Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 190

Chapter 190: A New Journey (First Half)

Ten o'clock in the evening.

Leo snapped his eyes open, as his left hand formed a claw as it suddenly pounced towards a direction, but then it stopped because Leo realized that it just Derek who approached him, and that dude probably shat himself with all that shivering.

"'s just you" Leo sat up from the sofa, and then looked at Derek as he said, "Next time, don't do that or I might accidentally injure you"

" bad" Derek shakily stood up while laughing dryly, as he plopped himself at a nearby chair.

" you need anything?" Leo said as he yawned.

"Oh right..We already took matters into our hands and cooked some food and so I came to wake you up because it's already time to eat dinner even though its really late, and the people are waiting for you," Derek said after taking a breather from what happened earlier.

"Huh?" Leo was a bit dumbfounded, and then he looked at his wristwatch, that shows the time, 10:05 pm.

"You guys should have just eaten without me" Leo said as he stood up while yawning and stretching his body, and then he noticed that the M4 carbine he handed over to the gate guard earlier was already lying quietly at the small table in front of him.

"'s their custom here" Derek also stood up and said to him.

"That's a bullshit custom" Leo snorted as he started walking towards the front door, as Derek followed behind him, and at the same time, he still can't help but feel amazed that they are able to at least be friends or acquaintances with Leo.


Earlier, Outside of the house.

"Are we still not eating yet?" a child said to his mother.

"Shh...we need to wait for the new leader first before we can eat or we'll get punished, okay? Sorry, but just endure it a bit longer, please?" the woman said helplessly in her voice, as even her felt really hungry, what's more of her son.

"This is really a freaking weird rule!" Emily snorted on the side, as she was in disbelief just knowing that they have this kind of rule here, which she really thinks is stupid and that makes the survivors think they are some kind of slaves waiting for their master's permission to eat.

"Yeah, it just makes me sick just thinking about it! Imagine, what if that bastard Ashton actually slept throughout the whole night and would only wake up the next day!? These people would surely starve, especially the kids!" Ariel angrily said as he pounded the table in front of them, which immediately startled the other survivors around them.

Ariel immediately apologized to them when he realized what he just did.

"Yeah, what an arrogant asshole..good thing he's already dead" Emily scoffed, then she turned to the woman who she was talking to earlier back at the room where there were a lot of women, and her name is Angela.

"Angela, why did no one told us about these things? We could've help" Emily said to her in a low voice.

Angela shook her head and smiled bitterly, "What's the use of telling someone about it? It would've had just make matters worse if Ashton found out about it"

" have point" Ariel and Emily suddenly didn't know what to say, so they just talked about another subject instead.


Suddenly, the front door of the house, swung open with force as the man they had been waiting for walked out, followed by Derek.

The sound startled the survivors waiting in front of the mansion with tables and with the foods already prepared on top of it, so they looked over and saw Leo walking out, with Derek following behind him.

But Leo just stopped before the stairs and Derek even bumped on his back because he was looking down, which startled him.

"S-sorry" Derek said while holding his nose, while thinking 'Damn, it felt like I bumped into a steel block! His back was really hard, is he wearing an armor or something?'

Leo looked at the survivors in front of him, who are also...looking at him, and then he opened his mouth and said, "From now on, this rule or custom or whatever bullshit it's no more. So just eat dinner between seven pm or eight pm, you don't really need to wait for me. Now, eat and make sure nothing remains!" Leo said, sounding really annoyed, as he went back inside and slammed the door shut in their faces!

The survivors looked at each other with disbelief and shocked in their eyes, and then they suddenly started cheering in joy!


"Finally! I'm freaking starving!"

"All hail Boss Leo!"

""All Hail!""

After all those joyous cheers, they immediately started to dig in like ravenous wolves.

Derek and his friends looked at them dumbfounded, as he didn't expect them to be like this, so they just took some food, just enough to fill their bellies and separated from the main party as they went over to a grassy patch on the front yard of the house.

"Do they always eat like this?" Emily whispered to the group as she took a mouthful of bread and shove it inside her mouth.

"No, I think they were just excited. After all, they were even allowed to eat the food that was supposed to be only eaten by the boss, and before Boss Leo's arrival, they could only eat a handful of food and that's it, so they were always starved" suddenly, a voice of a man sounded behind Emily, which startled her as she jumped in shock and her fist flew towards the person standing behind her.

