Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 174 I Wonder Where That Confidence Of Yours Is Coming From?

Chapter 174 I Wonder Where That Confidence Of Yours Is Coming From?

Later that afternoon, Lux decided to take a stroll inside Wildgarde Stronghold.

It had been a long time since he had taken a walk around the place where he grew up, and he was immediately greeted by the familiar faces that he hadn't seen for a long time.

As he was taking a stroll, he saw the Commander of the Stronghold, Gerald, walking alongside an old woman, who was one of his Grandma Vera's close friends.

"Grandma Natasha, Sir Gerald," Lux greeted the two important people in the stronghold with a big smile on his face. These were the two elders that took good care of him as a child, so he respected them a lot.

"Lux, my boy," Gerald waved his hand. "I haven't seen you for a long time. Vera said that you have been busy training for your next test to enter Elysium."

"K-Kinda." The smile on Lux's face stiffened after hearing Gerald's words. "Grandma Natasha, how are you?"

The old woman had taken care of Lux countless times, and the Half-Elf could be considered one of her regular patients due to his constant fainting.

"Tired, but good," Natasha replied. "How about you? You are not making things difficult for Vera, are you? Also, that is one adorable Slime you got there. Is that your pet?"

Eiko, who was perched on top of Lux's head, looked at the two old people with a smile. She was quite fond of old people because her Grandma Vera, Grandma Annie, and the other old people in Leaf Village spoiled her a lot. Because of this, she looked at the old commander, and old nurse, with a warm smile that almost made the hearts of the two oldies melt.

"She's not my pet," Lux replied. "Her name is Eiko. She is like a daughter to me."

,m Eiko nodded her head in agreement before continuing to smile at the two old people that were now only a meter away from them.

"Such a well behaved Slime," Natasha lightly patted the baby Slime, who giggled under her touch. "By the way, Lux, according to the last conference, the Entrance Test for Elysium will be delayed until the Tournament in Barbatos Academy is over.

"The Stronghold is putting their effort into training the kids to participate in the tournament. Although I'm sure that they won't reach the top 100, it is still a good thing to have a goal, right?"

Lux nodded. "Yes. Having a goal is important."

Gerald patted Lux's right shoulder. "Don't worry Lux. I believe if you continue to persevere, a miracle will happen. You will one day step foot in Elysium and realize your dream."

"Thank you, Commander," Lux replied. He had no intention of telling the old man that he had already stepped into Elysium, and had already ascended into the initial stages of a Grade A Apostle.

Right now, he was wearing a special ring given to him by Vera to hide his rank from the appraisal of other people. Since Lux had been a very sickly boy, no one would find it weird if he was still "Rankless", and considered to be one of the children who had no talent in going to the world on the other side of the gate.

"By the way, I heard that your step-sister, Iris, will become the fiance of the champion of the tournament," Gerald said as he gazed at Lux with a serious expression. "I know that the two of you are close. How do you feel about it?"

"Commander, I believe that everyone has the right to love," Lux replied. "I do not think that what her father is doing is right, but there is nothing that I can do about it."

Gerald glanced at his surroundings before whispering something in Lux's ears.

"You and I know that Nero had been pursuing your sister in Elysium for a long time now," Gerald whispered. "I know that you and him don't get along, but right now, his position among the younger generation is quite high. Some of the Guardians even believe that he has a high chance of becoming a champion in the tournament. If that happens, his goal of making your step sister his fiance will become a reality."

Natasha didn't say anything because she and Gerald were on Lux's side. Although Nero's performance in Elysium was great, and his ambition to reach the top was admirable, they were more biased to Lux whom they had raised with Vera.

"He has to win the tournament first," Lux replied. "Only then will he have the possibility of becoming Iris' fiance."

Natasha who was just standing at the side looked in the distance and smirked.

"Speaking of the devil," Natasha commented. "Look who just returned from Elysium."

At the Teleportation Gate of Wildgarde Stronghold, several teenagers walked down the platform. Lux recognized all of them because most of them had become his friends inside the Stronghold, with the exception of the good looking boy who was leading the group.

"Commander Gerald, I came to give you a report of our latest expedition in Elysium," Nero bowed his head with respect. He then gave Lux a side-long glance before shifting his attention back to the Supreme Commander of Wildgarde Stronghold.

"Feel free to speak, everyone is family here," Gerald replied as he patted Lux's shoulder to tell him that red-headed teenager was one of his people.

