Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 786 - The Portrait and the Mark

Chapter 786 - The Portrait and the Mark

Chapter 786 The Portrait and the Mark

Lin Mengya did not doubt that the Eldest Prince had planted some spies in the imperial palace, but it was quite difficult to find them all out.

Nevertheless, since this palace maid had shown up, she would definitely make contact with the other spies.

It was impossible for the palace maid to perform her tasks without leaving any trace, and Lin Mengya believed the traces the palace maid left would definitely lead her to a lot of the other spies.

No matter if she could track down significant or insignificant spies, it was better than running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

Lin Mengya tried to breath steadily and not to show any signs of panic.

Fortunately, the empty courtyard, where she had almost been hypnotized last time, was not far away.

“I’ve brought her here. Get in,” the palace maid said respectfully in a voice as cold as that of her master.

Lin Mengya obediently walked into the courtyard that was as run-down as when she came last time.

She found it strange that although this place was inconspicuous, she had passed by it several times in the daytime and found it seemed to be uninhabited.

In order to avoid alerting the Eldest Prince, she had come here at other times.

However, she was puzzled by one thing.

This place was not far from the Fengyu Court or the Linqiu Pavilion, but why was it so secluded that even the Eldest Prince, who had always been cautious, dared to meet his men here. It could be seen that no one came to this courtyard both during the day and at night.

There were plenty of secrets in the imperial palace.

Seeing a white candle lit in the empty palace and giving out somewhat chilling light, Lin Mengya felt that her heart skipped a beat, but she still walked steadily into the palace.

Then she stopped in her tracks and looked blankly at the two figures shrouded in the candlelight.

The dual-pupiled man showed a mild smile as before, while Wanyan Jing showed the same cold face as last time.

“Where’s it?” The dual-pupiled man asked with a smile as he looked at her with a hint of disdain in his eyes, presumably taking Lin Mengya as just a tool.

Lin Mengya took out a few pages of paper from her sleeve and presented them with both hands.

She certainly could not tell them everything that had happened in the Fengyu Court.

Nevertheless, she could tell them a mixture of truth and falsehoods. At least, no one other than Madame Jingrou’s personal maids like Ningqiu and her could tell whether what she said was true.

Moreover, she made a chronological record of daily events with incoherent words.

In order to deceive them, she had done all she could.

The dual-pupiled man only glanced at the pages before handing them over to Wanyan Jing.

After taking a few quick glances over them, he fixed his eyes at Lin Mengya, which gave her goosebumps.

She involuntarily wondered if she had shown any slip.

“Where did Madame Jingrou go today?” As expected, he asked about this.

Lin Mengya involuntarily became extra careful.

“She went to the Xiannan Hall, then to the Linqiu Pavilion, and to His Majesty’s chamber at night,” Lin Mengya answered his question without being a smarty pants and saying anything unnecessary.

“She visited Xin Luan? What did they talk about?” The double-pupiled man asked anxiously, while Wanyan Jing maintained a cold face.

“Madame greeted Xin Luan and had a small talk with him,” Lin Mengya answered.

The atmosphere was chilling. She tried to act stiffly, but the two of them fixed their eyes on her.

In particular, she found the dual-pupil man’s eyes extremely strange.

Wanyan Jing didn’t say anything, only expressionlessly flipping through the two pages of paper she gave.

Meanwhile, as the dual-pupiled man fixed his eyes on her, he suddenly showed a strange look in his eyes.

“Take off your clothes,” he said.


Lin Mengya almost failed to control herself. Didn’t they want her to work as a spy for them? Why did the dual-pupiled man want to have sex with her?

Gritting her teeth secretly, Lin Mengya knew that if she disobeyed the order of the dual-pupiled man, her effort to pretend to be hypnotized would go to waste.

Nevertheless, if the dual-pupiled man really tried to have sex with her, she had to resist even at the cost of her life.

“It’s rare that you fall for a woman.” Unprecedentedly, Wanyan Jing raised his head and teased the dual-pupiled man.

However, the dual-pupiled man pointed at her face and spoke excitedly to Wanyan Jing, “Don’t you think that she looks remarkably like the woman in the portrait that person gave us?”

“Portrait?” Lin Mengya was composedly loosening her belt with her fingers.

Anyway, she was dressed in a few layers of clothing, so her slow motions would not arouse their suspicion.

Wanyan Jing seemed to think of something and also fixed his cold eyes on her. josei

At the moment, Lin Mengya’s hands trembled slightly as she loosened her belt.

“What on earth do the two of them mean?”

“She looks like the woman in the portrait indeed. Take off your clothes,” Wanyan Jing said.

Lin Mengya felt that she must have trembled, as she did not expect him to say that. It seemed that she would not be able to get away from this today.

She thought about how to get away while observing her surroundings.

However, she sadly found that the two men fixed their eyes on her and did not look away at all.

