Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 192

Chapter 192: Death Cannon

"You bastards! So this how you want to repay me after I saved all of you!?" the man who Leo met on the road before, who is also the leader of the survivors living near the roadside, yelled angrily at the people surrounding him, all of them had malicious smiles on their faces.

"Hmmp! It's because you are too soft! Don't think that just because you have some supernatural abilities, doesn't mean you're invincible! I'm sure you're feeling the effects of the poison by now, right?" this youth, who was very aggressive to Leo before had already become a mutant by sheer luck, because he had accidentally eaten a [Mutation Crystal] they had found inside a zombie's head.

The man, who's known as Fin, laughed loudly with hysterical while holding his face, "Hahaha!"

"What the heck are you laughing at!?" the youth suddenly felt irritated as he felt that Fin's laughed, sounded like it was mocking them.

"Did you really think this little poison could kill me!?" Fin laughed, after all, his ability would cover both of his entire arms in flames, it would increase his punching power similar to that of a Tank cannon firing towards directly at you, and the most notable about mutants is that they have a high resistance towards most poison because of the in the change in their DNA when they underwent the mutation, the poison might cripple them for a few minutes but nothing that serious and the only exception would be them being infected by the Z-Virus, as even Leo doesn't have any resistance towards that kind of a virus.josei

"What fools you are! Now, I finally know those people who are opposed to me, I should be thanking you brat!" Fin snickered, as his arms started getting covered in flaming red flames.

"Impossible! That paralysis poison I gave you could even knock out three elephants! You're supposed to be feeling most of the effects by now! Especially when you were running away were stalling for time! Dammit!" the youth were shocked at first, but then his voice slowly turned from arrogance to horror as he finally realized what went wrong and his companions finally dawned on them that their so called "flawless plan" had just went down the drain, due to their naive thinking and arrogance.

"Finally realized it? Kakaka, you guys were too arrogant by playing around with me, you should've killed me immediately when body was slowly paralyzed earlier, but you guys were too arrogant to do that, thinking that I was already under your mercy. Pity, you guys were too arrogant to immediately kill me" Fin shook his head as he clenched his fists and slowly strode towards the youth.


They didn't know who yelled, but all of them immediately scattered in all directions as they ran away from there, leaving the youth to face Fin alone.

"Bastards! Get back here!" the youth angrily yelled at them.

"Useless bunch!"

Fin, who is watching, just shook his head, "It's over Victor, you have failed to kill me"

"Shut it, old man! Don't think that you're the only mutant here!" Victor's eyes had become red as his expression had turned into madness.


Victor's body slowly transformed, as his body was immediately covered in green like scales, behind him, a tail slowly grew, his head transformed into something like a lizard or some kind of a reptile, and two horns slowly grew from his forehead, with a length of one foot.

Victory transformed into something like a Draconian or Lizardman in fairytales.

"Fool, let's see if you can survive this!" Fin jumped backwards as he joined his fists together in front of him, as a ball of fire, the size of a basketball slowly materialized in front of him.

"Death Cannon!" Fin yelled with hysteria! He even had badass name for his ability!

The ball of fire immediately accelerated toward Victor, as the hastily crossed his arms in front of him, to resist the attack, but sadly for him, the moment that the Death Cannon made contact, his scales only resisted for only a few moments before it disintegrated, then his entire arms, then it collided against his chest, which slowly and directly burned him to death for at least ten seconds.


Victor's charred and armless body fell to the ground, dead.

"Haa~ Haa~ was fight me" Fin knelt in one kneeas he said those words in between breaths, and he looked really pale, as he was literally gasping for breath right now.

*Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!*

Suddenly, Fin heard someone clapping approaching from behind him, so he forced himself to immediately roll forward, but when he laid his eyes on the person clapping behind him, he was suddenly startled, as he was familiar with the man's face.

"It's you!" Fin yelled, as he suddenly grew vigilant, and his eyes started darting around his surroundings, trying to discern if there are others around him.

