she wanted to hold back her tears.

“Kuh…… Uuhhh……”

I heard a small groan. I was not familiar with the subtleties from the opposite sex but I still know what Tino was thinking right now. It seemed that I was not trusted at all.

You can say that it was because of how I had treated her until now, but this is bad.

I took a deep breath and recommended her to sit on the sofa so we can be face-to-face. While being flustered, Tino sat in front of me and put her hands on her knees.

“Tino, I said it many times but this time I am not taking you to any dangerous place. The 【White Wolves Den’s】 case…… Was just a small mistake.”

“………… Just…… A small……?”

“…… Sorry, it was a big, a big mistake. That was completely unexpected.”

I couldn’t stand against her moist eyes and raised the white flag. Who cared about Master’s dignity.

What is important is sincerity. And the future.

“This time there are no life-threatening dangers at all. There won’t be a need to participate in any battle at all. …… At least, we won’t.”

It had become a sentence with a lot of implication. There is always something wrong with me so it hurts me that I can’t, one hundred percent say that we won’t be involved in any battle.


Tino called me. However, the tears that had accumulated in her eyes didn’t diminish at all.

To think that she wouldn’t believe me after I said so much, what had I done to my kouhai to push her so far. I had some thoughts about it, but I can swear that I didn’t deliberately make Tino suffer so much.

“Even if something happens, you will remain a spectator. I was not putting Tino in a bad position because I had some ill intent. Ah, I know, ――”

―― If something happens, I will protect Tino.

When I was really desperate and at the time when I said this empty promise, my view became pure white.

At almost the same time, a terrifying lightning shook the house.


I unintentionally stand up. What was that lightning just now? It was pretty close!?

Even though it didn’t fall on the hideout, my head was still spinning due to the shock.

Even though I had just said something cool ―― When I calmed down, I remembered what I said and became embarrassed. It might have been a good thing that the lightning struck.

“Hah? Why does Syt have the same bedroom as Cry-chan!? This is weird no matter how much common sense you use to think!?”

“It is because this house is my house, moreover, Ti-chan is Onee-chan’s disciple, right!? Or what? Onee-chan, are you telling me that you will give me Ti-chan!?”

“I will give it! I will give Ti to you, so Cry-chan is mine! So you have nothing to complain about right!? Don’t ever get close to Cry-chan, ever again!”

Even though it was such a loud noise, they really are something else, to be able to continue their dispute in such a calm demeanor…… In the first place, there are two rooms, so all we had to do was to divide it by gender. Leaving aside when we needed to sleep outside, even at the time when I was still with the Party, when we were staying at an inn we were separated by gender.

It might be time for me to go and make a decision. Usually, when it continues like this, the victims will be the surroundings.

When I tried to call them, I noticed the change in Tino’s behavior.

I still see tears in the corner of her eyes, but I can’t see the frightened expression she had before. She looks at me with a dumb face.

The outside was still muddy but there wasn’t any presence we needed to be careful about. Have you been traumatized by the lightning after you had received a training to be struck by it……

As I was thinking about such a thing, there was suddenly a vermillion color on her white cheek.

“………… Master……”

“…… Don’t tell me, you heard?”

Tino *kokukoku* nods.

No way, to think that she could hear my voice in the middle of such a loud lightning…… Are Hunters monsters?

It wasn’t something that would bother me if I was asked about but embarrassing things are embarrassing.

If you rationally think about it, Tino has seen my miserable state many times. It might even be a shameful story for Tino to be protected by someone like me.

“Well, it was just a state of mind. Tino may not need any help but that’s what I meant when I said to go together. If you feel bad about that, then sorry, forget about it.”

“No ―――― Thank you, very much Master. And…… I am sorry.”

Tino made a small bow and wiped out her tears with her sleeves. When she raised her head once again, there were no tears left in her eyes. Although it was still a little red, I can feel a certain strength in her behavior as a solo Hunter from her eyes.

Tino stood up, strongly clenched her fists and said.

“I am…… Alright now. Master…… No matter what comes, I will never, never lose. I am still immature and lacking in experience and power but…… I will overcome it! Please look at me!”

I didn’t really understand, but it seemed she had been inspired.

Liz and Sytry stopped their dispute and looked at their Kouhai who had suddenly proclaimed this but Tino didn’t falter at all. If it is this Tino, then she looks very reliable.

Good, good ―― I told you that nothing will happen, right? Didn’t you listen to me?

What? Was everything I said useless? What should I do for you to believe in me?

I am not someone who will complain about it but as expected, even I will be dejected if you didn’t believe me after all this.

And then, just as I gave up and dropped my shoulders, an alert siren echoed out of nowhere as if it were mocking the declaration I just made earlier.

…… I want to retire.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Mmmh that ecchi underwear, looks like Cry also want a picture with Sytry wearing it

And Cry, GJ man upping in front of Tino! Now go defeat (ask Liz and Sytry) the danger coming in the town!

Tchao à plus!



Ano, Etto: Basically the same thing as Eh, Erm… in japanese

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