“Lechers! Perverts!” After cursing in her heart, she finally took off a layer of outer gauze clothes.

However, when she was taking off her underclothing with trembling hands, Wanyan Jing suddenly said, “Turn around.”

“What! He instructs me to turn around. What a special liking!”

Nevertheless, she would face the door after turning around, which would make it easy for her to escape.

She immediately did as told. Just when her clothes slipped from her shoulders and she was ready to rush out, a pair of big hands grabbed her clothes and forcibly took them off to her waist.

Lin Mengya cursed in her heart. Unexpectedly, the person did nothing but lift her underclothing and check her waist.

“There is no mark. It seems to be just a coincidence,” the dual-pupiled man said with undisguised disappointment.

“Well, if it is so easy to find her, he will not distribute her portraits all over the world. Stop. Put on your clothes and go back to the Fengyu Court.” Wanyan Jing, who seemed to hate seeing her half-naked very much, gave an order in a cold voice and left her alone.

Lin Mengya got tingles down her spine. Although she was a modern person and was just half-naked this time, she had a strong aversion to the attitude of Wanyan Jing and the dual-pupiled man.

She bore deep grudges against them, deciding that one day she would make them pay for what they had done once and for all.

“You will completely forget what happened tonight after returning.” Once again, Lin Mengya heard the befuddling voice that sounded suddenly near or far and instructed her to forget what had happened today.

When Lin Mengya followed the palace maid working in the greenhouse back, she couldn’t help cursing the two perverts with malicious words in her heart.

Nevertheless, she did not forget the information she took such a risk to get.

Someone was looking for a woman who looked like her with a mark on the waist.

With her pupils contracting slightly, she recalled the plum blossom mark on her waist.

Lin Mengya suppressed her eagerness and returned to the side chamber after finishing her acting as she did that day.

After the window was opened and closed, Baisu appeared in front of her in an instant.

“Take a look. Is there any mark on my waist?” After taking off her clothes, Lin Mengya whispered to Baisu.

Baisu took a few glances at her slender and snow-white waist before shaking her head in confusion.

She said, “No. What’s wrong, Miss?”

“No? That’s impossible.” Lin Mengya clearly remembered that she had a plum blossom mark on her waist.

Her two cousins had once mentioned that the plum blossom mark was proof of the identity as a member of their family.

But the mark on her waist was a unique one left by her mother.

“Can it be that the portrait they mentioned is meant for looking for me?”

But soon, Lin Mengya realized that something was wrong.

If the portrait was really meant for looking for her, they would not allow her to leave after checking her waist.

They only said that she looked like the woman in the portrait, and they could only tell if she was the woman in the portrait by checking the mark on her waist. Presumably, she did not look exactly like the woman in the portrait.

“What on earth is going on?”

“Nothing. I may have been over anxious. How are things with you? Did they discover you?” Lin Mengya asked, preoccupied by a tangle of doubts.

Fortunately, she knew that she would find the answer one day, so there was no need to rush.

Considering the palace maid should be highly skilled in martial arts, Lin Mengya was afraid that Baisu would get into danger if she was discovered.

“I’m fine. I just followed you from a distance without attracting any attention. By the way, the palace maid who led you out seems to work in the greenhouse, and she’s no less proficient in martial arts than me. Moreover, it’s strange that I failed to sense her internal breath. She presumably has practiced a breathing method like the Turtle Breathing Method. Otherwise, I would have detected her difference in the daytime,” Baisu said.

Baisu and Lin Mengya happened to share the same view. Of course, Lin Mengya had long been aware there were plenty of unnoticed talents in the imperial palace.

Nevertheless, she thought planting a top martial artist in the greenhouse to do a petty job was a waste of her talents.

“Can it be that Wanyan Jing has recruited so many talents?

“In any case, I cannot let this palace maid go so easily!”

She said, “Send someone to keep a close eye on this palace maid. We must pick up some clues by tracking her. Besides, don’t let her discover this, lest we alert the enemy.”

Baisu nodded, flew away and disappeared from Lin Mengya’s sight.

Lin Mengya was preoccupied by a multitude of thoughts. Changes ran faster than plans. It seemed that she should make some changes to the plan she had talked over with Xiaoyu on the way.

However, she must do something as soon as possible!

After having nightmares all night long, Lin Mengya, who felt drowsy, rubbed her head.

She hated those two bastards more than she imagined, so she used all kinds of methods to punish the two psychos for revenge in her dreams last night.

It was indeed gratifying, but she became a little muddle-headed after overusing her brain.

In a daze for a second, she realized that the noises from outside seemed to be made by the palace maids she organized to do morning exercises earlier.

Speaking of this, she had completely entrusted Ningqiu with the task of collecting gossip during the morning exercises.

Ningqiu did not let her down, as she stayed observant and alert without missing anything when listening to the other palace maids’ gossip.

Today was no exception. However, the noises made Lin Mengya’s head ache slightly.

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