Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 194

Chapter 194: Mutant Hawk (Second Half)

After all, Nicole is really such a cute child, and which makes a lot of the adults to be fond of her but at the same time, it also invites jealousy from the other kids back in their survivor camp before.

"Hey! Stop doing that!" one of the nine year old kids who came from Fin's group glared at them, who are trying to make fun of Nicole.

"Shut up, we don't know you! This is none of your business!" one of the oldest kids glared at the boy.

His sudden involvement between the conflict of the younger kids, prompted the others kids from Fin's camp to join.

And little Nicole who's in between this storm of conflict is already on the verge of crying from the chaos happening around her.

"Shut it! You kids are being noisy over there!" one of the five soldiers looking after the kids angrily yelled at them, which made them all shut up and suddenly become scaredy cats.josei

One of the soldiers, who's been listening to them stood up and walked towards them.

"You know, once we arrived there. I suggest for you kids to obedient and not act like brats just like what you guys did here and even trying to bully this little child" he smiled at them as he chuckled while ruffling Nicole's hair.

And then he continued, "Because if you continue being a brat, there's even a more brat back at home who hates people bullies, and you don't want to anger him or else he'll smoke you kids, and turn you kids into medium well steak, because that kid is like me" the soldier snapped his fingers as flames dance around his fingers, he chuckled when he saw how terrified most of the kids are, especially those kids around twelve years as they clearly understand what he's trying to tell them but some of them are still arrogant and just scoffed at what the soldier said, and the younger ones on the other hand just looked around them with confusion in their eyes.

If Leo finds out that this soldier is actually threatening this kids by referencing Wen Wen, then he would probably spurt out some blood.

After all, Wen Wen is literally the definition of the word "brat" and no one could control him except his mother, Rachel, Wen Wen's sister Lea, Leo's two girlfriends and Alex.

If this were the Naruto world, then Leo would be the third hokage and Wen Wen would be Naruto, the troublemaker with a huge dream.

A girl around eleven or twelve years walked over to one of the soldiers, then she looked at her companions, gesturing for her to go on, but the girl just shook her head at them, it was because these soldiers are just too intimidating for kids their age.

'Go, ask him'

'Ask him'

Her friends mouthed to her while pointing at the soldiers.

"What do you want kid?" the soldier turned to the girl as he noticed her fidgeting around beside him.

The girl was at first startled, but then she tried to calm herself by taking deep breaths, then she turned to face the soldier as her eyes darted around, before saying, "" that kid you talked about really around the same as us?"

The soldier suddenly grinned at her, which made the latter uncomfortable, "Yes, he was younger than you though, uhmm..I think he was...Hey, how old is Wen Wen again?" the soldier asked the soldier sitting in front of him.

"He's only eight for the time being"

The soldier in front of him thought for a bit, and when he was just about to answer, when another soldier beat him to it, which made the former at that soldier.


Suddenly, three of the braver kids slowly walked over and asked with a bit of hesitation in their voices..

"Yes, he is" said the soldier sitting on the back, named Dixon.

"But is he really a mutant? A mutant who could use flames!?" one of the boys, as his shone with desire to become a mutant someday.

"Yes, he could, but he's not the only one, there are also other kids around your age who's like him" Dixon enthusiastically answered all their queries as his just one of those people who likes kids, while at the same time, he also remembered his experience of accidentally getting struck by lightning from Lea, and the other soldiers in the other hand just listened on the side and would sometimes reply to the questions of the kids.

"Really!? Does that mean we could also become like them!? After all, we are the same or around their age, right!?" suddenly one of the kids, resulting in that all of the kids immediately looked towards Dixon with eyes full of expectation.

"No" before Dixon could answer, a flat "No" suddenly sounded from the front, which immediately doused the children in their little fantasy, and when Dixon saw that it was their squad leader who answered, he just shut his mouth, but at the same time, he felt pity for the kids, because that single word "No" might have been sounded really harsh in their ears.

The kids hang their heads low in dejection as they went back to their seats in low spirits.

Dixon just shook his head bitterly, and then he turned towards his Squad Leader, "You were to harsh on them Squad Leader"

"Shut it, Dixon. Kids should learn that the world isn't the same anymore where there would always adult that would look after them. They're not like Wen Wen and the other kids back at the base who has parents or guardians who are mutants to look after them. So they need to be sensible when they get there" their squad leader slowly stood up from his seat while he said those words and faced the people inside the bus.

The squad leader, called Mason looked at the kids at the back of the bus, and said, "If you guys want to turn into mutants or become skilled soldiers like us, then isn't impossible to achieve"


"Oh my god, really sir!?"

The kids suddenly coming back to life, stirred in excitement when they heard what Mason said.

"B-but h-how do we do that, sir?" a kid, who is more sensible and somewhat shy asked nervously.

Mason then grinned widely at them, and he said with a chuckle, "Then you guys need to attend school when we get there~"


"School!? There's still school!? I hate going to school!"


"Not school!"

The kids suddenly shouting in frustration and horror at the thought of going back to school, because just when they thought that they were finally freed from the clutches of "school", they didn't expect that they would be once again be "captured" by the Demon King known as School!

"Kakaka! Deal with it kids! You need to go back and study at the School over there, like Wen Wen and other kids did" Mason started laughing when he saw the horror in their faces, but at the same time, he could also feel what they are going through as...he did also hate going to school when he was still a kid back then.

"T-then we have no choice but to go, right boys!?" the oldest kid among them suddenly yelled with excitement!

""You betcha we do!""

All the boys roared in excitement.

"We're also gonna attend school if that's the only way we'd get stronger, right Nicole?" on the other hand, the eldest girl among girls softly held Nicole's hands.

"Uhmm" Nicole nodded cutely as she clenched her hands towards her.

"Right girls!?"

""Yeah! W-we w-won't lose to the boys!""

The kids were causing so much ruckus that the adults occupying the other school bus at the very back of the convoy could even hear them.

"W-what happening over at the kids side? Why are they being so loud?" one of the parents suddenly grew worried.

"They're really loud, I wonder if the kids are doing fine over there"

"I hope they aren't making it difficult for your comrades over there"

"Don't worry about it, can't you hear that they are actually yelling in excitement?" one of the soldiers escorting them said.

"Eh? Really?"


*Ruckus* *Ruckus* *Ruckus*

"Shut up all of you! Get back into your seats!" Mason yelled at the kids angrily, as they are starting to get on his nerves with all the ruckus they are causing.

The kids immediately kept their mouths shut as they obediently sat in their chairs, but even then, they still can't help by excitedly talk to each other in murmurs.

"Don't be so hard on them, bro" Dixon told his brother Mason and laughed.

"Shut it, you!" Mason angrily glared at him.

"Heh~ that's why kids don't like you" Dixon snickered to the side.

"I like you uncle, don't worry" Nicole suddenly ran beside Mason, took one of his hands and said with a cute face.

"I..shaddup!" Dixon's immediately took his hand back and crossed his arms as his face suddenly became red like a tomato.

Nicole just smiled at him and immediately ran back to her seat.

"Ohh! Our Squad Leader actually got embarrassed! Haha!" one of the soldiers suddenly laughed, and the rest followed suit.

"Once we return, you guys need to run fifty laps around the training ground!" Mason glared at them as he coldly said.

"What!? No way!"

"Not fifty laps! The training ground is huge! We won't be able to finish even twenty laps or even ten!"

"Yeah sir! How about five laps instead? Fifty laps is too much!"


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