Stranger Danger

Chapter 263

Chapter 263: Cooperation

Chapter 263: Cooperation

“Brother, wait!”

Ye Qing had just lifted his foot when Yi Pin suddenly called out to him.

“What? Oh, are you feeling guilty because you feel like you underpaid me or something?” Ye Qing’s eyes glittered with humor. “It’s fine! I’m the kind of guy who’s satisfied with what he has. I appreciate the gesture, but really, you don’t have to!”

Yi Pin: “...” Can we have some shame, please?

He had to admit that the brat was the spitting image of him in terms of shamelessness though.

Yi Pin said, “Well, what can I do? I’m a humble, cultured and upright Taoist, but because I was too weak to help you when we were outside, you mistook me as one of your murderers. That is why I want to negotiate a deal with you to make up for it. I promise you it’s a win-win situation for everyone.”

“A deal? Tell me,” Ye Qing replied curiously.

Yi Pin smiled. “You may not know this, but I have a skill that allows me to observe the stars, divine qi, measure heaven and earth, and search for treasures. It wasn’t a coincidence that I am here. I came because I knew there would be a treasure in this place.”

“So?” Ye Qing looked unimpressed.

Yi Pin continued, “So, I want to team up with you. I am a walking treasure seeker, and you are a destroyer. If we work together, our profits will be sizable to say the least. What do you say, my lord?”

Destroyer, he says. He really just wants a bodyguard. Does he think I’m stupid?

Ye Qing shrugged and replied, “Not interested.” It’s way too dangerous. Searching the exit is far more important.

Besides, he already had the Qi of Ultimate Purity and Nature’s Water. A man should be satisfied with what he had.

“Not interested?” Yi Pin looked surprised. Considering the young man’s personality, he never thought that he would turn him down. “But why?”

Ye Qing smiled politely. “I think life is more valuable than opportunities and treasures.”

“Ah!” Yi Pin wasn’t his stupid disciple, so he understood Ye Qing’s meaning immediately. “That makes sense. There are a surprising number of people who would risk their lives over some opportunities and treasures. They might appear brave, but they’re really just shortening their lifespan. What are treasures and opportunities if you can’t live to enjoy it?”

“Remember this lesson, my stupid disciple. If you can’t control your anger and impulse, then you’re going to live a short, unhappy life.”

“Got it master.” Li Longxiang scratched his head smilingly. It was impossible to say if he understood his master’s advice, or if he was just pretending to.

Ye Qing nodded. “I’m glad we are in agreement. If there’s nothing else, I shall take my leave.”

“Give me a minute, will you? I’m not finished yet!” Yi Pin grabbed Ye Qing’s sleeve and said, “If you’re worried about finding the exit, you have nothing to worry about. I made a divination after entering this place, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that it lies to the north. So long as you proceed toward the north, you will find the exit eventually.”

“Hmm? The north?” Ye Qing wore a dubious expression, but he was really surprised on the inside. He didn’t think that Yi Pin’s answer would be exactly the same as the Annon Sutra’s. This proved that Yi Pin wasn’t an ordinary Vessel Augmentor—but then again, of course someone who dared to enter the Demon’s Tomb wouldn’t be ordinary.

Now that he thought about it, they were running toward the north when they were escaping the Demon’s Tomb earlier. He had thought it was a coincidence, but now he knew it was a deliberate move.

“Do you understand now? You don’t need to worry about being unable to leave the Demon’s Tomb. We can seek out our treasures and opportunities as we move toward the north, killing two birds with one stone. What’s not to like?”

Yi Pin asked in a tempting tone, “So? What do you say, my lord?”

“You’re not lying to me, are you?” Ye Qing pretended to hesitate.

Seeing that Ye Qing was tempted, Yi Pin hurriedly said, “Of course not! Why would I lie about this when my own life is at risk?”

“My lord, some opportunities will never come again once you miss them, so don’t let it escape! Do you agree to a fifty-fifty split?”

Ye Qing thought for a moment before answering, “Very well.”

He had no qualms earning a quick buck while on his way toward his primary objective, and if he remembered correctly, the silver page he got from the Strangers was related to a so-called Demon Lord’s inheritance somehow. If he could run into it on the way out, then why not?

“Haha! Smart lad! You won’t regret this!” Yi Pin laughed loudly while hiding his smugness. I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist temptation. No way I was going to let him go scot free after robbing my Qi of Ultimate Purity!

“Without further ado, let’s go!” Yi Pin urged.

“Patience. Give me a moment to deal with my condition. You don’t want me to attract every human and Stranger within ten kilometers of me, do you?”

“Ah, that’s true. You’re way too conspicuous right now. A concealment Strange Artifact should do the trick,” Yi Pin echoed in agreement.

“A concealment Strange Artifact? Nah. Just give me a moment.”

Ye Qing identified a suitably big rock and sat on top of it. Then, he began refining the Nature’s Water.

What is he thinking? It’ll be days before he fully refines its power. At that point, we’ll have to make a beeline for the exit or risk being trapped here forever!

Disapproving of Ye Qing’s decision, Yi Pin stepped forward to persuade him out of his folly. However, his words died in his throat when he heard a series of thunderous pops from Ye Qing’s body and saw his muscles and vigor flowing in a rhythmic yet harmonious manner.

The golden light shrouding Ye Qing’s body began vanishing at a visible rate, while his cultivation level rose slowly.

“What the… his body is insanely strong! It’s a living furnace capable of refining anything and everything!” Yi Pin’s mouth fell open. Even considering Nature's Water’s gentle qualities, it took a truly powerful body to refine this much power in a short time. An ordinary warrior would have to refine it bit by bit or risk blowing up their blood vessels and bodily points. Those who pushed themselves too far would be crippled at best or killed at worst.

