Stranger Danger

Chapter 78

Chapter 78: Conspiracy

“I… I… I…”

Faceless couldn’t stop stammering as he stared at Ye Qing. The way he was looking at the young man, it was like he was staring at a fellow Stranger instead of a human. Just a few days ago, he was still able to put up a fight against the young man. Although he had lost in the end, he was ultimately able to escape with his life. If his skin was a bit thicker, he would even call it a narrow defeat.

But now? Ye Qing hadn’t just trounced him in one move, he also took out Ghastly with one hand and without moving from his spot. The gap between their strength was so huge it was like a fight between a child and an adult; a son and his dad. They were trounced so hard he was almost surprised he was still breathing.

It’s only been a few days since I last saw him. How did he get so strong in so short a time? Is his growth really that ridiculous, or was he hiding his strength the first time we fought?

It did not matter what the answer was. Both possibilities terrified him to the core.

“Mercy, warrior, mercy! I shouldn’t have tried to kill you! I will do anything! All I ask is that you spare my life!”

Ye Qing had been patiently waiting for Faceless to make a move. Just when he thought that the Stranger would fight to the bitter end—his face had been contorting non-stop since a while ago—Faceless surprised him by dropping to his knees, pummeling the floor with his head and begging for his life.


Ye Qing rubbed his nose a little. When Faceless had talked down on Ghastly like he was a gang boss a while ago, he thought for sure that the Stranger had a diamond spine that would rather break than bend. However, the guy had caved before he even began and killed the vibe with sheer cowardliness.

Where’s your backbone as a Stranger? Where’s your dignity?

… Was what he would’ve said if not for the fact that Faceless’ cowardice saved him a ton of time and energy, so he just kept his mouth shut and walked into the living room. A few seconds later, he dragged over a chair, sat down, and just stared at the squirming Stranger for a bit. A long, long time later, he finally said,

“Let’s set aside the time you tried to kill me for the moment—I’m still alive after all—and talk about something else. If you tell me what I want to know truthfully, I may yet choose to stay my hand. If not, then I have no choice but to send you on your way. Are we agreed?”

“Of course, warrior!” Faceless immediately put on an obsequious smile on his face. “Ask away, warrior! I swear on every god, demon, celestial, buddha and whatever the hell is up and down there that I shall tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!”

How eloquent, Ye Qing thought amusedly to himself before going straight to the point, “Tell me what you and your group are plotting.”

This was the reason he did not kill Faceless. It was because he wanted to know what he and his fellow Strangers were plotting. Originally, his plan was to investigate them slowly and carefully so as not to trigger any alarms, but from what he heard earlier their plan was already on the verge of success. In that case, he had no choice but to find out the answer using the simplest and most direct method instead: forceful interrogation!

Was there a chance this would alert the other Strangers that something was wrong? Of course there was. But it was still better than the alternative of doing nothing and allowing Anyang to turn into hell.

Faceless pretended to be confused. “I’m sorry? What are you talking about? Do you mean me and Ghastly plotting together to kill you. It’s all my fault, I know I deserve death for my actions, but I’m just a small fry who’s so blind I failed to recognize your prodigious power. Surely a magnanimous hero like you wouldn’t take too much offense…?”

“You really are quite the eloquent flatterer!” Ye Qing’s smile widened. “As a reward, I promise to grant you a swift, less painful death!”

“Wait wait wait! What did I do wrong? I thought we were talking about my plot to kill you?” Faceless protested innocently. “I don’t understand. Can you please enlighten me, warrior?”

“Sure thing. What were you saying earlier? Right. Dark Eye, Rotten Crown, all the flesh and soul you and Soul Eater can consume… need I say more?” Ye Qing said with a smile that didn’t reach the eye.

Faceless was still pretending, however. “Oh, you’re talking about that! I was just boasting with Ghastly, warrior! There is no plan. You know how it is, a superficial man like me can’t help but want to feel superior to my peers. Surely a wise, sagacious warrior like you can understand my petty desires?”

“Hah! ‘The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth’ my ass! I haven’t even truly started yet, and already you’re trying to bullshit your way out!” Ye Qing shook his head disappointedly. “No wonder they say not to trust a man’s words, though you’re not even a man, are you? Do Strangers even have genders? Anyway, my patience is limited, Faceless. At this rate, you’re going to be dead real soon!”

“Also, I know a lot more than you think. For example, I don’t just know Dark Eye and Rotten Crown are in your group. I also know an Old Grass and an Evergreen Ivy. Not only that, I know your plan is to destroy Anyang, isn’t it?” historical

“I’m a benevolent man, so I’m going to give you one more chance to tell me the truth. Remember, this is your one and only chance; your one and only life. Don’t. Squander. It.”

For the first time, Faceless’ obsequious smile froze on his face. His eyes betrayed a hint of shock as well. However, they were quickly replaced by an expression of confusion and self-ridicule as he chuckled. “Hehe, I really have no idea what you’re talking about, warrior. Old Grass? Evergreen Ivy? I don’t know those people. Destroy Anyang? Forgive me for saying this but I can’t even kill you! How can I possibly be capable of such a thing?”

“Is that so? Do you really know nothing at all?” Ye Qing said unhurriedly and smilingly. “Okay then! I’ll see you on the other side!”

His left hand abruptly burst into flames, and he slowly extended his palm toward Faceless. Primordial terror gripped Faceless as the blood drained away from his face, every hair on his body stood on end. He’s going to kill me! But why? Doesn’t he know what will happen if he kills me?

