Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 1019 The Cruel Necromancer Of Heaven [Part 2]

Chapter 1019 The Cruel Necromancer Of Heaven [Part 2]

Chapter 1019 The Cruel Necromancer Of Heaven [Part 2]

"Like an angel with cruel and merciless intent,

Go forth, young man, and become a legend."

The singing voice of an angel lingered in everyone's ears, and before the citizens of the Beast Empire could react, the Beast King had already thrown an orb into the sky.

Immediately, a Domain expanded, bringing the Half-Elf, the Beast King, the Oracle, and their allies into a separate dimension.

The surroundings looked exactly the same as the Beast Empire.

The only difference was that there was not a single civilian or bystander anywhere in the city.

Only the forces that the Beast King and the Oracle had prepared were present and would soon confront the Half-Elf, who had served himself up to them on a silver platter.

"Before we start, know that I am very ashamed of the method we used to lure you here, Half-Elf," the Beast King stated. "But in order to put an end to the grudge between you and the Divine Army, it has to be done."

The corner of Lux's lips curled up after hearing the Beast King's words.

"If that helps you sleep at night, then so be it," Lux replied in a teasing tone. "My disgust and disappointment in you will not change regardless of what you say."

The Beast King didn't say anything to defend himself from Lux's taunting words. He focused all his attention on the Half-Elf, observing the latter's expression.

He was expecting to see helplessness, resignation, rage, unwillingness, and anxiety on the Half-Elf's face, but he didn't see any of those.

Instead, what he saw was contempt and disdain, which made him feel as if the Half-Elf was looking at him like he was a piece of trash.

The Beast King didn't like being the receiving end of such a look, and because of this, he roared and charged at Lux with the intention of ending the battle as fast as he could.

Lux didn't move and remained standing in place.

But when the Beast King was only a hundred meters away from him, the space in front of him distorted, and a Dracolich in his Demi-Human Form clashed with the Beast King, blocking his advance.

"You pitiful Dragon, who has become a servant of a child." The Beast King sneered. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen."

Avernus chuckled after hearing the Beast King's taunt.

"Dilan, oh, little Dilan. You don't have to worry," Avernus replied. "Soon, you will also become that child's servant. I especially prepared a collar for that special occasion. I'm sure that it will fit you perfectly."

"Screw you!" Dilan growled as he kicked the Dracolich away.

Although he succeeded in dealing a blow to the Dracolich, Avernus' chuckle still reached his ears.

The Beast King had no intention of wasting any time, so he decided to continue his advance toward the Half-Elf.

But when his gaze landed on the Half-Elf's body, he couldn't help but shudder after seeing an unbelievable scene.

Dozens of Flying Monsters of different sizes hovered around the Half-Elf.

But, that was not all.

On the ground, hundreds of Monsters had also appeared, making the Beast King thankful that he brought the battle into a separate dimension, and not in his Capital City.

The Auras of the Monsters were enough to tell Dilan that all of them were Peak-Calamity Ranked Monsters, making his heart shudder.

"All of you are free to kill everyone, except him and her," Lux said as he pointed at the Beast King and the Oracle of Light. "You guys can beat them up, but they are not allowed to die. Do I make myself clear?"

All the Monsters roared in reply.

"Go," Lux ordered. "Show them no mercy."

The Flying Monsters immediately flew toward the Beast King, while the Monsters on the ground charged at the Oracle of Light and her cronies.

Dilan cursed internally as he backed away in haste.

Their original plan was that he would fight against Hereswith, while the Oracle fought against Lux.

The Beast King was confident that he could fight the beautiful Elf and her Skeleton Queen to a draw if he went all out and transformed into his Beast King form. josei

However, against hundreds of Calamity-Ranked Beasts, even if he were in his Demigod Form, he still would not be able to handle such a powerful army.

A Demigod could single-handedly deal with five Peak Calamity-Ranked monsters.

But he wasn't facing just five.

He was facing hundreds of them, so Dilan only did what he could do and that was…

To run!

Even the Oracle didn't hesitate to run away. This was simply an impossible battle to begin with.