"Yep, it's me" Leo said smiling, as he leaned over on a tree, but the moment his shoulder connected the bark of the tree, his shoulder suddenly slid forward as he staggered forward.

"Uhum! Uhum! Now, where were we again?" Leo coughed twice, feeling embarrassed all of the sudden.

"Uhh..about why you're here?" even Fin was confused for a bit because of that, after all, Leo came here looking so serious and that blunder suddenly happened...even he would be embarrassed if that happened to him.

"Right..anyway, are you some kind of chuni or something? Shouting "Death Cannon!" like that, you do know that you're already a middle aged man, right?" Leo snickered at him, but Leo doesn't seem to realize that he's also like him sometimes, every time he uses [Primal Roar] or [Sword Quake].

"Wha!? I'm only 25, you asshole! And I didn't make up my mutant ability! It was called [Death Cannon] from the first place!" Fin yelled angrily at him as he activated his mutant ability, as he prepared himself for a fight.


This time, it was Leo's turn to be shocked.

" clearly look like a middle aged man!" Leo yelled and pointed at him, with trembling fingers.

"F*ck you! It's because my hair and beard had gotten longer! I haven't shave and gotten a haircut for months!" Fin started boiling from frustration and anger, as he really wants to bash this guy in front of him into a million pieces!

"Tsk! So unhygienic" Leo nonchalantly said while picking his nose.

"You! Ahhh! Die!" Fin screamed in anger as he joined his fists together, "[Death Cannon]!"

The basketball size fireball flew towards him with an unbelievable speed!

But Leo just looked at it with a nonchalantly look on his face, but then he raised his hand towards it and then he suddenly slid off backwards for a good thirty centimeters, and on his hand, is the fireball, that still kept spinning on his hand.

"Im-impossible!!!" Fin couldn't believe it! He couldn't believe that the bastard in front of him was able to catch his [Death Cannon] and on top of that, he did it barehanded!

"It's powerful alright!'s not enough to kill me!" Leo yelled as he threw it back like baseball player towards Fin.

"F*ck!" Fin cursed and with adrenaline coursing through him, he immediately jumped and rolled to the side, and then he forced himself to stand up while he picked up a rock from the ground, as he wobbled for a bit before regaining his balance, he's absolutely looking pale right now, that he looks like a dead a person that just got up from his coffin.

"Seriously, a rock? You're gonna fight me...with a rock?" Leo shook his head as he looked at Fin.

"Enough with these games, the reason I came all the way here to see you is to ask you if you want to join me? And if you agree, then you can bring your people with us. I already rescued over fifty survivors from the nearby town and they are already waiting for me back at the road" Leo immediately went straight to the point as he doesn't have a lot of time to waste playing with this guy.

"Just who the f*ck are you?" Fin didn't answer him but asked him the question that's been bothering him for quite a while.

Leo just grinned at him while he slowly walked towards him, and Fin, on the other hand as he took a couple of steps back as he gripped the football size rock on his hand tightly, causing it to slight crack.

"I'm Leo, the leader of the survivor base, Hope 101" Leo stopped just two meters away from Fin and properly introduce himself.

Fin looked at him as his eyes widened in surprise, "A-are you telling me that there is a proper survivor base out there and not just a camp!?"

Leo rolled his eyes at him, as he said, "Of what do you think? You need to make your decision right here, right now because the others and me need to immediately head back on the road"

Fin closed his eyes and thought for a bit, before he sighed and finally gave Leo a satisfying answer.

"Alright, I'll tell it to the others, but I can't guarantee that all of them will come, after all, you just saw what happened earlier here" Fin sighed as he threw the rock from this hand on the ground.

Leo just smiled and gestured him to go first, but they hadn't even taken more than ten steps, when Leo said suddenly asked him.

"You guys have cars...right?"

Fin stopped and looked back at him, before he slowly said, "Don't worry, we have two school bus, just enough for all of us"

An hour later, two school bus joined the convoy, and the people who betrayed Fin was either left behind or killed by him.

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