Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 1320 - Chaos Eye

Chapter 1320 - Chaos Eye

Chapter 1320

: Chaos Eye

Along with the emergence of this scarlet eye, the atmosphere of the entire battle changed dramatically. Even though it was just an eyeball, at a glance, it made one feel as if one were above an incredibly small chessboard and being looked down upon by a giant. It definitely didn’t feel good. Not only did Icy Snow and Bubble realize that something was wrong, but the soldiers and players also felt that terrible things were about to happen.

Under the gaze of the scarlet eye, the sky and land changed in color as though they were smeared in a layer of red blood. As far as the eye could see, everything was drenched in a red that left one dazed and nauseous. Not only that, but under the illumination of the red brilliance, the Chaos creatures also grew larger like inflated balloons. Meanwhile, the soldiers and players on Icy Snow’s side seemingly lost their courage all of a sudden and even became dispirited.

“Hmph. What the hell is that!”

Bubble and Icy Snow had followed Rhode into battle for many years in the game, so they had encountered all sorts of situations. And now, upon witnessing this strange scene, Bubble let out a cold snort. She stretched out her right arm, drew a circle in midair in a swift motion, and clapped her palms together. And along with this action, a pure white aura suddenly expanded in all directions with her in the middle. In the blink of an eye, the white aura shrouded the entire front. The soldiers who were enveloped by the aura were stunned. But soon, they felt the nauseousness that struck them earlier receding instantly. Not only that, but their spirits were also seemingly lifted by a cool, refreshing breeze, and they felt even more courageous. At that moment, they even had the courage to gaze at and battle the endless stream of Chaos creatures!

“This thing sure is spooky. I’m gonna check it out!”

After casting a spiritual spell to banish the effects of that scarlet eyeball, Bubble stared at the scarlet eyeball with an unkind expression. She was aware that something wasn’t right. Based on her personality, when she encountered something so strange, she would definitely want to check things out for a bit.

On the other hand, Icy Snow frowned upon hearing her remarks. Icy Snow knew that the scarlet eyeball was precisely the Chaos Eye and that it had appeared in the past and even spoken to Rhode. Back then, Icy Snow and Bubble were also present, so they knew that the Chaos Eye definitely wasn’t an ordinary foe.

However, not even the king could stop Bubble when her curiosity took over. Besides, they didn’t have any experience dealing with the Chaos Eye in the past. As a player, Bubble was more inclined to fight first and talk later, while Icy Snow was apparently more cautious than that.

They were warned by Rhode to be careful of these strange existences and Bubble naturally disregarded his warnings. Icy Snow obeyed all his words and now, upon seeing the Chaos Eye not only appearing before them, but also launching an attack, she felt like something must be wrong. At that moment, upon seeing Bubble planning to charge ahead with her fists, she reached out and pulled her back hurriedly.

“Wait, Bubble! Big Brother said we must be careful when dealing with the Chaos Eye! We must act cautiously!”

Upon hearing Icy Snow’s dissuasion, Bubble curled her lips in disdain.

“Why should we wait? That fella is already at our doorstep! Are you sure you can defend the place by waiting?”


Facing Bubble’s words, Icy Snow was taken aback. At that moment, her ‘space’ ability had enveloped the entire battlefield, so even though she saw that the soldiers were enfolded in the safety of Bubble’s halo under the scarlet brilliance, the Chaos creatures had become much stronger and also rammed into the walls in droves. Although players were around to assist and they were able to defend against Chaos for now, the Chaos creatures seemed much more dangerous now and harder to resist.

“Should we ask Big Brother first...”

“Where are you gonna find the time to do that! Go and ask if you want to! I’ll take care of that stupid eyeball first!”

At that moment, Bubble was clearly disinterested in listening to Icy Snow’s words any further. She shook off Icy Snow’s hand and flew across the sky like a meteor in a dazzling white trajectory, heading straight for the huge, scarlet eyeball in the distant sky. Upon witnessing this scene, Icy Snow became increasingly anxious. And while she called out to Rhode through the spiritual communication, she stared at Bubble uneasily.

No matter how powerful Icy Snow was, she was just an archer, after all, who was inferior in close combat. That was why Bubble could cast a buff on herself and turn into a solid tank, while Icy Snow could only stand in the back and watch helplessly.

Although Bubble was reckless, she wasn’t a fool, after all. She had prepared herself well before charging at the scarlet eyeball. A radiance as blinding as the sun’s erupted from her body and metamorphosed into a light barrier that expanded in all directions, making her presence and attributes of the ‘holy maiden’ known to everyone. Along with the extension of the light barrier, the Chaos creatures were forcibly separated to both sides after ramming into a seemingly transparent wall. The Chaos creatures that couldn’t evade in time were swept into the light barrier and shredded into minced meat as if they entered a giant meat grinder.