"Oi! That's dangerous, you bitch!" the man yelled angrily as his head moved the side, barely dodging her fist.

"F*ck off, old man!" Emily cursed at him before sitting back down again and went back to eating.


Inside the mansion.

Leo was talking with his two ladies through a hologram coming from a gadget attached to his forearm.

And from the hologram, you can see the images of Amanda and Michelle sitting on their beds with smiles on their faces as they chatted with Leo.

[ is your day there?] Amanda asked.

"It's annoying..they have this weird rule that they could only if their leader is present, which I say is absolutely stupid and annoying!" Leo said while tapping his fingers at the armchair of the sofa he is sitting on, currently he is inside a room that was just recently cleaned up and was never used before as he didn't want to use the rooms that were used by those bastards.

[What!? That's just f*cked up babe!] Michelle yelled at him from the screen.

'This's like she's a man trapped inside the body of a woman with a hot damn! Body!' Leo thought while shaking his head as he watched Michelle pulling out a pistol under her pillows and waving it around in front of the holographic screen.

"Hey, can you two believe this...that asshole actually forced ten women to sleep with him and turned them into his sex slaves, can you two believe that!? I know that this world is already f*cked up, but that is just one of*cked up person!" Leo gritted his teeth as he imagined the ordeal that those girls suffered through, as he can't help but think that he let Ashton die too easily!

And when they heard the full story, both women started shouting angrily.

[Beast!] Amanda yelled angrily, with flames of anger spewing from her eyes!

[He should be ashamed! What a monster! What a sorry excuse for a man!] Michelle tried to punch the screen, but her hand just went through.

[Did you give him the punishment he deserves though!?] Michelle angrily asked, she felt really angry thinking what her sisters went through! That she even had the urge to beat someone up!

"Yeah, I killed a flash" Leo grinned.

[Stupid! His death was too easy! You should've let those women torture him for their revenge!] Michelle gritted her teeth in anger, that she would have thrown the screen by now if it wasn't just a mere hologram.

[Michelle is right! His punishment was too light!] even Amanda chimed in angrily, as she puffed up her two watermelons!

"Babes! Chill! Remember that you two are pregnant! It's bad, too much stress, chill!" Leo said, as he tried to calm both of them down.

[Grr...shut up dumbass! Isn't it your fault that were like this by telling us stories like that!?] Michelle angrily snarled at him.

"Eh? Haha, my bad babe" Leo laughed, as he just realized that it was actually his own fault for sharing some fucked up story like that, where they should have been talking about things that are more light.. and not dark.

"Alright, why don't we go to sleep now and let's talk some more tomorrow?" Leo said, as he knows that it's already getting late, and mostly because he noticed a group of mutated zombies heading towards them.

[Alright] Michelle said.

[Sure babe, tomorrow then!] Amanda replied.

"I love you both!" Leo smiled widely at them.

[I love you too] Michelle smiled sweetly, a huge contrast from herself earlier.

[I love you babe!] Amanda waved at him while smiling.

[Bye~!!] Both girls sent him a flying kiss, and after that, the call was cut off.

"Oh well, it seems I have a bit of late night work for now"

Leo said, as he jumped up from the sofa and immediately headed towards the front door, and then he jumped off from the second floor, and landed on the first floor.josei

Exiting the house, Leo saw that the survivors are already gone and the front yard had already reverted back to its somewhat clean state before the dinner.

" least they cleaned after having a hearty meal" Leo muttered as he blended through the shadows while using [Ghost Steps] as he moved towards the direction of the wall where the group of mutated zombies is heading from.

Leo then pressed his back against the wall made of galvanized roof to avoid being spotted by the guards, after all, he didn't want to be seen going outside in the middle of the night.

That's when he suddenly heard two of the passing guards talking.

"Hey, what do you think about our new boss?" one of them said in a low voice.

"Our new boss? I don't know, I just hope that he would treat us better than that asshole Ashton" the other guy replied, "But at least we could now eat without following that stupid rule that Ashton instated, so I guess, the new boss is probably not that bad"

"Yeah, but we still can't be sure though. Right, what do you think will happen to Daryl and the others tomorrow?"