In fact, Faceless knew that their plan was exposed from the moment Ye Qing mentioned Old Grass and Evergreen Ivy’s names. Although he didn’t know how it was exposed or who was the one who exposed it, the revelation actually made him sigh in relief. The fact that Ye Qing wanted him to divulge the details of the plan meant that he didn’t actually know about them. This meant that Ye Qing wouldn’t dare to kill him until he had revealed everything. That was why he dared to bullshit Ye Qing to his face.

However, Ye Qing had chosen the unthinkable. He was going to kill him right now. That was not how the script was written!

A second before Ye Qing’s palm would land on his head, Faceless finally lost his composure and growled, “Are you actually going to kill me?! Don’t you want to know about our plan?”

“Huh? But I thought you said you didn't know anything?” Ye Qing said with a sarcastic, ridiculing smirk.

Faceless hid a sigh of relief when Ye Qing stopped moving his hand. Then, he let out a chuckle and said, “Heh. You really are wise and sagacious. My act didn’t faze you at all. That’s right! We’re plotting something big that will destroy the entire Anyang and kill all the humans in it! When the time comes, the entire county will turn into a living hell, and it so happens that I know exactly when, where, and how the plan will unfold! So? Are you still going to kill me knowing that I hold all the information you need?”

Faceless’ tone grew increasingly arrogant until he was practically daring Ye Qing to kill him. He did it because he was certain that the young man wouldn’t do so, but…

“Sure. Why not?” Ye Qing tilted his head and stared at Faceless puzzledly like he was looking at his neighbor’s stunted son. He truly looked like he couldn’t comprehend why Faceless would arrive at such a stupid conclusion.

“...” This guy seriously isn’t following the script!

Faceless was speechless for a moment before he blurted, “Aren’t you afraid that Anyang would fall into ruins and turn into a living hell?”

“To tell you the truth? Not at all.” Ye Qing leaned back a little and kicked off the ground. He then started swaying back and forth as if he was sitting on a recliner, not a chair. “First, I know for a fact that you have some sort of plan to destroy Anyang. I can just inform the Pacification Bureau about this, sit back, and relax. We both know how capable they are. Do you really think your plan will go smoothly when the Pacification Bureau is actively hampering your efforts?”

“On the off chance the Pacification Bureau fails to stop you, I can just get out of Anyang and hide in the woods for a bit. Sure, Anyang will fall, and the people will be massacred to the last, but… what does that have to do with me? This is a harsh world. I’m satisfied with just keeping myself safe. If the others couldn’t protect themselves, it’s their fault for being weak, no?”

Faceless: “...” Motherfucker, I can’t refute him because he’s absolutely right! I can’t even appeal to his guilty conscience because our group is the one plotting the downfall of Anyang!

Before Faceless could react, Ye Qing continued, “also, I don’t necessarily have to pry the information I need from your mouth. There are other sources who may prove just as valuable as you, if not more.”

“Impossible! You’re lying!” Faceless blurted out before he could stop himself.

Ye Qing shot him a casual smile and said, “I’m not though. Let’s see. I remember that Old Grass is a tall, thin man with a friendly demeanor. He also has a head of grass. I’m sure we’ll have a fantastic conversation with each other. Last I remember, he lives at Yang’s Tofu Shop in Westward Alley on the west side of the city. Am I right?”

“Impossible! How did you know where Old Grass lives?” Faceless blurted in shock again when he remembered something: No! Did he follow me when I ran away?

Was I the one who leaked our plan?

He started recalling what he and Old Grass had discussed during their last meeting, and the more he remembered, the uglier his expression became. There was a tinge of regret and fear as well.

“Of course, even if Old Grass’ spine turned out to be made of sterner stuff, I still have Dark Eye, Rotten Crown, and Evergreen Ivy to question! Surely one of them will give me what I want?” Ye Qing leaned forward a little to create even more pressure. “Don’t doubt my ability. I followed you when you thought it was impossible, which led to me finding Old Grass. I also found Ghastly when he thought it was impossible. So long as your companions are still alive, I can and will find them no matter where they hide!”

“Now, let me ask you one more time… do you really think I won’t kill you?”

Faceless’ smile had vanished completely at this point. He didn’t know about other Strangers, but he knew with every fiber of his being that his group only looked friendly on the surface. In reality, every single one of them was cold-blooded, heartless, and selfish. There was no chance those bastards would keep the plan a secret if it meant saving their own skin.

So yes, he believed Ye Qing. He truly believed that Ye Qing would kill him and pry the truth from those bastards’ mouths if necessary!

“Ehehe, I was just joking with you and testing your mettle, warrior. I should’ve known better than to doubt your resolve, but now I know for sure that you are definitely a man who’s destined for great things! I am most impressed!”

Faceless abruptly put on an obsequious smile and flattered Ye Qing to the high heavens. Once done, he said, “In fact, I’ve been wanting to tell you the plan from the start, so you definitely shouldn’t seek out Old Grass and the others. Every single one of them is a sneaky, cunning, heartless, and cold-blooded sonuvabitch. As the only pure, kind, honest soul in their group, it honestly hurts me to be lumped together with them, really!”

“Anyway, just ask me a question, and I swear I will answer it to my fullest ability!” The Stranger ended with a loud chest thump.

“Pure, kind, honest soul?” Ye Qing squinted in an attempt to locate some hint of shame from Faceless’ face. There was none. No wonder the ones at the top were usually shameless people. With a skin this thick, was there anywhere you couldn’t go?

Ye Qing sighed. “Fiiiiiine. I suppose I can give you one more chance. Tell me, what is your plan?”

Faceless did not try to bullshit him this time. He said directly, “Three days later during the night, we plan to open the gates so that the Strangers hiding outside the county can get in. Then, we’ll massacre all the humans and destroy Anyang from the inside out!”

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