Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 121

Chapter 121: The Little Girl

"Hmm? The map says it's here" Leo murmured to himself as he gaze at the three story house in front of him.

This is the only house within the surrounding mile, it was located within a forest.

"It looks a summer house for a rich family" Leo said as he jumped over the wooden fence and started looking around the surroundings of the house.josei

There were really not a lot of things outside except for the overgrown weeds growing around the house but there is a small vegetable garden around a hundred square feet located at the back of the house with vegetable plants already full grown on it. There's tomatoes, cabbage and carrots planted on it.

Leo stood in front of the small garden and started looking around like a thief.

"Hehe, free food. Don't mind me if I take it" Leo laughed happily like a little kid as he started picking the vegetables and throwing them inside his Inventory.

"Now then, let's go check that "thing" inside" Leo said while looking at the blinking green dot in front of him and then he grab the door knob of the back door and twisted and surprisingly, the door was open so Leo immediately walked in inside and closed the door behind him silently.

Then Leo started searching and taking things of use around the first floor but seeing that the he still hasn't found what the thing or person in this place, he immediately headed towards the second and did the same thing.

"It seems it's in the third floor" Leo said as he stuff pillows and blankets into his Inventory and even the mattresses and bed wasn't spared before heading towards the third floor.

Upon reaching there, he immediately saw two rotten corpses lying on the wooden floor.

"So that's where the rotten stench is coming from" Leo said and he opened his navigation map and then looked at the only room within the third floor.

Leo started walking over to the room but when he passed by the corpse on the ground, it suddenly came into life and grabbed his right leg.


A piercing cry suddenly reverberated throughout the surroundings.

"God! That almost suck the life out of me!" Leo was gasping for breath with a pale face and with his hand leaning on the wall, looking incredibly frightened.

"Damn, if this place was a haunted house then I would have given you guys a five star rating with that kind of a jump scare" Leo said as he took a deep breath while looking at the zombie trying to crawl his way through the floor towards him.

"Good thing I came alone or it would have been very embarrassing if they saw what happened here" Leo said gloomily as he walked over to the zombie before stomping its head into a pulp.

"It might have just turned, that's probably the reason why the navigation map didn't pick up on it earlier" Leo said in conclusion on why the this corpse that just turned into a zombie wasn't scanned by the navigation map when he just got here.

Leo then looked towards the other corpse, it was a mangled corpse of a man leaning on the wall wearing only beach shorts.

Leo took out his pistol and shot it in the head before heading towards the room, Leo tried to turn the doorknob but it was locked so he just slowly pushed the door until the spot of the doorframe where the lock was placed, broke and so he pushed the door open and then he walked inside and just stood there and scanned the place.

It was surprisingly a child's room, there was a bed in the middle, stuff toys scattered everywhere, a small cabinet in the corner and what is more surprisingly for Leo is that he saw an almost shrivelled body of a child lying quietly in the middle of the bed.

"Wait..don't tell me it's this thing?" Leo said as he walked over to the side of the bed and stared at the almost shrivelled body in the room after he finished looking around the room and discovered that there is no possible hiding places inside and only then did he realized that the "thing" he is looking for is the one lying on the bed all this time.

It was a body of a little girl around six to seven years of age. Her body is so thin that her bones are even visible right now from her skin.

Then Leo suddenly had a change of expression when he noticed that the clothes on the girl is softly moving up and down and then he bent over a bit and put his index finger on the girl's nose.

"This little "thing" is actually is still alive!?" Leo took a step and had a look of shock plastered on his face with his mouth forming an "O" shape.

"Haa! So that's the reason why it was blinking!" Leo clicked his fingers when he finally figured out why the dot was blinking then he suddenly realized that the little girl was probably already on the verge of death so he hurriedly took a potion out from his Inventory and then Leo carefully opened the girl's mouth and bit by bit poured over the contents of the potion into her mouth.

Leo then heaved a sigh of relief when he noticed the girl's body is slowly regaining her rosy color.

"Phew, I didn't expect to see something like this" Leo sighed as he leaned on the bed and then took out a walkie talkie and told his men to stand by and await further orders tomorrow before moving out.

He then closed his eyes and murmured, "Heh, it seems I will be sleeping here for the night"

After he said, Leo's stretch outside of the only window of the room towards the ground and the long awaited hooded Death Knight emerge from the shadows.

"Kill anyone with hostile intentions towards this place especially zombies and monsters but if you encounter humans..capture them and bring them to me" the voice of Leo rang within the Death Knight's head.

The Death Knight then just galloped towards the dark and gloomy forest and the once silent forest was destroyed by the galloping horse hooves and from small to big monsters all felt the domineering aura of a beast that just appeared around the house so they immediately escaped from the vicinity or surrounding of the house while the smaller beasts just hid within the crevices of the rocks or on the huge trees.


At a temporary camp two miles away from Leo's location.

There are currently a group of over two hundred people from kids, women to men just camping a hundred meters away from the main road with three campfires divided among them with vehicles encircling around them and there are at least twenty fire torches encircling the three campfires with two torches with a ten meter gap between them at the four directions of the camp.

A soldier stored back the walkie talkie from his hand and looked at the person who just arrived in front of him and said, "Sir, Boss told me that he won't be back until tomorrow morning and says you're in charge for the time being until he gets back to us".

Austin massaged his temples when he heard that as he wasn't expecting Leo to disappear again on them.

"Alright, that like we could anything about it" Austin said miserably.

The soldier in front of him just smiled bitterly at it as he and the others are already used to it as Leo would disappear from time to time within the week that they were with him but the person in front of him would always get stressed out everytime their leader disappears on them without warning.

"It's not like this was the first time that he went adventuring out on his own but why do I always get stressed out like this when he do this almost every time" Austin just sighed and resigned to his fate.

Clap! Clap!

"Alright! Listen up, you brats!" Austin clapped to get their attention.

"For the time being, I'll be in charge while the Boss is away! So Team One and Two would take the first for three hours! Team Three and Four would take over after….." Austin started delegating their task and after that, he immediately headed towards his own tent and just plopped his tired body inside and just went to s sleep till morning without any worries.

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