Strongest Mage with the Lust system

Chapter 71 Hannah

Chapter 71 Hannah

Max didn't speak and looked at him, waiting for him to continue. Butler George sighed. "Until 25 years ago, Your father and Count Wiley were best friends. Count Wiley and Your father were studying at the Royal Magic Academy at that time. When they had just become three-star mages, During a mission, they were heavily injured by a gang of bandits, and when they thought they would die, your mother came out of nowhere and saved them.

After this incident, the three of them became friends. Your mother's origin were unknown; she was living in a city near the Royal Academy by herself and would often meet up with them. Although your father and Count Wiley were married, they still couldn't resist her beauty and fell in love with her.

But when they both found out that they were in love with the same girl, they decided that whoever managed to steal her heart first would pursue her while other would give up so as not to affect their relationship.

Eventually, Your father won her heart, and by that time, he had been appointed as the Viscount of Claymore town after completing his studies in the academy. Then your parents married. Your father loved your mother so much that he gave her main wife status.

Your mother was a very kind and strong woman. She wouldn't abuse her powers like most people and would help commoners in need. I was also saved from death by her and appointed as the family's Butler. She would call me uncle just like you, and I also treated her as my own daughter." Butler George sighed.

"Then, she gave birth to you. Everything was well for a few years. But when you were only around ten years old, Count Wiley came to Claymore town to them his friends. Your father and mother welcomed him; he said that he wanted to relive his memories by getting drunk with his old friends. But after he got drunk, he tried to force himself on your mother.

Although your mother was kind to everyone but when she was angered, everyone would cower in front of her. I heard from your father that one time when you were only a little kid, she took you with her on a mountain to enjoy the scenery with your father. There they encountered five three-star mages who wanted to rob and ****.

They gave her disgusting and lecherous glances, but she didn't get angry and gave them all the money and jewellery she had on her so that they would go away.

But they didn't and wanted to do something with her; therefore, they fought with your father and mother. Your mother single-handedly fended off three peak three-star mages with you in her other arm while your father fought with the other two with much difficulty.

One of the bandits threatened to attack you, seeing that she treasured you dearly, but contrary to his expectations, your mother got furious and killed three of them with one attack and then killed the other two. Even after killing them, her anger didn't subside even after a long while.

And now that Count Wiley had tried this, her anger erupted, and she heavily injured him. If Count Wiley hadn't begged for mercy and he wasn't her friend before, she would have killed him. That day, Count Wiley felt he was humiliated.

A year later, when your mother was going somewhere. A group of mages attacked her. There were around ten three-star mages and two four-star ones. Your mother was alone with only a few Knights; she was the only one who had some fighting chance against them. After fighting for around two hours, she killed eight three-star mages and heavily injured one of the four-star mages." Butler George sighed ruefully and continued

"Unfortunately, She had exhausted all most of her mana by then and was overpowered. They didn't kill her and only captured her. When she wasn't able to move at all that B.A.S.T.A.R.D. came out of the woods. She understood that he was the one who hired those people and knew what he would do after. Therefore..." Butler George's eyes have become bloodshot speaking till here. He had no one in the world and was about to be killed when she saved him. Not only was she his Saviour but also his daughter, whom he loved as if she was truly his blood.

"She didn't want to be disgraced by an animal who she considered her friend and used her last bit of inner mana and destroyed her heart and died. We wouldn't even have known about this if not for a knight who managed to slip away during the chaos after getting injured. He saw everything, and when she was captured, he wanted to run and notify your father, hoping they wouldn't kill her, but before he couldn't turn, he saw Count Wiley come out with a hideous smile and your mother cursing and then suicide.

When your father heard that she died, he was furious. He led his troops to Vista City, where Count Wiley was lord over and had a fight with him. Many people were killed, but because Count Wiley had a few three-star mages to help him, your father returned with internal injuries and his mana core was also damaged, resulting in stagnation of power. Now he couldn't even break through.

He knew that he couldn't avenge your mother and wanted to die, but because he didn't want something to happen to you guys, he lived, but he swore that he would exact revenge or die trying."

"This incident wasn't small, and the Royal family soon heard about this and forbade them from having conflict again, or both would be killed. But Vista city is the governing city of nearby towns, including Claymore town, and now Count Wiley has the supervision authority, and Every Viscount of these towns have to report to him. Now he can pick on Lord Viscount without fearing the Royal family. That's why this beast tide case was handled so poorly; otherwise, special squads are formed for these cases, and nobles like Lord Viscount don't have to go personally." He finished his explanation. His eyes were red now. It seems he really cared about his mother.josei

Max didn't speak for a long time. He just stared at his mother's painting. She looked happy, having him in her arms. But she died such death. This world was ruthless, even more than the Earth. At least people could get justice, even though it will be served late, but here, you can do what you want as long as you are strong enough.

"Uncle George, Do you know why that human garbage came here? What is that Count planning?" Max thought he calmed down, but when he spoke, his speech was coarse and faint, killing intent was emanating from him.


*The title *Hannah* is the name of Max's mother.

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