Strike Back, Proud Goddess!

Chapter 175 - Who Am I? Where Am I?

Chapter 175 - Who Am I? Where Am I?

Chapter 175: Who Am I? Where Am I?

Translator: Henyee Editor: Henyee

Xiao Jinning was soon pressed to the ground by the policemen. She had committed physical assault at a police station and was caught red-handed. It was impossible for her to escape punishment. Xiao Jinning, who was pressed to the ground by the policemen, stared at Tang Xi and yelled, “Xiao Rou, did you do this on purpose? I only touched you lightly and you fell! You set me up!”

Laying on the ground and unable to even move, Tang Xi didn’t bother to look at her. Come on! Who would set you up with their own body?! Let alone me! You shoved me so fiercely just now, okay? She had fallen because her chair fell over. Also, her waist seemed to have bumped against the chair... josei

Having thought Xiao Jinning wouldn’t be able to seriously injure Tang Xi, Chief Lan was surprised to see Tang Xi lying on the ground, unable to move, with much sweat on her forehead. She didn’t seem to be pretending, so he hurriedly went over to support her up and asked, “Miss, are you all right?”

Seeing that Chief Lan was going to support her up, Tang Xi quickly raised her hand to stop him and replied feebly, “Well, Chief Lan, could you please call an ambulance or get a stretcher for me? I think my waist is injured...”

The corner of Chief Lan’s eyes twitched. How weak was this child to be injured so from just a bump? Now she couldn’t even walk without a stretcher! He quickly asked someone to bring a stretcher and call an ambulance. Then he asked her, “Shall we inform your family...?”

His superior had told him to take care of this girl. If she was too badly injured at the police station, he might be blamed...

When Tang Xi heard his question, the images of several angry faces suddenly popped up in her mind and she suddenly felt like a student whose parents were called to school by her teacher. She pursed her lips as she looked at Chief Lan innocently and asked in a low voice, “Could you please not tell my parents?”

If those two, Sa and Jing, found out that she was pushed over by Xiao Jinning and was injured, they would definitely scold her... Besides, they had offered to accompany her, yet she swore she could handle it herself...

But now... Tang Xi looked down at herself and pursed her lips. Alas, accidents would happen!

Xiao Jinning stood at the side and shouted, “Xiao Rou, stop pretending!”

“Shut up!” Tang Xi snapped, sharply looking up at Xiao Jinning and continuing angrily, “How would you feel lying on the ground and pretending to be injured?! I’d love to see it, okay?”

Damn it! You’re the one who made me lie here awkwardly! How dare you say I’m pretending? Don’t make me slap you!

Being scolded by Tang Xi, Xiao Jinning was stunned and was going to refute, when Chief Lan frowned and ordered the other two policemen, “Take her to another interrogation room and register the case. I’ll accompany Miss Xiao to the hospital in person for an examination. Once I get the injury assessment report, I’ll notify you by phone.”

Tang Xi gave Chief Lan a slightly embarrassed look and pursed her lips, saying, “Thanks, Chief Lan.”

Chief Lan squatted by the side and looked at Tang Xi meaningfully as he said in a low voice, “It’s said that kids from poor families are tougher. I’ve watched a lot of news about your family. It seems that you’re not tough at all, but even more delicate than many kids from rich families.”

Tang Xi was speechless. She didn’t want to be like this, okay? This body had been dead, but 008 repaired its functions and stuck her soul into it...

When a person’s body died, they died. If their soul died but their body was still alive, they would become a vegetable. However, if their body died, even if their soul was still alive, it would be useless... At that time, Xiao Rou’s soul died and her body was also destroyed by the traffic accident and Xiao Jinning’s deathly trample. That was why she was so vulnerable now...

When she took a bath last night, she suddenly thought of this problem and went to ask 008, who replied that her current body was completely reassembled, so she should be glad to have such a body despite it not being strong enough.

But naturally, she couldn’t tell this to others, so she just smiled and said lightly, “I had a car accident two months ago, and then...” Tang Xi smiled again as she continued, “At that time, all the functions of my body had deteriorated. Now I’m glad I can still walk normally, so...”

Hearing Tang Xi’s explanation, Chief Lan nodded and sighed. “What a poor girl!”

Tang Xi was relieved to see that Chief Lan believed her. At this moment, several policemen came in with a stretcher. It was with deep embarrassment that Tang Xi was lifted onto the stretcher by two policemen and then carried out of the police station under the stare of the public, following which an ambulance arrived...

When the two bodyguards who had followed Tang Xi saw her being carried out on a stretcher, their hearts sank... What were they to do? Should they submit a resignation letter? If they did, would Mr. Xiao Sa and Mr. Xiao Jing give them a lesser punishment?

Tang Xi was taken to a hospital and received an examination. Her ribs were broken and her waist was also sprained. She couldn’t get out of bed and walk around in the following week... or to be exact, she couldn’t move her waist for the coming week...

Tang Xi almost burst into tears when she heard the examination result...

According to her plan, she would have neatly solved Xiao Jinning and Lin Jiao! And then she would have uncovered the secret behind Lin Ru’s origin and helped her find her real family!

As Tang Xi was pushed into the operating room, she asked herself blankly in her mind, ‘Who I am? What am I doing now...?’

When Tang Xi was pushed out of the operating room, Chief Lan could hardly hold on any longer. He had never dreamed that Prince Charming Qiao Liang, who was so famous in City A, would care so much about Miss Xiao’s health. The man had almost swallowed him alive when he arrived at the hospital...

If anyone had told him that Miss Xiao was this Prince Charming Qiao’s sweetheart, he would never, ever have allowed Miss Xiao to enter the interrogation room by herself!

As soon as he saw Tang Xi pushed out of the operation room by a nurse, he felt so relieved, as if having caught a life-saving straw. He hurriedly came forward, but when he had just taken a step, he suddenly felt great pressure. Quickly stopping, he looked back to see Qiao Liang... and swallowed hard. “President Qiao, you first...”

Qiao Liang took a look at Chief Lan before going past him with striding steps.

Chief Lan reflected inwardly with sorrow; had he known about their relationship earlier, he would not have listened to Miss Xiao and would have informed her family instead of this big shot!

He remembered Miss Xiao’s words before she entered the operating room: “Chief Lan, please don’t inform my family. They’ll kill me if they find out I got myself injured, so please inform my honey!”

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