"I don't really care what happens to Negan, but I hope Daryl and the other two would be spared, after all, those three aren't that bad"

"Why don't we tell our boss about it then? Maybe he'll spare them?"

"Are you an idiot? We don't even know what kind of guy he is, so don't go and get yourself killed"

"'re right..wait, how about we asked the others to come with us instead? I'm pretty sure he won't kill us just because we wanted to tell him that Daryl and the other two aren't bad people"

"Grr...fine, we'll go ask Mitchell about it instead and see what he thinks, after all, he's the only close to Derek and his crew, and maybe they could help us too"

"Why didn't think about? That's a great idea mate!"

The two of them continued talking until they walked further away from where Leo is hiding at.

'It seems what Emily told me is true after all huh' Leo thought, as he already spared Daryl and the other two in his mind.

'I wonder what's the deal with this Negan guy that the survivors here hates him so much. Hmm..I guess I'll find out tomorrow, but for now I'll take care of those incoming pest' Leo thought as he saw that those pests are just three hundred meters away before they arrive here.


Leo jumped over the short wall and landed on the other side, and everything in front of him is pitch black, like he went back in time in the Middle Ages, where electricity still doesn't exist.

With his improved eyesight, he could only see ten meters in front of him and beyond that is all pitch black.

"Haist, I miss the moon sometimes" Leo muttered as he disappeared and appeared at another location, and this happened multiple times before he appeared at the path of the group of mutated zombies.


"Now, now, you guys can't get through here. This is a roadblock mates!" Leo grinned at the mutated zombies glaring in front of him, as his sword made its glorious appearance once again!


"Oi!! You freaking asshole! Can't you at least let me act cool once!" Leo cursed as he bent backwards like Neo in Matrix where he bent his body backwards to dodge those bullets, but in Leo's case, he was dodging that huge claws of the [Hunter] Zombie that suddenly pounced at him.

And while his back was bent backwards, Leo suddenly put some force on his feet as he flew backwards like a fastball from baseball.

Leo flew for at least fifteen meters before slowing down, as he took a couple of step backs before regaining his balance, while his sword slid off on the ground, cleaving the road apart.

So Leo immediately put on his night vision goggles, as he can't really fight them in the dark even with the help of his [Map] that constantly track their positions.

But the moment Leo put on the goggles, he was suddenly startled that mutated zombies in front of him suddenly blossomed into over a hundred from only a few earlier.

"Damn, so the zombies here prepare hunting in the dead of the night? Could they have become a bit smarter?" Leo muttered as he dodged left and right from the tentacle like tongue attacking towards him from different directions.


Leo suddenly threw his sword at the incoming [Charger] Zombie that was charging towards him, but it immediately came to an abrupt halt as it was suddenly thrown off backwards as a huge sword skewered it on the ground, immediately killing it.

So Leo pulled out another weapons from his [Inventory] and it was another…! It was just a regular long sword...damn, how embarrassing.

[Commercial Break]

[Narrator: Director! I want a raise! It's freaking hard work these days!]

[Director: Shut up, and get to work!]

[Narrator: Freaking asshole]

[Director: I can hear you!]

[Narrator: *middle finger* Screw you asshole!]


[Leo: So, you're the new narrator?]

[New Narrator: Yes! It's a great pleasure working with you!]

[Leo: Goodluck mate!]

[New Narrator: Thanks!]

[Director: 3...2...1...Action!]

[Back to the Story]

"Dammit! I can't take out the weapon I want with you guys constantly attacking me like this!" Leo cursed as he agilely dodged all the attacks coming after him.

Machete? Nope, Knife? Nope, What about a Machine Gun!? Freaking yes!

"Finally!" Leo almost felt like crying when finally pulled out a worthy weapons.

"Motherf*ckers! Now, face my wrath! Haha!" Leo laughed wildly as he cocked back the charging handle of the gun.


"Die! You piece of shits!" Leo was firing his machine gun while dodging backwards from left and right.

"Ahh! This was supposed to be an assasination! But you guys ruined it!" Leo cursed, he didn't care anymore, he just want to vent his frustration from being bullied!


"Stop running, you fucktards!"

"Die! Die! Die for me, you bastards!"

*Click* *Click* *Click*

Leo immediately reloaded it and continued his wild onslaught.

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