Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 205

Chapter 205: Here To Conquer You All

Leo could finally spotted a black dot in the distance, as it slowly grew larger and larger as it gets nearer towards him.

Until the aircraft is now hovering just near him, and it slowly landed at the spacious land beside him as a small billow of wind blew when it was just about to touch down on the ground.

And the troops walked out of the ship in two files and stood at attention before Leo.


The soldiers struck their chest with their fist as a salute.

"Good! You guys are finally here, but you wouldn't get any rest yet! We still have one more thing to do before you guys can have your beauty rest!" 

Leo laughed, as his eyes glinted with anticipation as he looked at the thirty elite soldiers in front of him, standing before him with disciplined manner.

"Board the ship and tell the pilots to follow me!" Leo said as he turned towards Captain Richards.

"Get in the ship soldiers!"

The soldiers immediately headed back inside the Pelican, as Captain Richards followed last.

Leo then turned around, as he also boarded [Winter] that has been sitting behind him the entire time.josei

[Welcome Back, Commander]

Gideo's voice immediately rang throughout the ship the moment Leo stepped inside. He then sat at the Commander's seat, and ordered, "Set course to Sanchez Mira, Gideon"

[Setting course to Sanchez Mira..Destination Confirmed]

Then the [Winter] softly buzzed as it slowly took off in the air, and flew with moderate speed towards their destination, so that the Pelican behind them could keep up with it.

And with that, two aircrafts that haven't been witnessed by all of mankind, flew towards an unsuspecting survivor camp full of survivors, living with hardship during this post apocalyptic era.


And Leo were right, there is really a huge survivor camp in the middle of the town Sanchez Mira, surrounded by walls made of different materials.

And in the south west part of a wall, a group of armed survivors, all of them armed with different kinds of weapons, like bows, wooden or metal spears, or they're just our former home tools like long butcher knives, or axes.

"Those soldiers were really arrogant when they came here, good thing the boss taught them a lesson!" a man with piercing in his nose and ears laughed with disdain in his eyes.

"You got that right, but we shouldn't still underestimate them, after all, they have more guns than ours and even though we have five power users on our side. We shouldn't still looked down at them, they are still soldiers after all, and with their increased in numbers and weapons, they have become even more of a threat!"

"You worry too much brother, they only have two power users with them, they wouldn't even last long against us! And don't forget that our group also had a share with those weapons!"

All of them started laughing as they made fun of the soldiers, while the only person who's able to see the bigger picture in their current situation can't help but shake his head towards.

The man who is around mid thirties walked to a corner and looked at the distance with a bitter smile on his face, and beyond the wall that they're standing on, is the former town of Sanchez Mira, buildings turned to rubble, burned down houses and buildings.

The place had literally became the image of a post apocalyptic town, and it was only something that we could only see in movies or dramas before, and now it became a reality for all of us.

"Huh? What the heck is that!?"

Someone suddenly shouted, that the attention of the others immediately towards that person, and they saw him pointing at something, they also turned towards the direction where their companion is pointing at.


All of them gasp in surprise and fear! After all, they just saw two unknown ships flying towards their direction!

"Aliens! Those are aliens! I've never seen an aircraft like that before! Sound the alarm quick!"

*Clang!* *Clang!* *Clang!*

Their group were not the only ones who spotted the two unknown ships flying towards them, as they also rang the warning bells in panic.

The ringing sounds of multiple ringing at the same time, rang through out the wall camped, as the survivors immediately descended into panic as they immediately hid inside their homes or inside the other buildings.

Armed survivors and soldiers immediately ran towards the wall, where they saw two unidentified flying ships hovering in the air just a few hundred meters away from them.

Some of them even thought that they were really aliens, as the largest one among the two does really look like one.

"What's happening!?"

"Move! Get out of the way!"

Two groups started yelling as they ascended the stairs towards the ramparts of the wall from two different set of stairs.

One of them is an old man and a young woman wearing military uniform and the other group is five people wearing civilian clothing, and both sides glared at each other with disdain in their eyes, except for the old military man, around early fifties as he just stared at the two ships floating in the air in front of them.

Inside [Winter].

"I told you we would show up with a bang!"

Leo being young, started laughing like an idiot, as he observed the look of disbelief and horror on the faces of the people looking at him from below.

And those soldiers who could hear through the intercom of the Pelican had dumbfounded expressions on their faces, as they can't help but finally remember that their leader is actually still a young man.

[Come on, let's go down!]

Then the Pelican slowly descended at the messy streets, while the [Winter] slowly hovered down and stopped just twenty meters from the ground.

*Thud!* *Thud!* *Thud!*

When they saw the soldiers disembarking from the Pelican, all of those who had good eyes, immediately narrowed their eyes.

"Those are certainly not ordinary soldiers"

"I've never seen ships like those, but I've not seen an armor like that!"

"Who told us that they were aliens!? They are clearly humans!"

"How do you know that they're humans when they're covered from head to toe!? Is it because you saw that they have one head, two arms and two legs!? If it's that, then you're an utter idiot!"

"F*ck you, you damn military dogs!"

The appearance of the Alpha Team surely caused a huge commotion on the wall, but the leaders at both side just ignored them, and they put their focus on the still hovering [Winter].

Then they finally saw a silhouette of a person jumping down the ship, while the ship above them slowly vanished like it went invisible.


Then a man in red armor dropped down on the ground.


But then Leo suddenly staggered forward, breaking the serious atmosphere, and the Alpha Team just looked at him dumbfounded.

After all, Leo didn't expect that the ground where one of his feet landed on would actually collapsed immediately, causing him to stagger.

"Damn! That was so anticlimactic!"

Leo cursed as he steadied himself from that embarrassing moment.

"Hello there"

"I am Leo and…"

"Here to conquer you all"

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