Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 170

Chapter 170: Disbelief!

The next day.

*Weooo~!* *Siren!*

"Everyone to battle stations! Move! Move! Move!" an Army Captain was yelling on top of his lungs as he gestured at the soldiers around him with his hands.

"To Battle Stations!"

"To Battle Stations!"

There are a lot of shouting and yelling around the camp as soldiers are running to and fro trying to get into their positions immediately while the civilians are preparing the needed ammunition for the incoming siege while the children are sent inside the former Main College Building where they could sneak a look at the battling soldiers later.

A Captain saw a dazed youth looking around as he immediately walked over and smacked the back of his,


"Move it, Private!"

The youth that was around 21 years old immediately turned back and saluted in stuttered tone, "Y-yes, Captain!"

Then he finally ran off towards the top of the wall while carrying an AK-47 in his hands.

Everyone is running around while carrying their things, some soldiers are carrying loads of ammunition boxes towards the top of the wall, while some are preparing the towed artilleries.

Everyone of them are feeling anxious and nervous as the tide of zombies are just a kilometer away from reaching them that they could even feel the ground weakly shaking from how many of them are gathered and slowly heading towards them.


A soldier near the western gate, loaded his M2 Machine Gun mounted on the wall and at the soldier's feet are ten ammunition boxes, full of bullets.

*Click* *Clack*

And then the soldier pulled the cocking handle and yelled, "Station 1 armed and ready!" and the same thing is happening to the other soldiers assigned to operate the mounted machine guns.

"Station 2 armed and ready!"

"Station 3 armed and ready!"

"Station 4 armed and ready!"

"Station 5 armed and ready!"


"Station 14 armed and ready!"

"Station 15 armed and ready, sir!"

And then from a corner, a group of thirty soldiers wearing Exo Suits and armed with their own Gatling Guns and on their backs are huge Zhanmadaos as they ran over towards the West Gate and the one leading them at the front was a person wearing a Red PROTECTOR-class Mjolnir Armor Suit and slowly following behind them are Shade, his two lioness and Kitty along with Black, Ham and Bacon with their own owners riding on their backs and those people are the three Captains who led the clean up of the city before.josei

Along that time, Leo could already see from his [Map] that the horde is almost upon them, as they had already started to spread out as the zombie horde or more likely,the Dark Seeker behind them plans to thoroughly surround Leo's base here.

*Rumble* *Rumble* *Rumble*

"On my command!" Leo's yell echoed through out the base as the horde is just seven hundred meters away from reaching them.

When the soldiers saw the sea of zombie that seemed to sweep aside all in its path, all the men on the defensive walls could not help but feel scared, nervous and anxious at the same time. The zombie horde was massive, and seemed to be never ending, and it brings with it a feeling that could swallow everything in its path as it slowly crept towards their direction.

Some are shaking in their boots but most of the soldiers are able to keep their feelings in check as they already had experienced their fair share of facing zombie hordes.

As they proceeded forward, the traps of that were built went to work as zombie after zombie fell into the trap. Then the ordinary zombies behind them also followed their footsteps and fell inside the traps and this continued on until each pitfall trap was filled to the brim with the bodies of zombies. Then the zombie horde behind will step on the corpses of the fallen to move across.

Unfortunately, the only zombies that fell for it are the ordinary ones, because the evolved zombies had slightly better instinct to avoid it.

About five thousand zombies were stuck in the in the now filled pitfall traps but the horde of zombies did not even falter or slowed down at all. The loss of five thousand zombies were quickly forgotten as the sea of zombies continued to surge forward.

Suddenly a shout echoed from the walled base.


*Ratatata!* *Ratatata!* *Ratatata!*




"Warrghh!" some of the zombies roared as they went full speed.

*Rumble!* *Rumble!* *Rumble!*

The Dark Seeker and Leo gave the order at the same time as the horde of zombies charge towards the walls and on the lead are [Charger] Zombies and at the other hand, bullets and the bombardment of artillery started wreaking havoc among the zombie ranks as blood, gore and scattered bone fragments flew everywhere.

"Charge! Don't stop! Overrun them and have a feast at them!" the Dark Seeker was screaming on top of his lungs as he commanded this horde of mindless zombies while standing over the top of a slightly protruding but fallen building, his eyes full of madness and hunger.

The horde had thoroughly spread out and surrounded all sides of Leo's base but even with that, they were met by a rain of bombardment and bullets as every unlucky zombies that were shot down never got up again, it was like the zombies were dominoes that are there to be just shot down and all of them were torn apart by hail of bullets!

There are also balls of fire raining down from above as it would explode upon contact with the ground, killing multiple zombies around it.

There are even zombies that would suddenly cut into pieces and if someone were watching the siege from the sky, then they would see people from on top of the walls conjuring balls of fire and hurling it towards the sky and others conjuring an almost invisible blade made from condensed wind as it would shoot forward and decapitate the zombies on its path.


