Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: Hunter!

Leo suddenly gave a huge smile which sent a shiver down Andy's spine.

Leo suddenly disappeared from his position like a ghost and appeared behind Alex and Andy.

A hand came flying out of nowhere immediately and slapped the back of Andy's head.


"Stupid kid, did you think I wouldn't hit you just because Alex is here?" Leo had a huge grin on his face.

Andy pouted with a teary look towards Leo while holding the back of his head.

"Apologies commander" Alex did ninety degree bow towards Leo.

Leo just waved his hand and said casually, "No worries, just make sure to remind him not to casually use his abilities to "bully" people.

Leo prolonged the word "bully" when he said it while looking at the direction of Flash, whom the latter flinched from his gazed and immediately lowered his head in shame while fidgeting around.

Alex then slowly turned around and immediately picked Andy up on his armpits and pulled him up until he was hanging within an eye level. Alex looked at him directly in the eye and said with a stern voice, "Don't use your abilities to do mischief. That's not how a good kid acts"

Alex continue lecturing the poor kid as the kid hung his head low with an ashamed look while on the side, the edge of Leo's lip is twitching while looking at the scene in front of him.

Leo then just sighed and walked past them as he headed towards where Michelle and Amanda are while thinking in his head, 'This dude is really immerse on his role as a "Father" to those two kids'.

The others also dispersed when they saw that there's nothing to watch on anymore. The place was almost deserted except for Alex, Andy, all the kids under 15 years in the camp and the sentries in the training ground.

Finally, after a couple of minutes later. Andy was finally free from the long winded lecture and immediately ran back towards the rest of the kids but not before glaring at Flash from which the latter just gave a bitter smile.

"Alright, since I'm free I will be the one lecturing you guys" Alex stood in front of the kids and said with a cold face.

The instructor of kids wanted to say something but shut his mouth when he saw the look Alex gave him, he just gave a salute and immediately excuse himself and stood from a certain distance and watched the group with a worried look.

When the kids heard Alex, they immediately shivered especially Jacob whose been here for a long time. He knows how much the people who trained under him before.

'I just hope he's going to take it easy on us because we're still kids' Jacob bitterly smiled and gave a reassuring smile while waving to his sister who's watching them from a small shed.



"That was really surprising. I didn't know Alex already adopted those two kids that the kid is even calling him father now" Amanda said with a laughed like she just saw something definitely worthwhile today.

"Yeah, it almost gave me a heart attack at first when Andy shouted "Father". I thought he was referring to Leo and I even had the thought that he probably impregnated someone before. It was a good that it was only a misunderstanding" Michelle said with her hand on her chest.

Hearing that, Leo just gave a chuckle while thinking, 'How the hell did an android even became a father?' then he just shrugged the thought out of his head or it would short circuit thinking of something that he doesn't even have an answer for.

The three were currently walking towards the Hall, two women are walking at the front while Leo was lagging a bit behind them.

Leo looked dazed while looking at the two plump peaches swinging side to side in front of him.

While the two women were deep into their conversation, a hand suddenly wrapped around their waist as they immediately yelped in surprised and they immediately felt themselves being lifted off the ground.

Leo dashed towards the Hall with the two women in tow and when he was just a few meters away, the three of them suddenly disappeared and appeared inside the hall. The onlookers were already used to the scene but the people who just recently joined looked on dumbstruck at the spot where Leo and the women disappeared from.

"W-what the heck was that?!" a man in his thirties repeatedly tugged the shirt of the person beside who was busy doing his own thing, tilling the land.

"Ohh~ you'll get used to it" the man in question didn't even looked up and just nonchalantly said it.

"What do you mean 'Ohh'!? Aren't you even surprised!?" the man suddenly had the urge to slap the person in front of him.

"No, as I said before Miguel, you'll get used to it. Now, do your work, chop chop!" he replied with a funny look while clapping his hands.

"F*ck!" Miguel just cursed and started tilling the land along with the others with a hoe in hand.

And at a certain room in the Lord's Manor, a certain "pyak pyak' sounds continued to reverberate through the silent hallway as deep moans of pleasure and grunting sounds were mixed within.


A town somewhere down in Scotland.

A group of seven armed men currently had their backs against the wall in an alley and all of them are all wearing camouflage military uniforms and every single one of them are armed with high caliber firearms.

"Go, go, go!" a man with a crew cut with a knife scar across his left eye gestured quietly towards the people behind him.

A man just behind him nodded and immediately dashed passed him and then another and then another until he was the last man left and all of them made their way towards the other side of the street as quietly as possible.

This armed group tried to slowly and quietly make their way out of town but sadly for them, they didn't notice the Hunter Type Zombie in the house roofs stealthily following them from a distance.

A couple of minutes later, the group finally reached the edge of the town and in front of of them was a huge vacant of land with vehicles abandoned in the surroundings.

But because the place was very open, there are also a lot of zombies roaming around the place.

"Alright, everyone get yourselves ready" the man with a scar on his face looked towards his companions and said.

The men nodded as they started reloading their guns and put the relevant items where it's easiest to get them from their clothes like when two of them hung the grenades on their chest.


""Yes sir"" all of them nodded and replied silently.

The man then looked at his men and then raised three fingers.

Two fingers left.

One left.

When his hands turned into fist, the man with a face scar immediately dashed out of his hiding place with others closely following behind.

They used their combat knives and would pierced the heads of the ordinary zombies that on the way but when they just thought that everything is going well, without any mishap.

One of the men at the very back suddenly exclaimed in shocked,


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