The twenty Apostles that she had brought with her, who could transform into twenty Pseudo-Supremes, were also no match for a Peak-Calamity Beast.

A Supreme might be able to fight against two to three Peak Calamity-Ranked Beasts if they were truly powerful.

However, the Apostles could, at most, transform into Pseudo-Supremes.

What did this mean?

It meant that a single Peak-Calamity Monster was enough to deal with one of them with ease.

This wasn't a battle, but a one-sided massacre.

"Are you going to run away, Beast King?" Lux asked in a teasing tone. "Are you sure you want to do that?"

The Beast King didn't even bother to reply to the Half-Elf as he put as much distance as he could between the two of them.

However, something happened, which made him stop in his tracks.

A projection appeared in front of him, showing his Capital City.

There, he saw thousands of Undead Monsters and four Calamity-Ranked Monsters.

The Black Ogre, the Golden-Eyed Naga, the Salamander with black and yellow stripes, and a Giant Red Wolf Spider were standing like invincible pillars on the four cardinal directions of the city, preventing anyone from leaving.

The Undead Monsters marched toward the castle, and a red-headed teenager was leading them with a smile on his face.

The Half-Elf in question even waved in the direction of the Beast King, making the latter feel as if cold water was poured over his head.

He was certain that the moment those four Calamity-Ranked Monsters started their onslaught, his Capital City would be reduced to dust in a span of just a few minutes.

While he was doing his best not to scream in anger and frustration, a tone devoid of any mercy reached his ears.

"I will give you a choice," Lux said in a cold tone. "Capture the Oracle and give her to me, or… I will destroy everything you hold sacred."

The Beast King glared hatefully at the Half-Elf, who was standing calmly in the distance.

"Have you forgotten that I still have hostages?" the Beast King asked.

"Hostages?" Lux smirked. "What hostages? Are you talking about them?"

The Half-Elf pointed at the projection, showing Aina and Colette.

Aina was currently in her Angel of Vengeance Form, carrying her sister in her arms.

Lux's Battle Angel, Seraphina, was with her.

The Beast King was about to ask what happened to the Rhino-Kin, but before he could do that, the projection zoomed in on the palace.

It showed that the Rhino-Kin had been impaled into the wall by a spear that belonged to the Supreme that Eiko had subjugated in the Battle in the Ford Federation.

The Saint was not dead, but he was not in any condition to help anyone.

Also, facing a Supreme, who was looking at the city with his arms crossed over his chest, was enough to tell the Beast King that his Empire was in a very dire situation.

"I now have millions of hostages," Lux said with a devilish smile on his face. "Including the members of your family. But don't worry. Since I appreciate that you didn't mistreat Aina and Colette, I will give you a choice."

The Half-Elf paused, but it only made the Beast King feel as if a guillotine was placed above his head. One wrong move and everything would end in a heartbeat.

"You can either capture that B*tch Oracle and bring her to me, or you can keep running while watching a genocide take place.

"If you choose to capture the Oracle, I promise to spare your people and your family members. I will also allow you to become my subordinate if you do that.

"If you choose the second option, that is fine as well. I have been holding myself back long enough. I've never even considered starting a genocide before because I have my bottom line. However, you guys kept on testing my limit. Did you really think that I was a Saint, who would just smile even when you hurt the people who are important to me?"

Lux's words were cold and filled with killing intent.

He was only a slight push away from eradicating the Beast Empire from the world, but a little bit of his conscience remained.

Even so, if the Beast King were to defy him, that little bit of conscience wouldn't be enough to stop the rage that had now taken hold of the Half-Elf.

Although he still looked calm on the surface, it would only take a heartbeat for him to start a massacre.

"I will give you five seconds to decide," Lux's eyes glowed golden. "Now, make your choice."

Dilan looked at the Half-Elf, who was only an order away from destroying everything that he and his ancestors had built over the last thousands of years.

With a heavy heart, he locked his gaze on the Oracle, who had already traveled a great distance away from her Domain.

'I shouldn't have agreed to this plan,' Dilan thought as he bit his lip until it drew blood.

A moment later, he charged in the direction where the Oracle was running away.

There was only one choice for salvation, and he was going to make that choice, right here…

Right now.

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