Subdued Soul Chronicle

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

Of course, Zaha didn’t readily accept it.

But it would be better for him just to get angry since treating Seol Young like a madman wasn’t nice.

Seol Young pouted as he said,

“Shouldn’t you say that my idea was insane and end it there?”

“Then? Since there is no God of Cataclysm here, I will be the one to fill its place. If that isn’t crazy, then what is?”

“To say it is crazy like that. The conversation isn’t even over yet. Didn’t I tell you that you should listen to what people say until the end?”

Seol Young continued.

“To come to a world without the God of Cataclysm. It’s as if the prey that we have been chasing so hard just vanished right before us.”

“It is too strong for a prey, remember that.”

“But in a crisis, there is an opportunity. Even now, we need to take advantage of this. There should be one thing we shouldn’t forget. ‘Everything happens for a reason.’”

“In other words, there must be a reason why she doesn’t exist here. Is that what you meant to say? We had taken a look at the records earlier, and she just appeared once and no more.”

“Even I thought such a thing. But was the God of Cataclysm such an easy opponent? Rather than taking it down all at once, this would make more sense, ‘Someone is strongly preventing the evil spirit from resurrecting.’”

“So you want to try it out?”

“Right. If you use the demonic qi of the God of Cataclysm in a talisman and borrow it for a while, and if someone comes to kill me or someone even reacts a bit…”

Right when he said that…


With a mumbling sound, something rose.


Seol Young was so shocked that he froze, and Zaha was also flustered.

Someone picked up a cloth and held it up. It was a Hwarang.

“Myo Eun-rang.”

Zaha said to him.

“The same as ever.”

“Sorry, Governor. I was looking for a quiet place…”

Mo Eun greeted Zaha with a sleepy face, and then he turned to Seol Young.

“Seriously, Seol Young-rang. The things you asked yesterday are done.”

He put his hand inside his sleeve and handed him a small bottle with a handle.

“Now, here is the bottle you asked for. Add the powder, pour in some water, and turn this knob around, and it will mix on its own inside.”

“… Yes. Thank you.”

“It looks like the Governor is causing another disaster. Then do work hard, Aide.”

Myo Eun patted Seol Young on the back and went outside. After the door closed, Seol Young shrugged.

“It is strange. That person was here, but I couldn’t even hear his breathing!”

“It is because Myo Eun-rang learned a special sleeping technique. He is quite tired.”

“I see… He must have heard everything we said, right?”

“But he doesn’t know what or who the God of Cataclysm is, so he must have thought it was just an evil spirit.”

Zaha mumbled,

“This is such a peaceful world.”


Seol Young looked down at the bottle that Myo Eun had given him.

“Everyone seems to just take it for granted.”

“If it were the Sun and Moon troops, they would have caught you and tried to study you. They would never let you go.”

“Is that all?”

Seol Young’s face turned cold.

“Listening to what Myo Eun-rang said, it seems like everyone knows that the Governor is the one bullying the aide. Then…”

“Stop imagining useless things. We should handle the bottle first. Do not lose it and give it to its original owner.”


Anyway, he was right, so he put the bottle inside.

“But how far did we talk?”josei

Seol Young was thinking once again.

“Anyway, I am not saying I will do it right away. If we do our research and we don’t get a single clue from it, then there would be nothing else for us to know.”

“Fine. We can talk again after doing more work.”

Zaha copied and wrote down the damaged records of Mita.

“Anyway, the one who knows best about this matter is…”

“It has to be that person.”

Given the circumstances, they couldn’t cover things up. So the two of them headed for the shrine.

The Heavenly Pavilion Head had returned, and she seemed to be praying. However, when the Governor and his aide appeared, her eyes opened.

“What is it?”

Zaha straightforwardly told her,

“Since we have urgent work, let’s just pretend that I did something wrong and borrow some of your knowledge for now.”

“Governor, did you eat something wrong this morning?”

“Please, first, look at the paper that the Governor had brought. It is a record of this mysterious happening from the past, but it was so damaged that it cannot be figured out. Do you know anything about this?”

Seol Young said that as politely as he could.


Seeing that the attitude of the two was different from usual, she took the paper and read it.

Then she smiled.

“What do I say now? I was wondering what the two Gods of Cataclysms were doing in the secret library of the shrine.”

“We didn’t do it. At least not here.”

“Please don’t call us the Gods of Cataclysm.”

Both of them said that in unison. But she didn’t care, as if she wasn’t willing to listen.

“This is just one of the many that got buried in history. I didn’t know what it meant, but now I don’t know if there is anything that can be done about it.”

“In the end, you mean to say that even you don’t know.”

“You just made that simple statement so wordy.”

The two left that place without getting any results.

Then they went around looking for people in the palace, showing the record and asking about it, but everyone shook their heads.

“This is a first.”

“Well. There are so many records like this….”

They asked everyone, but nothing came out.