“This boy is destined for greatness assuming he survives the way there.”

Yi Pin sighed and glanced at Li Longxiang, who was looking at Ye Qing with envy and admiration. “You don’t need to envy him. With your Crimson Dragon Demon Ox bloodline and innate Dragon Elephant Physique, your starting point is so much better than most. Assuming that I could find that item for you, then your future would be just as bright as the boy’s, if not brighter.”

“Hehe. Thanks, master.” Li Longxiang let out a simple chuckle. “I don’t really care about growing stronger though. I just want to keep you company until you die.”

Mentally, Yi Pin knew that he meant well. Emotionally, he felt like his disciple was cursing him to an early grave. “What the fuck do you mean by that? Do you want me to die? Are you vying for my inheritance, You little shit?”

Yi Pin was so pissed he kicked Li Longxiang in the thigh only to gasp in pain. It was like kicking a block of steel. Seriously, this boy!

An incense stick later, Ye Qing suddenly opened his eyes and discharged a terrific shockwave. Caught off guard, both Yi Pin and Li Longxiang were pushed tens of meters away from him. The trees were snapped in half, and a massive clump of earth was kicked into the air. It was like the scene of an explosion.

A few breaths later, when the gale finally stopped, Ye Qing slowly walked over to the duo. His skin was as milky as a baby’s and as smooth as silk. There was also a tinge of gold that made him look like he was covered in a curtain of morning sun. From Yi Pin’s perspective, every muscle and every organ in Ye Qing’s body looked like the most perfect creation of the world.

Ye Qing didn’t possess particularly huge muscles or a large physique, but there was so much power contained within his average frame that the earth seemed to tremble a little every time he took a step. His body also seemed to be in perfect harmony with the energies of yin and yang and his surroundings.

“Perfect harmony with nature, yin and yang? If you don’t mind me asking, Lord Ye, but how strong is your boy right now?” Yi Pin gulped and asked instinctively.

Ye Qing replied blithely, “Five Dragon Elephants, and I’ve reached the pinnacle of the late-stage Astral Refinement stage. I could have achieved six dragon elephants if the spirit of the forest hadn’t interrupted me, but eh! Can’t complain about it.”

When he got back, he would find a way to enter the Spirit Purification stage.

Yi Pin: “...” Five dragon elephants? That’s stronger than some Spirit Masters and even Grandmasters. Are you a monster?

“What’s wrong, Reverend?” Ye Qing asked when the silence stretched.

“I don’t want to talk because I’m feeling a little depressed. Is that illegal?” Yi Pin rolled his eyes at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing shrugged. “Well, we can’t stay here forever. You can be depressed on the way toward the exit. Which way?” I can’t help that I’m too strong.

Yi Pin sucked in a deep breath and calmed himself. If he envied everyone who ever got an opportunity or fortune he didn’t get, then he would be crushed by his jealousy a long time ago. One should always focus on what they could get.

“This way. I did a little calculation and observed the weather earlier. The clouds about five kilometers ahead of us are wispy, and the geography is solid. It’s a great fengshui location, which probably means there is something good there. It’s probably worth it to take a look.”

“I don’t see a problem with that,” Ye Qing replied affirmatively. “Oh right, you don’t need to address me as ‘my lord’ or ‘Lord Ye’. Just call me Joyless.”

Yi Pin laughed. “In that case, I shall simply address you as brother. Feel free to do the same. Longxiang, come greet your senior uncle properly, will you?”

Ye Qing: “...” I didn’t fast forward in time, did I?

“Senior uncle!” Li Longxiang greeted Ye Qing as requested. Not a sliver of dissatisfaction could be detected in his voice whatsoever.

“Alright. Let’s go, Brother Ye!” Yi Pin smiled and took the lead.


“Master, why does that flower look like a rock?”

“Don’t touch it. That’s the Stone Grass. It might look like a rock, but it’s really a type of plant. It could be used as a medicinal ingredient, but it must be foraged through a physical object. If you touch it with your flesh and blood, you will turn into a rock as well.”

“Master, that rock looks incredible!”

“Keep your hands to yourself, you little shit! That’s the Tear Rock. It might look pretty, but you will cry non-stop if you get within a meter of it, so stay away!”

“Oh, okay. What is that strange cloud up there? Do clouds normally have wings?”

“Idiot. That’s the Hatred-class Stranger called the Winged Cloud. It has a pair of wings that allows it to travel hundreds of kilometers in a single day, and it normally does not attack a human of its own volition. But if you provoke it, then it will fly above your head and drop rain and thunder on you. I guarantee that you will hate it long before it’s done with you.”

“Don’t eat that! Are you a hungry ghost incarnate or something? That’s called the Bitterest Fruit. It might smell fragrant, but I promise that you will vomit your gut out as soon as your tongue touches it. It is that bitter. Give it to me. I’ll make a Bitterest Pill with it and feed it to that old fuck Heartless when I’m back. He deserves to taste the bitterest taste of humanity for stealing my wine.”


Once again, Ye Qing was treated to a glimpse of Yi Pin’s greatness. He possessed a wealth of knowledge and experience that was so massive that it impressed even him, a man who had Wawa to cheat for him. He could always identify a Stranger or a strange object and give a brief but accurate summary of their background. He could always identify an incoming danger and avoid it no matter how well hidden it was. Forget Li Longxiang, even he felt like he was learning a lot just listening to him ranting away like a tour guide.

Suddenly, Li Longxiang pointed at a point above the lake that was shrouded by fog, “Master, look! That lake is shining all of a sudden. Does that mean a treasure is about to appear?”

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