Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 890

Chapter 890

Chapter 890 Genuine Rivalry

What happened to Lin Mengwu was totally planned by Lin Mengya. As she remembered, Lin Mengwu had sent her a big gift before she married Long Tianyu.

That was why she gave her something back in return. Then Lin Mengya got even with her for the past event.

With the change of her mood, Lin Mengya also felt that her revenge was a little petty at that time.

The best way to deal with this kind of person was to crush her without any reservation.

But now, it was useful for her to keep this vicious and shameless mother and daughter alive.

“Of course not. Shangguan Qing married into our family with a purpose at that time. Now the Lin Family has been destroyed and I’m gone, too. Then the mother and daughter are useless as well. But no matter how useless they are, they can still help me. Send someone to help them and gain their trust.”

Lin Mengya lowered her eyes and said softly with a hint of coldness in her voice.

Her mother hid so well that everyone knew that she was a miracle-working doctor, but only a few people knew that she actually was the Lintian princess who had been missing for a long time.

Moreover, the Shangguan Family sent Shangguan Qing to their family by marriage just after her mother’s death. It was hard to say that they knew nothing about this secret.

Regardless of what happened to Long Tianyu and her after she returned this time, there was one thing that she knew very well.

She would definitely take revenge for her mother and her.

She would definitely make those who had schemed against her mother and her pay heavily.

This time, she would start with Shangguan Qing and Lin Mengwu! josei

“Yes, I’ll send someone. But there is another thing, do you know about it, Miss?”

Baiji asked tentatively. When she saw the slight change in Lin Mengya’s expression, she could not help but sigh in her heart.

It seemed that Miss had already known about it.

“Lin Mengya, Princess Yu, is no longer in the world. Even if I come back this time, I can’t admit who I am in public. So, there is nothing wrong with Prince Yu marrying someone else. Don’t worry about me.”

As a member of her family, Lin Mengya knew the temper of her families.

Whether she was doing some things right or wrong, her relatives would always support her from her back without any reservation.

On the way back to the Capital City, Qinghu’s men had already told her everything.

Half a month ago, Emperor Jin Yuan had announced the news to the world.

The Third Prince Long Tianyu, Prince Yu, was going to marry the daughter of the Feng Family.

The daughter of the Feng Family had quite a strong background. It was said that she came from an aristocratic family and was extremely beautiful.

When Long Tianyu lost his wife, he had made it clear that he would never marry anymore.

But Miss Feng really had something for her. She went to Prince Yu alone. No one knew what she did, but Prince Yu just agreed to this marriage in person.

Half a month ago, Miss Feng had arrived in the Capital City.

It was said that Emperor Jin Yuan was very happy with this daughter-in-law. He had also expanded Prince Yu’s Mansion twice for his value and favor to his new daughter-in-law.

And Prince Yu did attach more importance to Miss Feng. The courtyard she stayed in was personally guarded by Prince Yu’s people.

She had already enjoyed the honor before their marriage.

Even in this matter, it was much better than her, the former princess.

“But if the prince knew that you came back, he would be as happy as we are. Miss, can you really let go of the prince?”

Perhaps others didn’t know how good Long Tianyu was to Lin Mengya.

However, Baiji and the others, who had been staying with them every day, were very clear about the things between them.

Prince Yu was very cold to others, but he always smiled softly at Lin Mengya.

Prince Yu would never be too close with her Miss in front of others.

But, everyone in the Liuxin Courtyard could clearly see how attentive the Prince was to Miss.

Meanwhile, they also knew whether Lin Mengya loved Long Tianyu or not.

Now they obviously loved each other, but they were separated as well. Even she did not understand why.

“The relationship between him and me... is not as simple as you think. Silly girl, there are too many things between us. Our family. Our kingdom. None of these can make us easy. Therefore, there is nothing wrong to end up like this.”

Originally, she was angry and uneasy on her way back from Lieyun because she wanted to ask Long Tianyu for an explanation.

On the way, she didn’t have to deal with anything, so she had the time to think deeply about their relationship.

Perhaps she could be free of her fate and capture her love as she had imagined.

But after thinking about all these problems thoroughly, she found out there were a lot of things between Long Tianyu and her to deal with.

Although she had already had the awareness of bearing all of Long Tianyu’s responsibilities.

As the future emperor of a kingdom, could Long Tianyu also bear the unknown destiny with her?

Lin Mengya was not sure about this.

Because her fate was too odd and bumpy. Sometimes she felt loneliness was the fate of people like her.

