Super Card System

Chapter 436

Chapter 436: Zoro’s Encounter

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The Straw Hat Pirates’ ship set sail, following the canal that runs through Alabasta. They planned to disembark along the inland coast and then cross the desert to reach the capital city, Alubarna.

Nami leaned against the ship’s rail, her chin resting on her hand as she gazed wistfully in the direction they had just left. “What’s on your mind, Nami?” Vivi asked as she approached.

“What are you thinking about?”

Nami let out a sigh. “I was just thinking, what if I had joined up with Ian and become his navigator when I first met him? I wonder where I’d be now…”

Vivi’s azure hair billowed in the sea breeze as she looked at Nami sympathetically. “Do you want to go back?”

“No!” Nami shook her head, then turned to watch Luffy and Usopp playfully roughhousing on the deck. She grinned and said, “If I had left, these idiots probably wouldn’t even know how to steer the ship.”

Vivi chuckled in agreement. “You’re definitely an indispensable part of this crew.”

“After spending so much time with these troublesome idiots, it’s actually kind of nice,” Nami said with a smile.

As Nami and Vivi talked, Sanji made his way over to them with refreshing drinks in hand. After receiving their thanks, he spun around joyfully and headed off.

“Hey, Vivi!” Zoro approached them with an envelope in his hand, which looked stuffed.

“Is there a place in Alubarna that sells weapons?” he asked Vivi.

“Of course, there is!” Vivi replied. “What do you need exactly?”

“I need to buy two new swords,” Zoro said gloomily. “Ian broke two of mine.”

Nami heard this and immediately became displeased. She poked Zoro’s head and said, “I just lent you money to buy those swords back in Loguetown, and now you want to buy new ones? Are you that weak? Why did your brother break them in the first place?”

Zoro felt even more frustrated after hearing Nami’s words.

Getting angrier by the minute, Nami exclaimed, “If you want to buy a sword, don’t come to me. I don’t have any more money to lend you!”

Zoro retorted in irritation, “I don’t need your money. I have my own!”

“Hmm?” Nami looked at the envelope in Zoro’s hand with confusion. She sniffed twice and then snatched it from Zoro’s hand.

“Hey! Give it back!” Zoro cried out, trying to take it back.

But Nami had already quickly looked inside the envelope, and sure enough, it was a thick stack of Berry bills!

Swish! Nami flicked the stack of cash with her hand, and her eyes widened. She stood tall with her hands on her hips and asked Zoro, “At least five million Berry! When did you become so rich!? Is this your secret savings?”

“No!” Zoro cried out. “Ian gave it to me before our departure. He said it was compensation for the ones he shattered!”

Nami and Vivi looked at each other and couldn’t help but smile. Despite breaking Zoro’s swords, Ian still remembered to leave him money to buy new ones. It seems he really is a good big brother…

“Hmph! I’ll keep this money safe for you! When we get to Alubarna, I’ll give it back!” Nami said to Zoro. “If you hold onto it, you’ll probably just spend it all on alcohol again!”

Zoro had a reputation for being a heavy drinker, and Nami had already learned about his habits during their travels. She wasn’t going to let him spend all “their” money on booze, that was for sure.

Of course, Zoro wouldn’t stand for it and tried to get the money back, but when he kept insisting on getting “their” money back, it only made Nami more furious. She swung her head forward and smashed him with a headbutt, leaving him with a big knot on his forehead and no choice but to give up.

As she looked at Zoro sulking away, Nami happily counted the money in the envelope, and they were indeed an exact 5 million. Nami suddenly had a realization. “I didn’t realize Ian was so wealthy, was he carrying around several million Berries like it’s nothing.”

That amount of money was more than enough for Zoro to buy himself two decent swords.

“That’s not surprising at all!” Vivi nodded on the side. “According to what I heard from Igaram, when Ian-sama was invited to become one of the Shichibukai, he demanded 10 billion Berries from the World Nobles as tribute. The World Government initially wanted to keep it secret, but it has spread throughout the allied countries. Many countries are dissatisfied with it because the tribute given to the World Nobles comes from the allied countries’ funds.”

Vivi talked about the incident with Ian’s demand for tribute, but she did not see Nami’s eyes light up with Belly’s symbol.

“Ten… 10 billion Berries!?” Nami clasped her hands together and rested her cheek on them, looking dreamy and infatuated. “Wait, so you’re telling me that Ian is a billionaire?”

“Yes…yes, he is!” Vivi answered, seeing Nami’s reaction, a cold sweat dropped from her forehead.

“Ah!!!” Nami raised her hands and shouted, “Why god why! If I had known this earlier, I would have followed Ian-sama!”

Her outburst was met with confusion from the rest of the crew. Luffy, in particular, scratched his head then dug his little finger in his nose and asked, “Nami, why do you want to follow Ian?”

Nami glared at him. “Shut up, you bunch of poor idiot pirates! Don’t talk to me!” she snapped out of the blue.

After saying that, Nami hung her head despondently and leaned against the railing, saying weakly, “ugh! Why did a gorgeous and talented young woman like me end up with such a group of losers as her companions…”

“Oh…Ha ha!” Princess Vivi could only nervously chuckle at Nami’s statement, uncertain of how to respond.

Although she knew that Nami was just talking, and she might not actually leave the Straw Hat Pirates to find Ian, she had still witnessed Nami’s position on this ship: she was like a queen!josei

However, when Zoro mentioned buying new swords earlier, Vivi suddenly remembered something.

Alabasta is an ancient kingdom with countless treasures passed down through the ages. Vivi remembered one time when she snuck into the Royal Treasury to play, she saw a very beautiful sword.

That sword, according to her father the king, was a famous one, and it was one of the 12 Supreme Grade Swords, called something like “Izumi Kanesada”.

If they could save their country this time, then she would beg her father to give that sword to Zoro, their brave warrior.

However, the only regret was that the Shichibukai, Ian, seemed to have important things to do. Otherwise, maybe they could ask him for help by offering some of Alabasta’s treasures as payment. She didn’t know if that would be enough to persuade him to lend a hand…



As fate would have it, Ian – who had remained in Nanohana- suddenly sneezed, unaware of the distant conversation taking place.

“Strange! Am I catching a cold?” Ian rubbed his nose in confusion. “That can’t be right, I’ve been feeling perfectly fine ever since I arrived to this world! Or, is someone talking about me?…”

After seeing off the Straw Hat Pirates, Ian and his group decided to stay in the city for more time, but Reiju and Robin wanted to go shopping, so they split up.

Ace, on the other hand, stayed on the ship. He was hungry again, and Matthew was in charge of making him food, while preparing an extra meal for Doroni.

As for Ian, he strolled alone on the streets of Nanohana Flower City out of boredom.

However, Ian hadn’t been walking for long when suddenly a person approached him, with their entire body wrapped in a cloth. The person brushed past him, and Ian initially didn’t pay much attention because that was the common dress in desert countries. But as the person passed by him, Ian noticed that they had slipped something into his hand.

Not wanting to arouse suspicion, Ian waited until he reached a secluded alleyway before opening his hand to see what the person had given him.

It was a small note with some writing on it.

Ian immediately understood that the person was a member of the Revolutionary Army who was delivering some valuable intel!

He quickly opened the note and saw that it contained only one line.

“Blackbeard Pirates are located! They will arrive at the port tomorrow!”

After reading the note, Ian clenched his fist in excitement.

Finally, the time has come!

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