Nero smiled as he nodded his head in understanding. "Of course. Everyone inside the Stronghold is family. Isn't that right, Lux?"

"More or less," Lux replied.

"Don't be like that," Nero commented. "After all, after the tournament, we will really become part of the same family."

Gerald, and Natasha frowned, but they didn't say anything. Rivalry and any form of competition was allowed inside Wildgarde Stronghold because it allowed the young generation to strive and do their best to reach greater heights.

Lux's friends, who were part of Nero's entourage, didn't say anything and remained silent. Lux was their friend, but Nero was the appointed Guild Master of Wildegarde Stronghold's branch guild in Elysium, who managed the members of the young generation.

They didn't want to offend either side, so they decided to keep their silence to maintain a neutral stance.

"You talk as if you have already won the tournament," Lux replied. "I wonder where that confidence of yours is coming from?"

Nero chuckled and brushed aside Lux's sarcastic words as if they were a passing breeze.

"My confidence is fueled by my ability, performance, and the achievements that I have made in Elysium," Nero replied. "I'm not like you. Aside from your good looks, you have nothing else to offer. But, don't worry, there are plenty of pretty ladies out there that are unable to step inside Elysium because they lack talent. Just take your pick, I'm sure that any girl you choose would be a match made in heaven."

Lux chuckled as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Yea, being handsome is a sin. Iris has been nagging me to marry her for a very long time. Unlike others whose face is as thick as the walls of the Stronghold, my face is enough to attract all the ladies even if I just stand here and do nothing."

Gerald and Natasha exchanged a glance at each other before looking at the Half-Elf who was tooting his own horn. Although they had to admit that Lux was indeed handsome because he was a Half-Elf, they had the strong urge to spank his bum for being shameless.

Surprisingly, Nero just nodded his head and smiled.

"Unfortunately, good looks alone is not enough to have her hand in marriage," Nero replied. "Her father, Saint Alexander, knows that only the strong can stand on top of the world. Only the strong can have riches, women, and influence. What you have is only superficial. In the end, it amounts to nothing. You can't even protect those that are important to you."

Nero sneered as he walked close to Lux until their faces were only a few centimeters apart.

"If you've got guts then I dare you to enter the tournament that will be held in Barbatos Academy," Nero stated. "At that time, you will understand that, in the face of absolute strength, your eloquent words are meaningless."

Nero snorted before bowing respectfully to Gerald and Natasha.

"Commander, I will be visiting Master's residence," Nero said in a polite manner. "I will also leave my detailed report with him. Please, consult with him later about the progress of the Storm Dragon Guild. I will now take my leave."

"Okay," Gerald replied. "Thanks for your hard work."

Nero nodded before leaving with his entourage. He didn't even spare Lux a backward glance as he headed towards his Master's residence.

When the young man was no longer in sight, Gerald sighed as he once again patted Lux's shoulder.

"Even though he is arrogant, I have to admit that he can back his words," Gerald commented. "The Storm Dragons have grown to be the leading Bronze Guild under the Wildgarde Banner. I believe that it will only take them a month or two before their Guild is upgraded to the Silver Rank."

Natasha took this opportunity to pat Luxs head as if giving him support.

"It's fine, Lux," Natasha replied. "Although I can't refute that strength makes right, I believe that strength isn't everything. One day, you will find your calling, and when that happens, no one, not even Nero, can look down on you."

"Thank you, Commander Gerald; thank you, Grandma Natasha," Lux said as with a confident smile on his face. "Don't worry. I am not bothered by his words. In fact, I wish him luck in the upcoming tournament."

Gerald nodded. "That's good. Although we sometimes have conflicting opinions, all of us are on the same side. Natasha, it's time to go. We still have matters that we need to settle before the tournament starts."

Natasha lightly pinched Lux's and Eiko's cheeks before following Gerald towards the Commander's office.

Lux watched them go with a calm expression, but deep inside his heart was boiling. If not for the fact that he was looking at the bigger picture, he might have challenged Nero to a duel to shut him up in front of everyone.

'I guess I'll return to Elysium after registering at the academy for the tournament,' Lux thought as he walked back towards his home where his Grandma Vera was waiting for him. 'Colette and the others are still waiting for me, and there's still plenty of time before the tournament starts.'

The Half-Elf chuckled internally as he looked forward to the upcoming tournament. Although he wouldn't personally appear there as "Lux" he would still stand on that grand stage, and show the arrogant candidates, like Nero, a thing or two about humility.josei

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