Summoned Again?

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: The Other Heroes

“Jesus Christ, would you two stop that!” Natalie 'Nat' Sampson spat at the other two heroes.

“Are you... kidding?” Angela Marie 'Angel' Davidson asked as she rode the only male that could keep up with her current strength and stamina. “We have... disease immunity... can't get pregnant unless... we choose to.” She said between moans. “It's like a dream come true!”

“Yes, okay. That is great.” Nat said and tried to not glare at the other woman. “You don't have to do it right in front of me!”

Angel laughed and stood up to her full six foot six height, completely naked. She had been the very beautiful woman with long blonde hair that Damon has seen when they had been summoned. She looked like a supermodel, even while naked and her hair a complete mess. With two swipes of her hands through her hair, it was perfect again and she snapped her fingers. The man sitting on the bed raised a hand and she was instantly cleaned from head to foot.

“There. Are you happy now? I didn't even get off this time.” Angel said and equipped her clothes and on her hips were two basic swords that she was allowed to carry in the castle.

“Uh... you had multiple orgasms.” Lionel said and stood up as he cast the same cleaning spell on himself. Being a cleric and a mage was an awesome class combination that gave him so many spell choices, even at low levels, that he was sometimes overwhelmed with what to cast first when doing battle training.

Lionel had short black hair and a clean cut look, slightly chubby cheeks, and was only five foot eight. He was pretty slim and could run like the wind, especially with the spell options he had. He equipped what he called a 'battle robe' over a set of very expensive shirt and pants. The robe was both armor and protection from spells and was the best equipment that the Kingdom of Man could offer.

“Shh! She couldn't tell.” Angel said with a smirk.

“You. Are. Hopeless!” Nat said and crossed her arms. “I'm not some ignorant schoolgirl, you know!”

“No, you're just uptight and can't stand that no one else around here is gay.” Angel said as she walked over to her. “It's okay, though. I'm more than willing to let you try to get me off.”

Nat glared at her. “That's not funny.”

Angel touched her shoulder and gave the much shorter woman a little shake. “Look, we are on another world. The Goddess herself told us that our own social views are not going to work here. Things are different, because the people are different.” She lightly brushed Nat's short brown hair with her fingers. “I sincerely believe that even if you found someone that was gay, they probably won't have any clue what that means.”

Nat wanted to argue, to say that it wasn't fair, and to get the beautiful woman that she was very jealous of to stop playing with her hair. Instead, she closed her eyes and let the woman groom her with that odd personal affectation spell that let her adjust her appearance for whatever fighting style she wanted. When Angel was done, Nat's hair looked professionally styled and was slightly wavy.

“You look pretty.” Angel whispered in a soft voice.

“I am still not going to go down on you, just because you're curious about what it feels like.” Nat said.

“I could have any of the women here do that.” Angel smiled. “They wouldn't appreciate it like you would.”

Nat opened her mouth to deny it, even though it was quite a nice one and she had seen it more times than she was comfortable with over the last two months. The problem she had was that there was usually a penis in it and that turned her right off. She saw Angel's teasing smile and huffed instead.

“If you ever change your mind.” Angel said with that bright photogenic smile she had.

“I can't believe that you really are a supermodel.” Nat said with a shake of her head.

“I can.” Lionel said. “I jerk off to her all the time.”

“Don't you mean used to?” Nat asked, slightly confused.

“If I meant that, I'd say that.” Lionel said and looked at Angel. “I hope you're not offended.”

“What? That even though we have sex as much as I want, you still think I'm so hot that you jerk off when you can't fuck me?” Angel asked and he nodded. “I think that's the best compliment anyone has ever given me.”

“Jesus Christ.” Nat said and rubbed her face. “I am so glad that it's almost time for our daily training session.”

“We were training.” Angel said. “Strength, recovery, resilience, reflexes, agility...”

Nat stared at her and wasn't sure what to say.

“You can have fun while training, you know.” Lionel said with a smile.

There was a knock on the door and Angel went over to open it.

“The King requests your austere presences in the throne room.” The court page said as he half-bowed. “Whenever it is convenient for you.”

Angel gave him that photogenic smile and the page looked stunned. “We were just heading out for training, so now is perfect.”

“Th-thank you.” The page said. “I'll... run ahead and... let the King know.” He stammered and then stumbled as he tried to run and his feet didn't work right. He kept looking back at her and she waved at him. He hit the edge of the wall and bounced off, turned around in a circle, then looked surprised. He stared at her for a moment, then his feet decided right then to work right and he took off.

“You really should turn down the Charisma when dealing with pages.” Lionel advised as the three of them left the room.

“But it's so much fun!” Angel said. “Who could have guessed that my skills as a supermodel would translate over so well? I can literally stun people if I'm not careful!”

“That's what Lionel was warning you about.” Nat said.

“I didn't knock him senseless.” Angel said and Nat glared at her. “Not completely.”

Lionel had to laugh at her. “I'm very glad you are on our side.”

“Who told you that?” Angel said sternly, then she couldn't hold the expression and burst out laughing. “I couldn't keep a straight face! I couldn't!”