“Perhaps I don’t understand what you mean, but I don’t think Prince Yu’s feelings for you have changed. Miss, the wedding will be five days later. Even if you don’t like Prince Yu anymore, you should also say goodbye to him, right?”

Baiji knew how stubborn and persistent her Miss was. She lowered her eyes to hide her worries.

“Will Miss really be part with the prince?”

If so, not only did she feel sorry for Miss, but she also felt deeply distressed for her.

“Let me see. Based on my current status, it won’t be easy for me to enter the Capital City. Besides, I have more important things to do. I will meet him sooner or later.”

Lin Mengya had her own plan. This time she would investigate the strange death of her mother.

She would not let go of anyone who was involved in.

Lin Mengya smiled gently and turned to look at Mrs. Tian who had a worried look on her face. It was not difficult for her to get revenge this time.

“Nanny Tian, you’re the maid who stayed with my mother for years. You’re one of her most trusted people. What else do you know about my mother’s death?”

Mrs. Tian was a little shocked on the heated brick bed.

Then, she tried to hide. However, her expression changed into a helpless look under Lin Mengya’s gentle but firm gaze.

She rubbed her thin but strong hands as if she was in a deep struggle.

Lin Mengya noticed that Mrs. Tian was in a dilemma. She straightened up, knelt down in front of Mrs. Tian, and held her hands.

“You are my wet nurse, but I am your own daughter in your heart. This is also the reason why my mother trust you to protect me and my brother. Now I have grown up, and I am stronger than my mother. So, nanny, you can tell me everything about what happened at that time. Do you really not care about our suffering of these years?”

Lin Mengya’s voice was very soft. But all these words as Mrs. Tian heard aroused great sorrow.

She raised her head kindly but sadly as well. She looked at the face in front of her which was very similar to the savor in her memory.

But this girl drank her milk and grew up under her protection.

Of course, she completely regarded Lin Mengya as her own daughter. Therefore, when Madam Qing was against her, she would rather leave with her son with nothing.

She didn’t want to give Madam Qing any excuse to hurt this poor and lovely girl who grew up with her breast milk and was like a daughter to her.

Not only had this beloved girl grown up, but she had also found them without any hesitation and given them a stable and rich life.

Mrs. Tian’s trembling hands touched her delicate small face.

The struggle in her heart had gradually come to an end.

“Nanny, do you know why I became a fool and disfigured at that time? Shangguan Qing did all of these. She wanted something from our family, so she plotted against me. She deceived me into going to a hidden place and personally poisoned me. If it weren’t for my mother’s good fate, I would have died long ago.”

Lin Mengya’s sorrowful complaint made Mrs. Tian no longer silent.

The accident, which happened when she was three years old, was indeed caused by Shangguan Qing who wanted to murder her out of jealousy.

But for some reason, her soul traveled through layers of space-time barriers and arrived in modern times, becoming a poor orphan.

It was also because of a coincidence that she returned to this space-time.

Perhaps, this was the opportunity that God had given her to avenge herself on the people who hurt her.

“That wicked woman... Forget it! I didn’t tell anyone about this because I didn’t want her to hurt you again. But now, you’re no longer what you used to be. Even if she set us up, it doesn’t matter. Mengya, your mother died a few days after you were born. It was not your fault. Shangguan Qing and the Empress are the murderers who conspired to poison your mother!”

Mrs. Tian’s words were full of hatred and unwillingness.

Madam was such a gentle and kind person. How could she be willing to die in the hands of that wicked woman?

She did all of these to protect her children and Master Lin.

Although she had already known about it, Lin Mengya subconsciously clenched her fists when she heard Mrs. Tian’s words.

“Just tell me what you know. No matter who owes the debt, I’ll get it back.”

Every word was loud and clear, and there was no smile on her beautiful face anymore.

There was coldness in her eyes. At that moment, this weak little woman burst out a sharp momentum.

Looking at the completely changed girl who was like a daughter to her, Mrs. Tian couldn’t help but feel gratified in her heart.

Her madam’s daughter, whom her madam had risked her life to give birth to, had become one of the most powerful people in the world.

If Madam knew about this, she would definitely be very proud!

“This was started from the time when Madam was pregnant with you for five months. At that time, Master Lin had to return to the barracks in advance due to the emergency at the border. Meanwhile, the young master was still young, and your mother also had you. Therefore, the wet nurse of the young master and I were all busy of looking after all of you.”

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