Summoner: Monster Girl Harem!

Chapter 224 48

Chapter 224 48: Leviathan!

Vincent didn't want to fight these women but couldn't let Ravena fight them alone; anger and frustration built up inside after taking a powerful blow from the woman, his dragon body floating into the air, swatting the knights away with his tail.

He wanted to stop Ravena from fighting, but the moment his maw released a bellowing roar, there was a deep howl from the east; before he could even turn his head, something smashed into Vincent's body, sending his body crashing into a huge mountain just a few thousand metres from the small town, causing him to feel panic.

'Fuck!? What happened!' He yelled out in pain as he felt his scales ripped apart by the sharp rocks in his body.

"Oi oi! What is that thing!" Amira's voice sounded as she looked at the strange flying creature that assaulted the black dragon she had fun with.

"I don't know, but its aura is thick... and feels disgusting to even look at," Verda said quietly, looking at the dragon and wondering if they might attack the wrong creature.

"Brother!!!!" A distorted and twisted voice sounded from the huge beast, two large wings, and countless tentacles coming from beneath her body; the creature's body was like a dragon, but considerably different with her dark purple fleshy scales that oozed a dark and potent vapour.

The human warriors below her body instantly began to melt, their armour into piles of liquid steel, flesh and blood, now a filthy pool of goo and stringy meat.


A huge pair of greatswords slammed into the leviathan's body, silver sparks spraying from the clash, marking the leviathan's scales, the force sending it rolling several metres before its tentacles began to centre its body, snapping its eyes towards the two women with a vicious face.

"Ahhhhh!" It screamed an intangible language, and only Vincent was able to hear a normal voice; his body burst forward, grabbing Ravena in his claws before flapping his wings with all the power in his huge body and blasting into the distance, ignoring the battle, the fight his entire body used to protect Ravena from any harm as they flew for almost ten minutes, now in the far east, landing on a huge mountain.

'No monsters in 10 miles; the tip of the mountain is safe... good!'

"Ravena... rest here.... drink my blood!" His voice was extremely loud despite his whispering, Ravena's blurry conscience only following his orders as if by instinct she put her lips to one of his bloody scales along the flesh of his claw, sucking on the thick and delicious nectar as it began to fill her body with a burning sensation.

Her eyes glowing for a moment before slowly falling into a slumber, the nutrients and power in a dragon's blood too much for her body and causing her to fall into a light coma.

A dull red glow surrounded Ravena's body; the dragon's aura would keep monsters and creatures away for at least several hours.

'Rest here.... don't be so reckless..."

Vincent looked at her for several moments before the frantic screaming of that strange leviathan-like creature sounded; the sky became filled with torrents of wind, forming cyclones and storms from her intense rage.

"I have to head back..."

Meanwhile, the Lazarus knights were struggling; this creature's power was on par with the high-class monsters that Verda used to deal with when younger with her hunting party.

"Fuck, this damn fish is too annoying!" Amira snapped, her silver armour now broken and filled with small wounds along her flesh.

"Well, I'm not going to let you take her alive," Verda said, throwing her sword to the ground and drawing her spear, the black shaft and silver blade shimmering as she stood beside the wounded Amira, her beautiful tanned skin free from any damage. Still, her breathing was a little rough, now watching the creature with narrow and focused eyes.

"We can do this together."

"Yeah, we can," Amira said, drawing her reserve sword.

The women circled the beast, each attacking with a strike or two. Still, the creature was too fast, dodging every attack easily before launching a wave of tentacles at them, which Amira easily dodged while Verda barely managed to block the attack.

"Dammit!" Amira cursed as the tentacles tore through her leather armour, leaving deep gashes in her flesh. Still, the woman ignored the pain and threw herself against the tentacle, using her momentum to slice off a few of the appendages.

The creature screeched in pain and anger, and her sword snapped from the strange acidic fluid that oozed out, flying into the air.

"This is ridiculous, her huge body and now acidic blood? Oi, you lot, don't just stand scared; fight or throw me a weapon!" Amira scolded the female knights, who were slightly terrified by the creature tearing apart 30 males in seconds like they were bread or a piece of paper.

"Oi, oi! Don't worry; we'll help!" One of the women called out, tossing her sword to the ground and drawing her sword.

"Good, come on then!"

Verda and Amira charged at the creature, cutting off more tentacles and slicing off the ones that reached their flesh. The creature screeched again, and a massive wave of water came from her mouth, like a beam, washing over the three women, sending them flying backwards.

It continued forward and sliced two unlucky female knights in half, the blood and guts spraying onto their fell knights, causing morale to waver, Amira's body shuddering as she lost two precious sisters to this weird sea snake.

"Disgusting wretches! Don't keep me from meeting, brother! Die! Die! Die!" Mammon howled in daemonic, causing the weak-willed knights to cover their ears from the shrill shriek, her body lifting into the air, two fish-like wings fluttering as her serpentine neck looked down on the specks of women now below her.

"Wanting to fight me? Hahahahaha!"

Her scaled wings began to flap slowly, hovering as a powerful suction began to fill the entire area, her mouth opening wide as a swirl of silvery blue light began to form, at first a mere tiny ball, as the very air was sucked into the energy ball, it grew larger and larger, growing until it was a sphere of pure energy, a giant ball of magical power that was now aimed at the women.

"What the fuck is that!?" One of the knights screamed, her sword shaking wildly; the orb was larger than a small hill, bubbling with violent and powerful blue energy.

The loud crackling caused the knight to slowly back away, the long blue tail of the leviathan swaying as her golden eyes narrowed, pulling her neck back, lifting it ready to fire upon the woman.

"Fuck! Evade... run! Defensive magic, whatever the fuck you have, use it or die!" Arima shouted, digging a sword into the ground, her lips moving as she muttered demonic words, a dark purple barrier forming as huge black wings formed from her back, the sword creaking and shuddering from the pressure inside the hard ground.

"Get behind me, you idiots!"

The ground cracked with the creation of her barrier, purple mana swirling in the air.

A brilliant barrier about 3 metres tall and 6 metres wide covered her body and the several knights that rushed behind her, some casting their barriers to supplement Amira's barrier.

At the same time, Verda stood just in front of that barrier, holding a strange blue sword with a curve like the crescent moon, her face filled with a calm, serene expression.

"I will stop the brunt of its attack, be prepared when my body fails, Amira," Verda said without looking back, her muscles bulging as the huge maw of the leviathan began to lower, the aura and pressure doubling each moment her face lowered.

"Can you hold it?"

"I can, but--"

"Then do your best," Amira said, turning her head to see what was happening, the other women standing behind her.

"Don't worry; we're all right."

"I'm sorry, I should have been stronger..."

"Nonsense, you did well enough," Amira said, placing her hand on a knight's shoulder, the young woman nodding. "You need to be more careful next time."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Now, focus on defending us."

The leviathan's mouth opened wide, and the orb of magical energy shot out, hitting the barrier and exploding in a flash of bright light, sending the women flying backwards and into the air despite blocking the blow, the women shaking as the very ground beneath them cracked and trembled from the power of the beam.

'This is too insane.... fucking worst luck.'

Amira's body was enveloped in the brilliant blue light, her sword growing a luminescent blue as if protecting her from the blast, but not completely as her arms began to bleed, small cuts rapidly growing along her body.josei

"Brace!!!" The screaming howl of the blue light drowned out Amira's voice.

As her entire vision and world was swallowed by a stunning white light.

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