At that moment, the scarlet eyeball seemed to sense Bubble’s hostility as well. It turned around and stared at the meteor of light that flew toward it. Before one realized what it did, the scarlet brilliance that originally enveloped the entire battlefield suddenly coalesced into a huge light beam that shot toward Bubble!

“I dare you!”

Looking at the light beam, Bubble rejoiced instead of growing angry. She hovered in midair and clenched her right fist. Along with this action, the white radiance before her coalesced into an elegant ritual circle that spun constantly. Shortly after, along with her snarl, she thrust her right fist forward!


With this attack from Bubble, a blinding meteor beam comparable to the blood-red light beam exploded from the ritual circle, shooting straight at the blood-red beam ahead. In the blink of an eye, everyone present witnessed the beams of red and white clashing with each other. At the next moment, a deafening explosion swept the entire battlefield.


Mighty winds blustered and everyone felt their eardrums trembling as though they were covered and could no longer hear anything. Not only that, but strong gales also struck their bodies mercilessly. For a moment, they couldn’t even stand firmly on their feet. But luckily for them, Bubble wasn’t the only cleric present. Upon realizing the situation, a woman donned in a white cleric robe frowned, swung her right arm up in midair, and threw it to the side. Soon after, a barrier flickering in a shining, golden light appeared out of thin air and shielded everyone from the wild storm.

Bubble and the Chaos Eye were in the middle of the messy battlefield now. The devastation of the two colliding light beams was comparable to that of an exploding nuclear bomb. As far as the eye could see, billows of black smoke and filthy dust rose into the sky, while the ground had fissured in ripples. On the other hand, the Chaos creatures were also swept entirely into the explosion. They weren’t that lucky to have the help of players to protect them. Just the aftermath of the clash alone was enough to turn them into powder. Bubble had gone all-out, so in an instant, the whole battlefield trembled in the battle between her and the Chaos Eye.

“Bubble! You idiot!”

Icy Snow cried out in displeasure upon seeing Bubble going head-to-head with the Chaos Eye. Icy Snow was also one of the top players, so she naturally understood the power of Chaos. A contest of strength against Chaos was the most unwise decision for a player. It was especially so when the other party was also the Chaos Eye: a high-level existence of Chaos, according to Rhode.

The power of Chaos must be endless, while Bubble had limited power as a player. Without the need to look, one knew that Bubble’s spiritual power was declining rapidly at that moment. Even if she held on, how long could she last? One day? Two days? A year? Two years? Was it even possible?

At this thought, Icy Snow was so anxious that she couldn’t even bother to contact Rhode again. Instead, she stared at Bubble with wide eyes and uncertainty. The look of worry in those dark pupils was unmistakable.

It turned out just as she feared. A few moments later, the white light beam that erupted from Bubble couldn’t withstand the impact of the red light beam and got pushed back gradually. Looking at this scene, Icy Snow was both furious and nervous. But unfortunately, she couldn’t offer much help now. Although there were other players on the defensive line, in terms of strength, not many of them could compare to Bubble.

As Rhode’s personal cleric, Bubble wasn’t a slouch either. It went to show how extraordinarily powerful she was for being able to hang around in Starlight, which was full of elites and had no one capable of shaking her position. Even players of the same level as her were rarely able to compete against her. The fact that she was now able to fight against the Chaos Eye was also a proof of her strength. Of course, a cleric like Bubble who played offense and reached great heights was peculiar, to begin with.

And it was at that moment that Bubble could no longer confront her opponent head-on. The white glow in her hands was being gradually engulfed by the red light beam, leaving only the root of her attack to barely support her. However, anyone could tell that if she continued to hold on this way, it would only be a matter of time before she was completely devoured by the red light beam.

However, Bubble was Bubble, after all. Back then, she had never been afraid, even when she was besieged by so many players in the Dragon Soul Continent, be it in the game and forum, so how was it possible for her to fear a huge eyeball now? At that critical moment, she flipped her hands around and along with this action, a white light beam erupted from the ground all of a sudden and formed a straight barrier that rushed into the heavens. The barrier of light that extended to the sky stopped the red light beam from encroaching. Soon after, Bubble turned around and retreated swiftly!