“You're a supermodel! Shouldn't you know how to lie?” Nat asked.

“My family are very honest people.” Angel said.

They fell silent when they approached the throne room. They were announced and ushered inside, to see that instead of just the King and his advisers like normal, there was a huge contingent of people gathered together. High ranked officials, lords, ladies, research people, and more assistants and scribes than any of them had ever seen before.

“Thank you for coming on such short notice, Goddess Jasindia's chosen heroes.” The King said. “We received this missive this morning and it only just cleared through security.”

The three heroes walked over and the group spread apart to reveal a small table and on it was a transcribed message. The three of them were surprised when they saw that it was addressed to them.

“What is it?” Angela asked, rather than trying to read the small print.

“It's a long and quite complicated note from the fourth chosen hero.” One of the researchers said. “I'm actually a little amazed that he even bothered to check in with the research station, to be honest.”

“Why is that?” Nat asked.

“You've told us what happened to him and how the goddess tossed him into the restricted area before even warning him about the dangers.” The man said. “I'm surprised he survived without her protection.”

“He might be changed as well.” One of the others said. “His original note was treated as any others we've received from the other side of the wall.”

“Wow, really?” Nat asked. “I wonder what he became if he's infected?”

“It could literally be anything, especially since you are not from this world.” The head researcher said. “I can only imagine the horrors that your people encounter on a world like yours.”

The three heroes stayed silent and didn't enlighten them to the truth.

“What does the note say?” Angel asked and hoped that saying it differently would get her the answer she wanted.

“It's a detailed list of the research he's done, the infection spread rates he's going to track over the countryside, and the route he plans to take to try and look for the fabled source of the infection.”

“We need to send a message to him right away.” Lionel said. “We have to tell him to wait for us.”

“I agree.” Nat said. “We've been training for two months already. We've almost tapped out the people here and their knowledge.”

“We need to leave as soon as possible.” Angel said. “He can't have gotten too far...”

“There's no need to be hasty.” The King said.

“We don't want to waste time, your highness.” Lionel said and looked at the other two heroes. “We need to gather our things and supplies for the journey. We might be able to catch him if we hurry.”

“This message took a week to get here.” The King said and he saw the surprise on their faces. “I know you are used to quicker travelling than that; but, it takes a fast horse a week to get to the wall.”

“With rests, food, and watering along the way.” One of the researchers said. “You can't run a horse into exhaustion.”

Nat let out a sigh. “That means if we left right now, he'll have a two week head start on us.”

“Which is why I said there was no need to be hasty.” The King said. “Prepare properly and gather supplies for an extended stay in the forbidden lands.” He cautioned them “You should also be prepared to never come back here.”

“Unless we have the cure. We know.” Lionel said.

“Going over the wall has always been a one way journey.” The head researcher said. “Divine protection or not, you will not be allowed back. The same with everything you own and carry. Nothing from that side is allowed on this side. The danger of infection is much too great.”

“Even with the cure?” Lionel asked, surprised.

The head researcher laughed. “What would we do with the cure on this side of the wall? Stare at it?”

Lionel's mouth dropped open in surprise and Nat reached over and closed it for him.

“We didn't think of that.” Nat said.

“Regardless, all will be provided. See the steward and he will coordinate with the supervisor of the supplies. We will give you everything you need to complete this mission.” The King said. “If I don't see you again before you leave, please have a safe and prosperous journey, and may the Goddess' light shine on you all.”

“Thank you, your highness.” Angel, Nat, and Lionel said as one and gave him bows.josei

The gathering broke up and the heroes were each given copies of the note for their own use, if they wanted to read it, and they left the throne room.

“We're still leaving as soon as possible, right?” Nat asked and the other two nodded.

“My point still stands.” Lionel said. “The sooner we leave, the sooner we can catch up to him.”

“Let's head over to the steward right now.” Angel said and gave them pointed looks. “Have you been expanding your capacity as much as possible?”

“I have a headache nearly every night.” Nat said.

“I asked about storage, not sex.” Angel joked and Nat blushed. “You're really cute, you know.”

“No matter how many times you compliment me, I'm still not going down on you.” Nat said.

Angel laughed softly and the three of them made their way through the castle to where the steward's office was. They needed to get a lot of supplies to survive in the wilderness, not counting the week's journey to the wall. That they could store on the horses they were going to borrow.

The three of them had become fast friends over the last two months, even with all the training. They felt a little odd, though. They knew they were missing someone and in the backs of their minds, they were missing something important and couldn't quite place what it was.

Goddess Jasindia didn't tell them that it was synergy. They needed all four of them together to unlock their true potentials. Their level progression and skill gains would be exponential with their fourth member present and working together as a group, since they were summoned together and their group was designed for it. There was no point telling them, though. They were separated at the moment and the knowledge didn't help them.

When they finally reunited and felt the connection with their last member, they would discover by sheer instinct what the truth was. There was always a reason that heroes were summoned in sets of fours and always in pairs of two men and two women.

It was by Divine Law.

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