So Seol Young and Zaha went back to the archives. Making sure no one was sleeping there this time, they locked the door.

“I guess that is the only way.”

“Well, I guess so.”

“Are you saying you want to be the God of Cataclysm yourself?”

“Right. Because I am the one who has demonic qi.”

He was right.

It was better for Zaha to do it instead of Seol Young, who would have to borrow the power from a ghost. However, this man hated the God of Cataclysm.

If he dies, he dies, but it seemed like he would whine if something would happen, so Seol Young volunteered, but now….

“But then you have to do what I tell you. First, put on a skirt….”

“You know I won’t wear one, knowing my personality.”

“No. You don’t have to go that far, but after all, no one has seen the true face of the God of Cataclysm.”

“Did you just change your words because they didn’t seem interesting anymore?”

“Why would I?”

Seol Young turned around.

“Anyway, what kind of supernatural calamity should I cause?”

The sky outside was turning red, so they had to hurry.

“It would be good for us to use the ghost stories like the real God of Cataclysm. That way, it will stimulate fear and be effective.”

“Which ghost story?”

Zaha thought deeply.

“Before that, we have to set the conditions first. No life should be harmed, and no damage to any properties either.”

“Then I guess it would just end with shocking people. We have to pick people who have nothing to lose.”


Both Seol Young and Zaha knew a lot about ghost stories, and after narrowing down a few ghost stories, they decided on one,

It was a ghost story about a terrifying killer who could be seen at the Wolha Bridge on a moonlit night in Sorabeol City.

All that remained was to act it out.

“Let’s see.”

Seol Young looked outside.

After confirming that there were no Hwarangs outside, they left that place.

“If we want to hide your identity, what do we do with your clothes first?”

The two of them headed straight for the Heavenly Apparel Hall, which managed the arts and crafts of the royal palace. In the other world, it was the place where the incident with the monster mask took place.

When the two of them appeared there, the official asked,

“Governor, what are you both doing here?”

“We have this urgent night out, but I couldn’t prepare a suit. I need to borrow some clothes for that.”

“Ah, yes.”

Without suspecting them, the guard opened the warehouse door. The two first searched for the pile of monster masks.

“How about this?”

“I am not afraid to go too far. But we need to do it in moderation.”

After talking, they chose a monster mask with a blue face and four fangs. Then they packed two knives and one sword for the sword dance and shoved them into a bag.

After that, they changed into clothes for the ritual and put on a black robe on top of them.

“Thank you.”

“Please have a safe trip.”

And the two of them got out of the palace and moved to the bridge.

On the other side, there were several drinking houses. They looked around for their victim, and it wasn’t that hard to find one.

“Do not run! Come here!”

There was a prostitute in a drinking house who was being harassed, and she couldn’t even get a word out because the customer seemed to be rich.

‘Let’s take him.’

The two glanced at each other. After hiding and waiting, they finally came out.

Seol Young used an illusion spell by drawing letters in the air. Mist rose, and it turned into the back of a beautiful woman.


The drunk one staggered at the sight of this. His heart was moved by the sensual movement of the woman’s back, and he hurried after her.

“Where are you going alone at night? I can give you a fine night!”

When he reached the middle of the bridge, her form vanished. And a strange individual appeared on the other side.

It was a tall man.

However, since she was wearing a hat that only noble ladies used, her appearance was rather strange.


The guy took a closer look. Beyond the fluttering clothes, he could see the face of a blue monster mask.


Shocked, he stepped back, but the strange man was still standing there, and a black mist began to rise from his body.

A fog was slowly spreading over the bridge. After that, blurry-shaped figures gathered.


The guy’s legs gave out, and he fell down. The next moment, the strange, tall being drew its sword and attacked him.


The guy screamed and pushed his body b. It was only then that he remembered the ghost story about the bridge.

On a moonlit day, if one walked across the bridge alone, a terrifying devil would appear on the other side. If they couldn’t defeat him with a sword, they would die.

“Someone save me! Help me!”

The silver sword moved. On the side of his face, under his feet, above his head…

The guy felt like he was being killed hundreds of times. His pants were warming up, but the night wind cooled them down.

Then, suddenly, the whistling wind disappeared. The guy barely opened his eyes.

There was nothing there. The blade that flew as if it were cutting him, the black fog, and the blue-faced ghost too…

And then the guy hurriedly jumped up.

“Save me! I am being haunted! A ghost appeared!”

He screamed and ran away.

“Will this do?”

Zaha said as he took the mask off, and Seol Young nodded.

“Good job. I will do it a few more times later when things turn quiet.”

“What are you going to do until then?”

“There are a lot of things to do. Or go to the base and look for the next victim…”

“You are looking for an excuse to drink again.”

The two turned around, but then, something sharp came their way, and the wind flew.


Their eyes met.

“Isn’t this faster than we thought?”

Zaha’s long blade flashed.

The flying assassin’s dagger fell on the ground.

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