However, the Chaos Eye wasn’t an easy opponent to deal with either. As soon as it saw Bubble attempting to flee, it squinted. And along with this action, the red light beam coalesced and turned narrower. In just the blink of an eye, it pierced through Bubble’s barrier of light and swept toward her. josei

Upon realizing that she couldn’t avoid the red light beam, Bubble gnashed her teeth and cast several spiritual spells to envelop her body, providing layer upon layer of protection. It was apparent that she knew it was too late to dodge this attack. In that case, she might as well resist it!

And looking at this scene, Icy Snow’s heart grew heavier. Although she and Bubble quarreled whenever they met, there was a saying that went ‘the one who knew you best would always be your enemy’. At the sight of Bubble deciding to resist the enemy’s attack, one could tell that she was so ruthless and determined to inflict pain on the enemy even if it meant her death. At that moment, Icy Snow couldn’t wait any longer. She stared at Bubble, and no one noticed two clock hands-like radiance in her eyes. At the next moment, the clock hands glinting in her eyes ticked all of a sudden.


“Come if you dare! Scum!”

Staring at the red light beam, Bubble wasn’t terrified in the slightest. On the contrary, she was like a vicious wolf with red eyes, glaring at the red light beam that was coming for her. The white spiritual radiance on her body shone ever brighter. She knew earlier that she couldn’t escape in time the moment the Chaos Eye shattered her barrier.

However, she was ruthless in nature; she was tough on others and tougher on herself. She was the one who spent time chasing down and repeatedly killing a guy for simply saying something rude to her, so much so that she made him delete his gaming account. In this dangerous situation, rather than making her stand back, it aroused her fierce nature instead.

In the face of a life-threatening attack, not only did she not think of running away, but she also cast several spiritual spells that raised her defense and could reflect some of the attack. This way, even if she were dead after being struck by the red light beam, she could still inflict some damage to the Chaos Eye. This was her belief: to return the favor to those who wanted her dead!

However, the moment the red light beam was about to devour Bubble, a petite figure appeared before her all of a sudden.

“You...! Are you sick of living already? You idiot...!”

Although it was only a quick glimpse, Bubble instantly recognized who stood in front of her. She was baffled as soon as she saw her. She reached out her hand instinctively and tried to cast a protection barrier on the other party. But at that moment, the other young lady had already extended her arm and grabbed hers.

At the next moment, everything turned upside down.

When Bubble returned to her senses, she was above the city wall again. Looking at this scene, she was stunned. She sprang up to her feet hurriedly and glared fiercely to the side.

“No one asked you for help. You...”

But before Bubble finished her sentence, she was shocked to see that Icy Snow was standing on a nearby tower, raising her longbow, and aiming at the scarlet eyeball. The clock hands in her eyes ticked once again.


At the next moment, the red light beam broke through Bubble’s light barrier, whistling as it devoured the air and slammed heavily onto the battleground. However, its original target had already left that place. Not only that, but the moment this red light beam landed, Icy Snow also suddenly released her right hand. Then, Bubble witnessed the white jade longbow’s string tremble violently. In an instant, the space centered around Icy Snow rippled like a pool of water.

Agonizing bellows echoed.

The Chaos Eye that had emitted the red light beam slammed itself shut and writhed in agony. With Bubble’s capability, it was naturally easy for her to see tainted blood flowing out of the tightly closed slit of the Chaos Eye and dripping onto the ground like raindrops. Immediately after, the large eye twisted and disappeared into the darkness. And along with the disappearance of the Chaos Eye, the strange atmosphere that had previously enveloped the battlefield vanished as well.


But at that moment, Bubble saw Icy Snow fall head first off the tower roof, seemingly losing all consciousness and rolling down the eaves. At the sight of the young lady about to plunge into the ground from the tall tower, Bubble darted over in a flash, stretched out her arms, and made a hand-grabbing motion at Icy Snow.

In the blink of an eye, several bands of light emanated all of a sudden in the shape of a huge hand, seized Icy Snow, and brought her to the safety of the side. Then, Bubble extended her arms and cast another spiritual spell that shrouded Icy Snow entirely. Upon sensing the brilliance of the spiritual spell, the pale Icy Snow let out a groan and opened her eyes slowly.

Bubble heaved a sigh of relief after seeing Icy Snow coming back to her senses. But shortly after, she knitted her brows and glared in displeasure at Icy Snow.

“Really! You haven’t mastered your skills yet?! Aren’t you afraid that Leader will scold you for that?”

Upon hearing Bubble’s grumbles, Icy Snow also stared in anger.

“If you weren’t that reckless, would I even have done that?!”

The two young ladies stared at each other before looking away quickly.


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