Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Chapter 117 Annette POV:

| had woken up just before noon. The sun wasn’t quite high enough for it to be but it was just about there. | couldn’t smell if anyone was nearby but | knew | had to go.

Since | had jumped into the water | didn’t bother saving any food so | had to scrounge. Eventually finding some poor birds to tear apart. | have just had luck with them. They were small so | had to take some bone in some bites but it was food. The first day | had been freezing but that was just because of the water still clinging onto me.

The second day | realized how warm it was. When | gave birth there was snow on the ground. Now it was all melted. It must be April then | hadn't realized it but spring had come.

| kept walking trying to find some form of civilization if | got to a town or a house | could try and convince them to let me use their phone to call him. | could hear his voice and then.

| almost started crying at the thought of hearing his voice and being able to speak to him. To ask him how everyone was there. | wanted to know so badly | wanted to be there with everything inside of me my whole soul craved for


Still, | didn’t let myself say the words. | didn’t let myself acknowledge the horrible truth of who was waiting for me and all the time I'd clearly missed instead | kept moving looking for a stream or a river of some kind. By the trees and the ocean, | realized | was on the West Coast in the United States too there was still snow up in Canada, | couldn’t tell where on the west coast | was, It was more northern but | didn’t know if | was in California, Washington, or Oregon.

If | knew | was in Washington I'd just try and get as close to the border as possible. | kept walking and walking running and running still changing my path here and there until | heard running water off in the distance.

| froze did | truly hear that, | walked forward something in me said to turn around there was something off about this. | knew | needed to go towards the water but | felt it in my body to step back. | decided to listen to my gut and simply follow the noise instead. Eventually, | came up on a hill and was able to look down and | saw one of them hiding in the trees.

They knew I'd have to find water. And | did need water, so instead of trying to hunt me down they went to the nearest water source. | looked around trying to figure out what to do. | needed water | was already feeling fatigued. If | went farther down | might be able to stop and get a drink.

| decided to fall back into the trees | wouldn’t have noticed them if they weren't careless and poked their head out to look for me. | smiled to myself it seemed Marcus’s stupidity leached out into his soldiers.

| headed down the hill and decided to fun the sooner | got away from them the better it wasn’t the best considering | hadn’t had a sip of water in the past 12 hours but | needed to get away. | kept my eyes to the north as | ran trying to see if anyone else was nearby looking about for me. | could hear the water getting louder.

Eventually, the river came my way and grew larger | snuck forward through the trees inching align and keeping hidden. | didn’t see anyone and at this point, | was parched. My hand was shaking and | knew it was because | was thirsty soon my head was going to be getting a headache and eventually I’d faint and then | was theirs.

1/3 Chapter 117

I snuck forward even more, ran to the stream, and stuck my hands in gulping water up. | was thirsty truly starved for hydration. | heard a twig snap on the other side and he had a gun pointed at me. | did it without thinking but | jumped into the water. | tumbled in head first and bobbled down the stream the river flowed a lot faster than it looked and off | went. | kept my head down as long as | could before | swam upwards again quickly jumping up and getting air before- | dunked my head under again.

| waited until | needed air again and repeated the cycle again and again. Eventually, the current slowed and | swam over to the river’s edge. | sat for a moment and drank some more water before | got out of the river and took in some deep breaths. | had acted on instinct and | hadn't planned on jumping in the river but it worked.

| stood up and looked over at the river | needed something to eat and fish would work really well. | fashioned a damn of sorts from some down branches knotting them together to make it hard for a fish to swim through. | placed it in the water and waited for a fish to come along. Eventually, a small one fell into my trap and | swung my little net of sorts up and the fish flopped on top of the branches as | gently pulled it in.

I miss you

His voice came to me soft in the back of my head | dropped the fish and it flopped about. My heart in my head and my body shot up and | almost wept in joy.


Nothing met me and | still felt the large void greeting my words | sat down and focused.


I scrunched my eyes tightly shut and stretched for him picturing him it never used to be this hard for me to get to him. In fact, | had seldom had to try, here | was trying with all my might and | could feel him. | tried again and still he didn’t meet me an insurmountable wall still lay between us.

| grilled my fish and ate and kept walking throughout the night staring up at our moon and calling to him as | stumbled. Grayson, I’m here

| kept trying to reach out to him all to no avail he was still too far away. | had done something been in some state for him to get through to me. | closed my eyes and tried to clear my head to see if his voice would come to me again, but still nothing.

| was so distracted | didn’t hear them come up behind me. Finally, they rustled enough and | turned | couldn't extend my claws but | swu gapyrfist into hisyf: Cs witht hides might. | gkabbe the knife from his side after he fell to the dirt. The other one lunged at me and | stabbed the knife into her back three times. My senses were weakened though and | didn’t hear the sniper. The shot rang out and | looked down, a dart shot into my leg, tranquilizer filled my veins. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Grayson Annette


Chapter 117

| closed my eyes smiling blissfully at least he knew, he kek) had tried, fe) is on NovelDrama.Org! onteAt is on En.novel | Read the latest chapter there!

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