Strike Back, Proud Goddess!

Chapter 179 - We Are No Longer Friends

Chapter 179 - We Are No Longer Friends

Chapter 179: We Are No Longer Friends

Translator: Henyee Editor: Henyee

Tang Xi watched Xiao Sa leave angrily, then she winked at Qiao Liang naughtily and asked, “Do you think Sa will try to embarrass you when you come to our house to propose marriage to me?”

Qiao Liang was pleased to hear Tang Xi talk to him about marriage in such an explicit way. He reached out to take Tang Xi’s hand and whispered, “It’s okay. I can invest in his game company, or I can have him kidnapped and not release him until your family gives consent to our marriage.”

Tang Xi blinked and looked at Qiao Liang. “Why do I feel you’ve suddenly become so unreliable?”

“Then my future wife, please leave a good word in the ears of my future brothers-in-law for me,” Qiao Liang said with a smile.

Tang Xi glanced at him with a pout. “Then kiss me.”

Qiao Liang looked at Tang Xi, his eyes darkened, and his voice was a little hoarse as he asked, “Why are you so enthusiastic today?”

“Kiss or not?” Tang Xi replied with a wink. “If you don’t kiss me today, you won’t have another chance tomorrow.”

Qiao Liang leaned forward and kissed Tang Xi on the lips. Tang Xi put her arms around his neck to prevent Qiao Liang from leaving. Qiao Liang looked deeply at Tang Xi and said hoarsely, “You haven’t fully recovered.”

As Tang Xi felt Qiao Liang’s body temperature obviously rising, a smile of triumph flashed across her eyes and she let go of Qiao Liang. Qiao Liang saw her triumphant expression, narrowed his eyes and leaned over to continue this kiss. Tang Xi stared blankly at Qiao Liang and he slightly released her. “Your waist won’t hurt when I kiss you.”

Tang Xi’s face turned red. Although she and Qiao Liang were very close before and had almost done everything that lovers would do, they didn’t get to the last step. In fact, both she and Qiao Liang were a little conservative and wanted to leave this beautiful memory to the wedding night, but later the accident happened... She regretted not giving herself to Qiao Liang...

Tang Xi unconsciously put her arms around Qiao Liang’s neck in response to his kiss...

Just when they were kissing, an embarrassed voice suddenly came from the doorway. “Well, I didn’t see anything. Please go on. I’ll come over later...”

Tang Xi pushed Qiao Liang aside and the latter stumbled, almost falling down. He looked a bit embarrassed. Qiao Liang swore that this was the first time in his life that he felt so embarrassed...

The policeman, who had spoken just now, stood embarrassedly in the doorway looking at the two of them. Tang Xi truly wanted to pull the quilt over herself. How could she forget this was a hospital, a public place?! She just couldn’t help making out with Qiao Liang as soon as she saw his face!

Oh, how embarrassing!

Qiao Liang steadied his body and resumed his leisurely manner. As his kiss with Tang Xi was interrupted, his aura turned icy. He glanced at the policeman and narrowed his eyes. His voice was so cold that the policeman felt as if he were in hell. Qiao Liang asked, “What’s up?” josei

Still standing in the doorway, the policeman hesitantly took out a cellphone, swallowed and said, “Chief Lan asked me to deliver Miss Xiao this cellphone...”

How terrifying! This man was even more terrifying than an angry Chief Lan.

Why didn’t you close the door while kissing! I’m not to blame!

The corner of Tang Xi’s eyes twitched. Why did she forget everything as soon as she saw Ah Liang’s handsome face? This was the district hospital, not far away from the district police station. It would only take ten or twenty minutes for the police to send the cellphone here by car...

This was really embarrassing!

Qiao Liang looked at Tang Xi, who smirked nodded to Qiao Liang before turning to the policeman. “Thank you, sir,” she said. “Please say hello to Chief Lan for me, thank you.”

Qiao Liang walked over and took the phone. The policeman turned around and ran away as if he had been granted amnesty at the moment Qiao Liang took the phone. This man was truly terrifying. How could this man who was so handsome be so terrifying?! God!

Watching the policeman leave, Qiao Liang closed the door, locked it and then put the phone on the nightstand. He asked, “Is this Xiao Jinning’s cellphone?”

Tang Xi nodded, picked up the cellphone and took a look at the screen. There were five or six unanswered calls. She wanted to undo the screen lock, but it was an iPhone and only Xiao Jinning’s fingerprint could unlock the screen. Unable to check Xiao Jinning’s call records, Tang Xi looked at Qiao Liang, asking for his help. Qiao Liang stretched out his hand to take the phone and casually tapped away on the screen before handing it back to Tang Xi, who received it only to find the screen had been unlocked by him. She raised her eyebrows. “Ah Liang, you’re always the best.”

Qiao Liang watched as Tang Xi opened Xiao Jinning’s address book and found that there really was a person named Qin Xinying in it. Tang Xi hesitated before tapping on the stored phone number and then she smiled sadly, saying, “It’s really Xinying’s phone number. I never expected one day we would become enemies.”

Qiao Liang looked deeply at the sad Tang Xi and asked with a frown, “Why did you trust her so much?”

Tang Xi looked at Qiao Liang and replied, “What do you mean?”

“Haven’t you ever thought about why that accident happened to you?”

Tang Xi fell silent. Qiao Liang’s words reminded her and brought out the things she didn’t want to think about. Of course, she had doubted Qin Xinying, but she didn’t want to believe it before she had any evidence. However, what Xinying did spoke for itself.

“Of course I’ve thought about it. Xinying is my only friend and knows everything about me, but I’ve trusted her since I was a child. How could I take her as an enemy in a moment?” Tang Xi looked at Qiao Liang and sighed. “Sorry, I can’t...”

“Yes, you can,” Qiao Liang said, looking deeply at Tang Xi. “You’ll be able to do it.”

Tang Xi raised her eyes in surprise and looked at Qiao Liang, who continued, “An enemy in the dark will never be more threatening than an enemy in the open, because those who only dare to hide in the dark are all cowards, so you don’t have to be afraid of those cowards.”

Tang Xi looked at Qiao Liang. He reached out and rubbed her hair, saying, “You’re not even afraid of death.” He then sighed and finished, “What else can scare you?”

Just at this moment, Xiao Jinning’s cellphone rang again. Tang Xi glanced at the caller ID and found that it was Qin Xinying. She paused before picking up the phone. Yes, now she was not Tang Xi, not Qin Xinying’s good friend. Why couldn’t she go against her?

When the call connected, Qin Xinying’s impatient voice rang out immediately. “Miss Yao, it seems that you don’t want to cooperate with me. If you really don’t, you can just tell me!”

After a pause, she continued, “Or Miss Yao, are you afraid of that insignificant Xiao Rou because you’ve lost your fame?”

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