"Focus on the [Chargers] and [The Big One]! Don't let them near the wall!" a lieutenant yelled as the rifle on his hand kept ejecting out empty bullet shells after bullet shells as the ground beneath the soldiers feet are full of scattered bullet shells.

Every direction of the wall are engaged in an intense defensive as the gunfire never ceased while multiple zombies tried to scale the ten meter high wall, only to be shot down!

At West Gate.

Leo without his helmet on are facing the thirty soldiers wearing exoskeleton suits and all of them are wearing solemn faces.

"You guys already know that our mission this time would be very dangerous and some of you might die but you guys should know that you are one of our most elite soldiers! So you guys are not allowed to die on me because I've already invested a lot on you people! The least you could do is not die out there!"

Hearing him, the soldiers chuckled as the tense expression on their faces at least eased up a bit.

"I won't say much but all you need to do is follow behind me and don't get left behind! If you ran out of bullets, then don't hesitate to use that huge a** weapon on you backs! All you gotta do is KILL, KILL, KILL !!!" Leo pulled out his huge heavy sword and raised it above and issued a war cry!

""Oahhh! KILL!!!""

The thirty elite soldiers also issued their own battle cry as they felt their boiling in excitement!

Then Leo turned around as his head immediately got covered by his helmet and he yelled, "Open the gates! We're late for our party!"

Soldiers lined up behind the gate as it slowly opened inside out and what greeted are a throng of zombies heading towards them.


But all of them were immediately shot down before they could even take a step forward passed the gate.


*Rumble* Rumble* Rumble*

Leo and thirty soldiers charge forward as the soldiers in front of them immediately stepped aside and the weapons in their hands rotated unceasingly as they made a path of carnage in front of them.

The tamed mutated beasts didn't pass through the gate but instead leapt over the wall while Black, Ham and Bacon along with their riders passed through the gate.

When Leo and the soldiers appeared on the battlefield, the soldiers on top of the wall behind them immediately changed their firing line to avoid friendly fire and started shooting at another direction.

"Battle Line!" Leo immediately yelled as the soldiers behind him immediately scattered and formed a single human wall of death in an arc formation and the mutated beasts, Kitty and the others started rampaging on the battlefield and Shade even started controlling three [The Big Ones] and made them attack their own! These mutated beast aren't afraid of getting hit by a bullet as their skins would just deflect it. They skillfully use their huge stature into their advantage as zombies would get sent flying, everytime they execute a charging attack.

While three Captains just stayed behind Leo and the others as all of them slowly advanced forward and the direction that they are heading to are actually towards where the Dark Seeker is, beyond enemy lines.

After Leo and the rest passed through the gate, the assault helicopters and the PELICAN with Alex piloting it, finally made their appearance as they took off in the air one by one and immediately provided air support which eased the pressure from the soldiers defending from the walls but even so, there are still a lot of zombies trying to scale the walls.

But after that, multiple HUMVEE and Main Battle Tanks suddenly made their appearance into the battlefield as the South Gate and West Gate opened up to let them pass through.

*Ratatatata!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

The tides of battle suddenly underwent a huge change as the horde of zombies suddenly started losing ground, as they slowly got pushed back that even the Strongest zombie [The Big One] was rendered useless in the battle field as they were always the first ones that got picked off and killed from the rest.

Even the [Hunters] known for their speed and the [Striker] known for their sudden ambushes have become useless. It was because Leo had made sure that every trained soldier is to learn the way to properly counter every kind of zombie, just like the HUMVEE, where the soldier that would mount the machine gun on top of it wouldn't get attack from behind and so, it was modified and had dome like armor around it where there are only enough space for the soldier to see his surroundings and enough room for the gun barrel to move around. The top of the HUMVEE literally became a turtle shell.

At another battlefield.

Leo and his men are still busy making their way through hordes of zombies.

"Reloading!" one of the soldiers yelled as he started reloading his last batch of ammo into his Gatling gun while one of the Captains riding on one of the boars, immediately provided him some cover. This is why they were brought with them, so that they could provide a little cover fire for the soldiers who are in the midst of reloading.


*Click* *Click* *Clack*



At the other side of the battlefield.

The Dark Seeker is looking furiously at his minions slowly getting pushed back.

"NO! NO! This is impossible! I understand that they would have guns with them but helicopters, tanks and even an artillery is an impossibility! Humans shouldn't have those! They shouldn't have weapons like those! Why!? Modern weapons like those should still be impossible to use!" the Dark Seeker gritted its teeth in anger and disbelief as he couldn't believe what it's witnessing right now!

If Leo was here and he heard what the Dark Seeker said, then he would probably be shocked too, because how come ,that this zombie knows that these weapons of mass destruction like assault helicopters and battle tanks couldn't or shouldn't be used after the beginning of the Apocalypse?

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